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2 artikelen van Neonrevolt:


[[Clintons / Soros ]] killbox?


Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Boy, have I got a Q update for you! Let me first pick up where I left off last time. After the IG report was released, the House Judiciary Committee started demanding the unredacted documents. They set a deadline for Wednesday (yesterday) for Rod Rosenstein to disclose the documents and if he refuses to do so the HJC will move for impeachment. Looks like Rod will be impeached by Congress, so POTUS won't have to fire him! Once Rosenstein goes, POTUS can then appoint anyone he chooses to replace him on a temporary basis without Senate confirmation.

There's another interesting Rod Rosenstein angle which I don't want to keep from you. Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee made a stupid mistake during the House Judiciary Committee public hearings earlier this week. She actually stated that she knew Rosenstein would be fired on Friday. How did she know? It wasn't in the Q posts and both the mainstream and alternative media didn't mention this anywhere. Also, is it true? The Q team set a trap: they deliberately leaked this disinfo and SJL went with it, meaning she can now be exposed for the fraud she really is.

Q also points to her ring, which is a triangle within a triangle, a well-known symbol for...pedophilia. All of these dirty politicians have seen their net worth skyrocket way beyond their normal salary and SJL is no different. Think of how much money can be made from child sex trafficking. Remember the Podesta email that mentions Obama ordering 65,000 dollars worth of "hot dogs" into the White House? No amount of actual hot dogs is worth $65,000, plus outside food is not even allowed in the WH to begin with. It doesn't make sense, until you realize that "hot dog" is actually pedo code, just like "pizza", "pasta", "cheese" and "walnut sauce". These terms all appear multiple times in the Podesta emails.

SJL is not the only person who screwed up in public. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin made the mistake of mentioning that Trump uses two i-Phones, one for tweeting and one for making calls. This is not public knowledge either. How did he know? Most likely, this is how Trump leaked the disinfo about Rosenstein's firing on Friday - he left one phone open for hacking while the other one is hermetically sealed. These folks are being tricked into revealing information to the public which they believe to be accurate when in fact they're walking right into a trap. And that's not all: they're in such a panic right now that these cowards are turning against each other, sometimes publicly but mostly behind the scenes by becoming cooperating witnesses. A growing number of rank-and-file FBI agents are now also willing to testify about the corruption within their agency. Things are fast coming to a head!

Keep in mind that higher-ups within the Democratic Party (as well as RINOs - Republicans In Name Only) were put on notice as far back as November 2017. Hillary even tried to cut a deal, which was refused by the Q team. Remember when late last year she was wearing a boot, and so did John McCain and some other people? That was to hide an ankle monitor. Hillary was recently photographed in New Zealand wearing a thick coat and scarf and with some kind of lumpy device on her back. They allowed Hillary, McCain and others to travel wherever they wished, so they could monitor their actions as they are in serious damage control mode. Obama traveled to every country Trump visited, either beforehand or afterwards, to ensure the deep-state players that everything was gong ahead as planned. Except it wasn't - North Korea is now free from deep-state ties and Iran will follow soon. Obama even tried calling Kim Jong Un ahead of last week's summit, but Kim's no longer using his Chinese ZTE but an i-Phone instead and he changed his number.

What this means is that there's no escape for these folks and they know it. They can either choose to play ball and try to save their dirty hides or go down in flames. Many are now 'jumping ship', as Q calls it. It remains to be seen what Theresa May will do, as well as other prominent figures in Europe, the US and elsewhere. Knowing all this, you can see they desperately needed a distraction. Enter the MSM, who all of a sudden have discovered that immigrant children are being separated from their "parents" at the Mexican border when they ILLEGALLY try to enter the US. The pics and footage they used actually date back to 2014 when Obama was running the show. So how come they had these images all along but never reported on it back then? Wouldn't want to taint the reputation of our brownskinned God Emperor, now would we? So now they're pinning it all on Trump. But Trump acted swiftly and signed an Executive Order putting a stop to these practices. They're going to have to come up with some new talking points soon, and Trump will end these as quickly as they come up as well, thus completely exhausting the media until they have no other option than to report on the widespread corruption within the FBI and DOJ. There really is no way out of this. According to Q, a false flag has been averted as well, but of course they will keep trying as their desperation grows.

The MSM would prefer to keep the whole Q thing quiet, but more and more they're finding themselves in the position where they are forced to bring attention to this ever-growing movement. Enter Vice with this how-to guide to QAnon:

It won't wash, they're too late.

Mike @ 01:13:00

@ 1:13:00 David Wilcock on Jimmy Church Fade To Black radio show about Trump's announcement of the space force, sealed indictments and disclosure.

@ 1:51:00 Corey Goode about Trump's announcement of the space force and disclosure of secret triangle aircraft (partial vs full disclosure)

@ 2:07:00 Emery Smith about Trump's announcement of the space force.

In begin van de radio show heeft Jimmy het over een leuk (prijzig) speelgoedje:


Goed stuk! Ik post het op de Qeurope ( en QNL ( (shameless plug).

En je bent zeker nog niet genomineerd voor het NEXT rijtje :-)
Deel II van Thomas Williams

Met name geplaatst voor qanon-europe

en Draco liefhebbers.

Ik ken Ronald Bernard initieel van Bombard's body language: (zie positie 10)

daar kwam hij voor mij wel geloofwaardig over.

Het meest recente wat ik gezien heb van hem is op International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) waar hij vertelt over zijn criminele leven en zijn valse handel op de valuta markt.

Het fragment van Bombard komt uit deze serie:


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