
Hashimoto's is een auto-immuunziekte die 90% van alle schildklieraptiënten treft (laat je testen op schildklier-antilichamen!). Het aanpakken van een schildklierprobleem, wordt dus het aanpakken van een auto-immuunprobleem. Onderliggende oorzaken kunnen liggen bij een zieke darm, maar ook bij andere chronische aandoeningen zoals de ziekte van Lyme, die een klimaat van ontsteking vormen in het lichaam waardoor het immuunsysteem wordt verzwakt en uiteindelijk de eigen organen begint aan te vallen.

Is coconut oil a thyroid cure? Not by itself. Can it help people with low thyroid function? Yes, because it stimulates metabolism and boosts energy. For this reason, coconut oil has been a blessing to many people who have been able to abandon their medications with the right combination of exercise, removal of processed foods, and a balanced diet.

Read the Full Article Here: Weight and Get Fit in Less Time - edited.pdf
T-tapp voor mensen met bijvoorbeeld chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom, auto-immunziekten, diabetes en / of problemen met een langzame schildklier (of anderszins):

tijdelijke URL’s voor gratis downloads van een t-tapp-sessie van een kwartier: net genoeg om per dag te doen voor resultaat als je het langer voldhoudt:
Oefening zelf:
Uitgebreide achtergronduitleg bij elke oefening van de eerste URL:—Live%21-Total-Workout-Super-Slow-%28103-min%29-%28Fitness%29-DVDRip-TG.avi

T-Tapp is a physical therapy approach to fitness that delivers muscle density rather than bulk. It is very rehabilitative for those with lower back, hip and knee problems as well as upper spine, neck and shoulder problems. The movements appear very simple but they are quite complex in that each exercise movement utilizes both attachments of the muscle rather than just one attachment and belly of the muscle.

In fitness terms T-Tapp utilizes comprehensive, compound muscle movement done in a specific sequence incorporating neuro-kinetic flow, linear alignment and isometrics combined with lymphatic stimulation. Regular exercise such as aerobics, weight training and yoga are primarily “isotonic” (ie: using one attachment and belly of muscle). (Read more about T-Tapp from Teresa)

Dr. Perricone – […] highly recommends T-Tapp because is in an anti-aging exercise therapy and does not contribute to free radical damage.

I recently began using a glucose meter. A few weeks ago, I returned home from doing errands at the mall. When I came home, I tested my blood glucose and it was 130, even though I hadn’t eaten anything for 4 hours (it’s usually high-80’s between meals). I know this high reading was because my blood sugar became elevated due to the stress and chemicals at the mall – it really does stress out my body.

I immediately thought about Hoe Downs and I did two sets, which takes all of two minutes. After the two sets, I took my blood glucose reading again and it was 100!
Goed artikel. In de reacties ook weer heel veel mensen die onnodig lijden doordat hun huisarts of internist een TSH aanbiddende randdebiel is. Het leed dat (huis)arts heet.
The three reasons why your thyroid medication might not be working.

Primarily it’s because hashimotos is an inflammation disease, not a thyroid disease as such. But only the thyroid gets treated (with a band-aid fix – the medication)…causing the other factors involved to continue on. So
1.Medication doesn’t address the damage done by inflammation to the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, which is key to hashi.
2.Medication doesn’t address the damage done by inflammation to thyroid hormone receptors. If there aren’t enough receptors, or they aren’t sensitive enough, it doesn’t matter how much thyroid medication we take. The cells won’t be able to use it.
3.Medication comes in the form of T4 (this is what thyroxin is), which our bodies are meant to convert into T3 (which is the active form required by our cells). BUT if your system is stuffed (by inflammation), it can’t make this conversion. Which is just so dumb (and the reason why I supplement my thyroxin with a compounded T3, since the drug companies don’t make it in this format…yes, DUMB!).

The six situations that might explain why your thyroid might be playing up

…and what to do.

As you listen to the six scenarios, we’ll be referring to a bunch of blood tests that will help you work out which scenario might be yours.

