RIP Andreas Moritz

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Ja, dan heb ik twee dingen door elkaar gehaald het stond allemaal onder elkaar in een berichtje. Ik dacht dat je de naam van de San in het begin van het filmpje had gemist.

Die grap is al diverse keren gemaakt op Engelstalige forums en is eerlijk gezegd een beetje goedkoop. We weten het simpelweg niet en tot er uitsluitsel komt blijft het giswerk...


Hier een mooie uiteenzetting van Dr Lawrence Wilson over waarom vegetarisme geen goed idee is:


Ghandi and Albert Einstein were vegetarians, but so was Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden. While a few spiritual leaders were vegetarians, let us not forget that most were not. India, a largely vegetarian country, is one of the most backward countries, and certainly has had its share of wars. America is eating less meat, but as a country we seem to be becoming more violent.

A neighbor is from India. He commented to me that his own people in India have so little drive and energy that he is much happier living in the United States. People on vegetarian diets often become tired and listless. This might reduce violence because one no longer has the energy to fight. This is not non-violence. This is burnout!

Many vegetarians that I come in contact with are copper-toxic. This is due to the high copper content of beans, seeds, nuts, and grains. At the same time, these people are not eating the zinc-rich meats which could balance their copper intake. Copper toxicity causes fatigue and 'spaciness', which often masquerades as peacefulness and happiness. Many vegetarians fool themselves into thinking they are less violent, when in fact they are really just tired.

Dit vind ik ook ijzersterk:


Some people become vegetarians because they are unable to digest meats. A meat meal, particularly red meat, feels heavy and can sit in the stomach for hours. Such individuals are called 'obligatory vegetarians'. The cause is a slowing of metabolism accompanied often by low digestive enzymes in the stomach, causing an inability to handle animal protein and fat.

Today many people are obligatory vegetarians due to decreased adrenal and thyroid gland activity for a variety of nutritional and other reasons. When the causes are addressed, the condition can be reversed and one actually develops a craving for meat.

Heerlijk om eens terug te lezen wat ik ook beweer, nl. dat vegetarisme, vooal bij jonge meisjes, geen 'spirituele overgang naar hogere, plantaardige voeding' is, maar een aandoening van de spijsvertering, veroorzaakt door bijnier- en schildklierproblematiek.

En, speciaal voor Ghee en anderen die nog steeds denken dat fruit zo gezond is, deze uiteenzetting van Wilson over fruit:


Hij heeft het niet erg op kokosolie en avocado's. Ik dacht dat dat juist gezond was?

Dat komt omdat hij deze als 'yin'-voedsel beschouwt. Op zijn yin-yang-visie heb ik nog wel het een en ander aan te merken, maar verder vind ik dat hij zeer zinvolle dingen schrijft.


Erg off-topic zijn we hier gegaan. Ik heb al eens met Dr. Lawrence Wilson gemaild en ik vind ook dat hij zeer zinvolle dingen zegt. Hij zegt trouwens ook dat je beter kelp-capsules kunt slikken i.p.v. jodiumdruppels. Ben wel benieuwd naar die haaranalyse van hem, maar niemand in Nederland die deze uitvoert.

En dan nog even over Moritz. Ik vind het ook raar dat de familie niks kenbaar maakt over de oorzaak van zijn overlijden. Zeker zijn aanhangers hebben er toch recht op om te weten waaraan hij is overleden. Heeft iemand al naar ener-chi gemaild om het te vragen?

Zijn grijze haren spreken ook boekdelen .

Mijn man heeft soms ook ineens veel grijze haren , maar dit is een paar dagen later ook zo weer weg .

Dit heeft met gifstoffen te maken .

@ lay,

Van die kelp i.p.v jodium daar ben ik ook wel benieuwd naar.

Weet je ook waarom dat beter zou kunnen zijn?

Of heeft iemand een idee?


Het kan wel in Nederland, zie hier en hier.

Volgens mij heeft hij het wel druk, misschien wat voor Yassir om het ook te gaan aanbieden?

@ Cham

Van Dr. L. Wilsons site over Kelp:


Kelp, a sea vegetable, is another wonderful food. However, it must be the kelp capsules from Nature’s Way or Solaray companies only, or granules from Frontier Herbs or Monterrey Bay Herbs. This is important because many brands of kelp are different species that are not as good, and higher in mercury.

