Woman reverses Lyme disease with raw milk fasting
Tuesday, March 06, 2012 by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) A woman reports that she has reversed Lyme disease by fasting with raw milk. This is not a suggestion for Lyme disease suffers, but a confirmation that raw milk from grass fed cows does have health-promoting properties.
Most Lyme disease sufferers clamor for antibiotics forever, which the medical establishment cancels after a month. The medical establishment claims if antibiotics don't fix Lyme in a month, it's all in their heads.
Most Lyme sufferers consider this a curse, not a blessing in disguise. Long term antibiotic use, or even short term antibiotic use with certain types of antibiotics, often causes even more damage than relief (
But a few have jumped out of the Medical Mafia matrix and reversed the long term horrors of Lyme disease with various alternative choices without any pharmaceutical antibiotics, but sometimes integrating them with alternative methods.
This particular Lyme disease sufferer took an extremely unusual approach that very would even attempt. (1) After years of frustration and suffering, she came across an early 20th Century document published by the Mayo Foundation, the forerunner of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, during the 1920s. (2)
These Mayo Foundation reports were based on clinical applications of raw milk for patients with serious diseases including tuberculosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and assorted neurological problems.
Melanie's story
Only a first name, Melanie, was used in the source report. (1) Perhaps it was done to protect her raw milk source from being raided. After years as an active housewife and busy mom, Melanie came down with a sudden and strange malady involving acute sensitivity to loud sounds, joint and muscle pains, and insomnia.
As her condition worsened with many other symptoms, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Her condition and immune system were so debilitated that she was considered too weak for medical intervention. So she went on her quest for other solutions.
For a couple of years, she had tried several dietary and supplemental options that she had researched. She got rid of all toxic household items and ate nothing but organic foods. There was even a stretch of eating raw eggs only. But she continued losing weight and had very low energy.
Then she came upon the Mayo Foundation milk fast information from the early 1900s. She found a farm close by that would sell her raw milk produced organically in large quantities.
She fasted for 90 days on raw milk and homemade raw milk kefir only. Her regimen consisted of drinking six ounces of raw milk every hour. Melanie would leave the milk out for hours because cold milk is more difficult to digest. This is an age old Ayurvedic medicine principle.
Ironically, leaving raw milk out doesn't make it spoil and become toxic the way pasteurized milk does. It simply morphs into creating more beneficial kefir-like bacteria turning into beneficial farmer's cheese.
Upon her 90th day, after enduring one healing crisis after another, such as glandular pain and coughing up green phlegm during this difficult regimen, she reported the following results.
The 25 pounds she had lost during four years of agony were back onto her "petite frame", her complexion returned after being a pale yellow, and her hair stopped falling out.
Again, this is not a Lyme disease healing report. The point of this article is to illustrate the superiority of raw milk to commercially produced pasteurized milk, and how raw milk can improve health or even heal. (3)