Below I’ve outlined the blood tests you’ll need to have on hand to do this. If you’re feeling like crap, I suggest you go to your doctor/therapist and ask for all these to be done at once.
1.Hypothyroidism caused by pituitary dysfunction: caused by elevated cortisol from infection, blood sugar imbalances, chronic stress, pregnancy, hypoglycemia or insulin resistance. In your blood tests: TSH will be low but within the standard range but T4 will be low, too.
2.Under-conversion of T4 to T3: caused by inflammation and elevated cortisol levels. In your blood tests: TSH and T4 will be normal. But T3 will be low.
3.Hypothyroidism caused by elevated Thyroid binding globulin (TBG): caused by high estrogen levels, which are often often associated with birth control pills or estrogen replacement. In your blood tests: TSH and T4 will be normal. T3 will be low and T3 uptake and TBG will be high.
4.Hypothyroidism caused by decreased TBG: caused by high testosterone levels. In women, it is commonly associated with PCOS and insulin resistance. In your blood tests: TSH and T4 will be normal. T3 will be high and T3 uptake and TBG will be low.
5.Thyroid resistance: caused by chronic stress and high cortisol levels. You can’t test for this
6.Low T3 Syndrome: to better understand how this works, it’s probably best to check out Chris’ posts on the matter.

The blood tests to request from your doctor:

T3 uptake
t3, t4, free t3, free t4
vitamin D
fasting glucose
hemoglobin A1c
thyroid antibodies

Finally, I’ll be writing about T-regulating and glutathione recycling in upcoming posts…if it’s all too much, hang out until then. I’ll try to make it clear.

If you’d like more from Chris, check out his ebooks and – yes! – he’s available for consultation all the way from Berkeley in California. He told me he’ll do a free 15 minutes consult to kick off with!

Has this been helpful…do let me know. I’ll endeavour to do more of these kind of chats if you think it is!

Door o.a. onregelmatig werk, bewerkt eten, stress enz. lukte het mij niet om af te vallen. Veel sporten en gezond eten (dacht ik) hielpen mij daar ook niet bij. Doordat ik mijn voeding veranderd heb en minder en anders ben gaan sporten, lukte het wel en als bonus ben ik ook nog van een aantal kwalen afgekomen: maag- en darmklachten, allergieën, en huidproblemen om er maar eens een paar te noemen

Bovenstaand herken ik van andere betogen van mensen met schildklierproblemen. De Amerikaanse "schildklieractiviste" Mary Shomon zweert in haar boek over schildklierproblemen bij T-Tapp
Ik wil ook graag sporten, maar de balans tussen jezelf overinspannen / verkeerd sporten en goed sporten begint bij veel schildklierpatienten heel gevoelig te komen te liggen.
Ik wil best graag bewegen of sporten, maar vaak is voor mij de gang naar een sportschool of yogacursus al een hele opgave.
Ik ben niet de enige daarin.
Het liefste doe ik daarom thuis op structurele basis gerichte oefeningen die me op de been kunnen houden of zelfs maar meer energie kunnen opleveren.
Ik doe nu T-tapp
Dat is voor mij het hoogst haalbare: het geeft me ook voldoening.
Top 10 reasons Hashimoto’s patients don’t get better
Hashimoto's disease chalkboard imageThere is not one easy fix to successfully managing Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, an autoimmune thyroid disease. As many people have learned the hard way, using thyroid hormones to get TSH within lab ranges certainly doesn’t guarantee a fix for most people, although it can help. Hashimoto’s is a multifaceted autoimmune condition that involves many mechanisms. To truly manage your autoimmune Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, it’s important to understand the factors that contribute to it.

10. Immune Reacting Fillers in Thyroid Hormone Replacement

Many thyroid supplements use corn starch or modified food starch that contains gluten. You need to make sure your thyroid hormones are gluten-free and free of corn starch if you react to corn. If your medication is in capsules make sure the capsules are gluten-free. Otherwise you could be taking hormones every day with dietary proteins that stimulate your autoimmunity.