The correct brand of kelp is a life-saving food supplement that I recommend for everyone. It is a rich source of hundreds of trace and ultra-trace minerals. It is also better than most “mineral supplements”, including earth-based products like fulvic and humic acid, zeolite, sea-based minerals, and others.

One of its most important roles is to provide bioavailable iodine, a mineral that few are getting enough of from their food. Kelp is far more physiological than most other iodine products, and more balanced so it does not cause toxicity, as do the others. It also contains a very bioavailable form of calcium not found in most foods.

Kelp is also a source of many phytonutrients that are hard to find in other foods. So it provides a host of nutrients at a very reasonable cost.

Kelp versus “green superfoods”. Kelp is the best green superfood. I prefer kelp to others because:

1. Others often contain chelators such as chlorella, cilantro, and zeolite. We find these always remove some vital minerals from the body.

2. Others contain algae that is less compatible with human physiology such as spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae that we always find are slightly toxic.

3. Kelp does not go rancid, as do the green powders. The salt in kelp apparently preserves it far better.

4. Kelp is far more yang in Chinese terminology than the others, which makes it a more balanced and healthful product.

5. Kelp contains far more alginates than the others. This compound protects the body against mercury and other toxic metals present in most sea vegetables and other foods. All the other green foods contain either none of this chemical, or much less of it. This is why I never recommend other sea vegetables, although they are nutritious foods.

Reactions to kelp. Kelp is a powerful food supplement and herb. Occasionally, a person has a reaction to kelp. In most cases it is mild and temporary. The cause is often the removal of an iodine antagonist, either a bromine, fluorine or chlorine compound. Iodine is stimulating in a few instances. Most of the time, just reduce the dose for a while, and then work up very slowly. Most everyone has been able to take kelp eventually.

Adults can work up to about 1800 mg of kelp daily, taken in divided doses with meals. Children also need kelp, and should take less depending on their weight and size. Children less than three years old usually do not need to take kelp.

@ Jenneke

Dank je. Maar er is niemand door Dr. L. Wilson opgeleid in NL, vandaar dat ik niemand had gevonden.


Het is wel precies hetzelfde systeem hoor, Wilson werkt ook met het ARL lab en de supplementen die daaruit komen,

Het hele verhaal is gebaseerd op het werk van Paul Eck. Uit de haaranalyse komt een profiel en heel veel info over je stofwisseling, en welke supplementen je dan zou moeten slikken. Ik ben nu een maand of 5 bezig, 5 kg aangekomen (was 15 afgevallen), ochtendtemperatuur is 0,5 graden gestegen, heb het minder koud en zie er volgens veel mensen een stuk gezonder uit ;) . Maar ik heb nog een lange weg te gaan, want e.e.a. was behoorlijk uit het lood.

Wel een dure hobby hoor, die haaranalyse is ca 70 euro, maar de uitslag dan weer + 30, moet weer besproken worden (+ x euro) en de supplementen komen ook wel op 100-150 euro/maand. Het voordeel is dat je supplementen neemt op basis van een meting en niet zomaar wat op de gok, waarbij je toch snel wat over het hoofd ziet.

Dr. L. Wilsons vind rauwe melk wel goed, maar zegt dat 4 ounces (Do not have more than about 4 ounces of raw milk daily), per dag genoeg is? Dat is maar 120 ml.

De dood van Moritz blijft in nevelen gehuld en daarnaast vindt er een grote mate van censuur plaats omtrent de zoektocht naar de waarheid omtrent het overlijden van Moritz:

I was contacted by Love123 that he now is banned from Curezone. He posted that Andreas was confirmed to have died from natural causes and I asked him to verify which natural cause he was "supposed" to have died from and today I go and MY post along with an entire week of posts are gone.

Could a moderator please clarify to me why and what are the rules here. At the top of the forum it says deceptions, myths, crimes, lies, distrust, etc and Andreas Moritz death falls under all of these.

Our thread was moved from the Liver Flush and ASk CureZone Forums here to talk freely about our fears and try to get some questions answered.

Now could there be some rules I am not aware of? Love123 like I know that natural death can still be murder. There have been many cases where a person died of a supposed heart attack or stroke only to find out a few months later that drugs were put into a simple cup of coffee.

So unless we see positive proof of how he died, Conspiracy is still a very high possibility. I told a friend of mine just yesterday on Curezone that I doubt very seriously that I would believe any story coming out of their website due to the mass coverups.


Andreas Moritz - Mysterious Death -

Andreas Moritz - descended into the light -

Dear Webmaster,

In case you are not familiar with this website, ALL issues related to health are partly related to a conspiracy.

