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It's true
Q is a psyop
We have known this from the beginning
Q told us it was so
We learned about counterintelligence
About when mockingbirds sing
And Q warned that the drops contained disinfo
A clear psyop
Only weak minds fear a psyop
Those who have awakened
Know how to see truth in the midst of lies
Know how to find patterns in the midst of chaos
See the beauty in a pile of horsehit as a beatiful flower sprouts from it
We do not fear psyops
We embrace them.
Here on QResearch
We are the psyop
All us, me and

Like a dangerous animal backed into a corner. It knows it won't get out alive so it fights hard. It won't go down easily or quietly. This is war. Gotta fight harder. Look at what our job is in this. We already know what that is and Q has reminded us. Others have reminded us, too. There are people around us who are asleep. Unaware. They have no clue what's been going on all this time. We have to help them wake up and get informed. Everyone we know. Everyone deserves truth. Some will become hostile and attack or ridicule. Some will refuse to look at anything; refuse to think. The choice, to know, will be up to each person individually. Not all will choose to see. Red-pill everyone you know. Brush off the attacks you may receive. Helping people to wake up is a huge job. Put yourself in their shoes. Wake them up with kindness. Ask them questions to get them thinking. Don't unload too much at once. Use the Q drops to help guide you with red-pilling. Talk to anyone and everyone. Many may see your posts or hear your words and start to think about it later on. (You) all have a huge impact on people around you. (You) have already done more than (You) know. Focus. Keep going.

They're calling Q fake because they think there is an "original Q" and a new one since the whole drama in the other board. Now they've been fooled into talking to someone claiming to be Q and they're taking the bait lol

There is still great value in what we have here if we realize that Q IS NOT NEEDED!
We are Q and we are about 3 million by some estimates.
SO….what do we want to do with this vehicle?
Let current fake ass Q CIA take it from us?
Or take this car and drive it somewhere it needs to go?

Remember Q did say; "When you learn who is talking to you on this board, you gonna be surprised":

mQ-Ultra: Kunnen wij met collectieve positieve gedachten een stille storm aanwakkeren?

Velen hebben al wel eens gehoord van de geheime MK-Ultra mind control programma's van de CIA. Deze week in een (negatieve) video die daar de spin aan had gegeven mQ-ultra met de Q van Q Anon. Zijn gedachte was dat op deze manier alle activisten zich zouden verraden. Ha, ha, denk ik dan. Die zijn allemaal stuk voor stuk al bekend via de Google. YouTube, Twitter en Facebook spionage robots. Sta jij nog niet op de radar, dan mag jij je gerust zorgen maken, dan heb je nog nooit ook maar iets durven te zeggen.

Precies, Henk. Q heeft het ook over 'hive mind'. Al decennia lang werkt men al aan een negatieve (satanische) collectieve mindset. Dit maakt ons massaal medeplichtig en houdt ons gezamenlijk gevangen in een laag bewustzijn met een top-down structuur. Wat Q aanwakkert is een nieuwe 'hive mind' op basis van een collectief verhoogd bewustzijn van onderaf (bottom-up, We The People). Van mind control naar control your own mind!


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