How Fauci & Big Pharma took over America

"CONGRESS shifted how the FDA was funded."

💰"Follow The Money"💰

"An agency (FDA) that was once fully taxpayer funded & thus worked ONLY for the American People, has now shifted to being largely funded by the very industries it regulates.

45% of the FDA's overall budget now comes from the companies it's reviewing.
65% of the FDA's budget, specifically for human drug regulation, comes DIRECTLY from Big Pharma itself."

Fauci released AIDS without a cure [KNOWINGLY] in a strategic ploy to amass Pharma Power & get the FDA to be funded by the very Pharmaceutical companies they regulate.

Pharma Lobbying Power

New Way To Fund FDA :
"It all started in the 80s when the HIV / AIDS crisis was creating FEAR amongst the masses. People were upset that experimental treatments were taking too long to be approved by FDA.
CONGRESS shifted to how the FDA was funded to speed up the process.
The new setup would have drug companies footing part of the bill."
INFINITE Pharma Power ->💰

Big Pharma has grown into a diabolical monster that needs to be slayed.


Robert Kennedy Junior says that Fauci and Gates were involved in terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior during Covid and that by depriving people of Ivermectin millions of people died. He says there needs to be a reckoning after they pretended like there was no cure for Covid so they could push the vaccine for profit.
This is the man who is now allied closely with Trump and may be able to take on big pharma like no one has.
Things are looking up. 🔥

"I don't look into Anthony Fauci's head. I don't look into Bill Gates's head. I don't say he did this because he was greedy or because he was manipulative I just lay out what they did and the story speaks for itself. And you know it's a story of really of people involved in really terrible terrible, immoral, homicidal, criminal behavior. A position of government that he had for fifty years without any election, to clamp down these totalitarian controls that were not science based and that everybody now admits There was no science In fact yesterday…
the chief…
attorney for FDA admitted that there was no reason to discourage people from taking Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a was a very very devastating cure for COVID it literally obliterated COVID. And you know by depriving people of Ivermectin many people millions of people around the globe died. And they didn't need to. There were cures for COVID from day one and very effective cures. And but they didn't want that. They wanted the vaccine only. And it was a rule there's a rule a you know a little known federal rule, that they were they were all aware of, which said that you cannot issue an emergency use authorization for vaccine if there is an existing remedy that has already been approved for any use.
The whole vaccine project would have fallen apart. They couldn't have done it. And so they decided that they were going to pretend that there was no cure except for the vaccine. And they gave people a product that was not properly tested. And then now, we have a whole generation of kids that has myocarditis these terrible heart problems in young athletic boys, you're seeing so many kids now drop dead on playing fields. Right and that we never saw anything like this before. On average it was I think twenty nine a month globally athletes who died on the field. And we were getting down to hundreds a month now. There still has to be a reckoning. The mainstream media hasn't caught up with this science.
But the science is out there now and it's devastating." @RobertKennedyJr

Robert Kennedy Junior: The medical system has been co-opted by a pharmaceutical cartel that gives doctors financial incentives to overlook the side effects of vaccines and push to heavily vaccinate your children. Imagine a Trump administration where Kennedy is given free reins to take on this corrupt system...
"Part of the responsibility of being a parent is unfortunately is to not trust everything your doctor says and to understand that the medical system, the doctors have been co-opted by the medical cartel, that the medical schools are now run by pharmaceutical companies they're funded by them. And the doctors believe mainly what they're doing they're also heavily compensated at a typical pediatrician's office. (They) make about fifty percent of its funding comes from vaccines not actually from Today every kid goes to the doctor at least ten times to get their vaccines and that foot traffic in and out of the office…is a major part of the business plan for the pediatrician's office. And they're also then rewarded by Blue Cross Blue Shield which has a reward schedule for pediatricians who vaccinate eighty or eighty-five percent of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses I think forty or four hundred dollars per kid a huge amounts of money you know hundreds of thousands of dollars that they make.. It's not because they care so much about your particular kid. It's that you'll throw off the metrics and you'll lose them their bonuses. And you can see what your pediatrician is making and it's huge amounts of money from complying… And so, you know they have these perverse incentives that make it so that they're not really treating your kid as an individual patient. So your job in today's democracy is to really is to do your own research, and that's hard to do but you need to do it. To protect your child. And you know parents go out of their way to make sure that their kids are not are eating the right food. You need to do the same thing with your medicines. The medicines you know are there's a huge profit incentive for people to to overlook problems with them. And so that is the advice that I would give people. What does the science say? What do the major studies say? What are the side effects? And what are the risks from the underlying disease to my child compared to the risks from taking this product? Those are all choices that individual parents have to make."

Robert Kennedy explains how he is extremely confident that Trump will empower Kennedy in his next administration to take on the chronic disease issue in America as a Unity White House.
Democrats and Independents: This is a major reason to vote for Donald Trump. Kennedy says Trump and his relationship is thriving and they will work together to solve major existential issues.
I watched it on TV and three hours later I was talking to him. He talked about the idea of working together and I flew out to Milwaukee the next day and had a meeting with him and then we had a series of meetings after that by phone and then a long long meeting at Mar a Lago. And he outlined that the issues that were sent to the issues that got me into the race Ukraine war, censorship and chronic disease, that those were all issues that he was totally committed to. We decided to form a unity ticket where I would join him. On the issues that we agree on we will work together that and we could still criticize each other on issues that we don't agree on. And that's been a very very you know good arrangement for me and it's been a very good relationship. So I'm you know very happy with it. I'm very confident that he's gonna keep his word to me. And that I'm gonna be able to work on those issues in the White House and make sure we solve them."
*Crowd cheers*

Wheat was the one US crop that was always non-GMO, because the US exports $6 billion/year in wheat, and our biggest buyers refused the GMO version.

Yet last week, FDA and USDA approved an Argentine-develped GMO wheat strain for the United States.

Were US consumers, or wheat growers, given a say? Will we lose foreign markets and risk our health, yet again?

Let’s make America healthy again. Increasing GMO foods is going in the wrong direction.

There's been an inversion now where the Republican Party has become the party of the common man, of working people, of the middle class, and the Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, BigAg, Big Tech, the Big Banking Systems and all of what @realDonaldTrump calls the Deep State. @TuckerCarlson @VivekGRamaswamy


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