The purpose of this website is to alert the public, and not to ridicule the subject by placing it under the title of "conspiracy theory", as the pharmaceutical companies have been doing for over a century.

I am participating in internet forums since 1995. Every time that a member is getting close to the truth, another 'member' is attempting to divert the subject.

The internet is practically 100% under 'control'.

Andreas death is NOT a "theory", it is a fact!

We should be allowed to discuss it in any way we wish, without the pharmaceutical companies interfering in our conversation.

Why the Mystery of His Death?


Similar notices were on Face Book but within 24 hours the notice at Face Book was removed. There was one post from one of his books posted a few hours ago and more and more questioned why no answers were given. So if he indeed had cancer, why not just say that? Someone took the time to post notices everywhere on social media, but not enough time to answer our one question -- how did he die?

Was this Andreas last wish that no one know his personal business or was the family deep in fear from pressures from the pharmaceutical industry? I know these fears to be real. I knew a man who had death threats against him and he was dead in 30 days.

Even if he died of Aids, Cancer or Even MS, his followers would still love and follow him. In the past when holistic healers died of normal diseases their legacies have been attacked, In the weeks to come we can only hope that I have to edit this very long article with the real truth.

We wish him much peace, his family comfort and the world an understanding that Andreas was who he was. He was caring, intelligent beyond his time and he was someone who taught us all more about nutrition, cleansing and cancer than most have.

Read: Death is Not What it Seems to Be


In the end we will never know the true cause of his death. We waited till after the funeral for an official release of the cause of death only to be told that he had finished his last 4 books and those would be released before the end of the year. Did Moritz die from his own protocols or did the angel of death just knock on his door and take him? Did Moritz descend to the light as he believed or did he go to something a lot worse? It is not up to me to judge or guess. I can only tell you this, that I never heard one person say anything bad about the man. There were many who did not like his protocols or follow his beliefs, but everyone loved the man. Praise came from everyone who commented on his gentleness, his manners and his love of humanity.

So did Andreas Moritz meet with a conspiracy end or did he die of natural causes? Only God knows for sure.

Het is toch al te walgelijk dat ze blijven weigeren om de doodsoorzaak van Andreas mee te delen aan het publiek en er maar omheen blijven dansen met hun 'love & light' BS. Hier een citaat van de 'The Ener-Chi Family' :

"It is natural for all of us to wonder about the cause of a dear one’s passing. As we know, the soul will find an effective way – an ‘exit strategy,’ if you will – to accomplish its loving, compassionate journey home to the higher realms once our Mission and soul’s work is complete on Earth. Many of us have read about spiritual teachers, including well-known yogis and Masters, who have transcended into the Light in any number of ways. When it is ‘our time,’ the soul will find an outlet to accomplish this transition purpose."

Als je't mij vraagt wil de ' loving' ener-chi family gewoon zijn doodsoorzaak verzwijgen omdat ze zoveel mogelijk geld willen verdienen aan zijn boeken en vooral zijn 4 laatste boeken die hij heeft voltooid net voor zijn dood. Ze creëren een mysterie rond hem en zetten hem neer als een soort heilige guru-figuur om zijn volgelingen te behouden en de spanning en nieuwsgierigheid hoog te houden zodat mensen toch maar blijven terugkomen en hopelijk zoveel mogelijk zijn nieuwe boeken zullen kopen, want wie weet zal er daar misschien wel meer hints in staan over Andreas' zijn dood, aangezien hij precies wist dat hij niet veel tijd meer had.. En al die naïeve idioten die de ener-chi family verdedigen en de begrijpelijk gefrustreerden over het gebrek aan respect de mond willen snoeren door te preken over 'love & light' en te lullen dat het er niet toe doet waaraan hij is gestorven, doen mee aan het complot.

Je kunt je afvragen "hoe belangrijk is het voor mij om te weten waaraan iemand dood is gegaan?".

Ik vind het niet belangrijk.

Hoe kun je dat nu niet belangrijk vinden en zeker in het geval van Moritz die een health advocate was?!

Stel dat hij dood is gegaan aan leverkanker, dan is er wel reden om zijn gezondheidsadviezen even anders te bekijken en ons af te vragen of het daar misschien wel aan ligt. Als we niet meer mogen uitpluizen wat de oorzaak is van iemands fysieke dood, hoe gaan we dan ooit te weten kunnen komen hoe een vervoegde dood te voorkomen??


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