9. Taking Immune Enhancing Supplements

Nutritional supplements can either help or flare up your autoimmunity based on an individual’s T-helper dominance (whether you have a TH-1 or TH-2 dominance). Supplements such as echinacea, green tea, acai, astragalus, licorice, and a variety others. can either help or aggravate autoimmunity depending on your dominance. If you are unaware of this you may be taking supplements that promote an autoimmune response. Please refer to Chapter Three of my thyroid book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? for more information and lists of supplements and herbs to be aware of.

8. Fixating their focus on thyroid hormone replacement only

Many thyroid patients believe that if they could only figure out the perfect version of thyroid hormones (natural versus bio-identical or T3 versus T4) they can correct all of their symptoms. Unfortunately, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism is a complex autoimmune disorder and thyroid hormone replacement is only one part of a large puzzle. However, if you need help learning more about thyroid hormone variations please refer to a previous newsletter article titled, Which thyroid hormone is right for you?

7. Increasing Stress

Emotional stress activates pathways involving the inflammatory immune messengers IL-6 and TH-17. This activity creates an autoimmune flare-up. Unhealthy relationships with your spouse, co-workers, or friends can promote autoimmune flare-ups, as can a bad work environment, or other significant and chronic lifestyle stressors. If you have Hashimoto’s you need to create a healthy emotional environment for yourself. Bad personal relationships or poor work environments can be detrimental to Hashimoto’s patients.

6. Not Strictly Gluten-Free

You are either 100 percent gluten-free or you’re not gluten-free. Choosing to eat gluten-free only when it is convenient is not a gluten-free diet. If you are not strict about your food being 100 percent gluten-free when you eat out and you continue to consume condiments that have gluten, regular beer, and foods fried in fryers that use the same oil for breaded foods, then you are still being exposed to gluten. Gluten is a major trigger for most Hashimoto’s patients and many cannot improve until they are 100 percent gluten-free.

5. Not avoiding gluten cross-reactive foods

Although a strict gluten-free diet is a great place to start, if you are still eating foods that cross-react with gluten you may not recover well. Cross-reactive foods have proteins similar in structure to gluten and can trigger the same immune response as if you were eating gluten. The most commonly ignored cross-reactive food is milk (casein), followed by rice, corn, sesame, and gluten-free oats. In fact, it is best to avoid all grains and adopt a diet such as a Paleo diet when you have Hashimoto’s.

4. Ignoring their brain health

The most common form of collateral damage in chronic Hashimoto’s patients is accelerated brain degeneration. Brain degeneration leads to identical symptoms of hypothyroidism, including fatigue and depression. I strongly suggest all thyroid patients become experts in identifying and supporting their brain health by referring to my second book, Why Isn’t My Brain Working?

3. Ignoring insulin sugar spikes

Surges of insulin that follow eating or drinking something sugary or starchy (sweet coffee drinks, desserts, bowls of pasta or rice, bread, etc.) trigger the inflammatory TH-17 activity, which promotes autoimmune flare-ups. Eating sweets throughout the day or overeating promotes insulin surges, which can be identified by symptoms of fatigue or sugar cravings immediately after eating. If you have those symptoms after eating it means you are not managing your insulin levels and your Hashimoto’s autoimmune response will be hard to tame.

2. Missing meals

When blood sugar gets too low it raises the inflammatory messenger IL-6 and promotes autoimmune flare-ups. Symptoms of low blood sugar are most noticeable between meals or if you skip meals and include shakiness, blurred vision, crankiness and irritability, and loss of function. If you feel a jump in your function and energy after eating it confirms your blood sugar was low—when your blood sugar is stable the only thing you should feel after eating is not hungry. Constantly skipping breakfast and missing meals will aggravate your autoimmune response and promote autoimmune flare-ups.

1. Passive attitude

The passive patient does not question or challenge her doctor. If you are a passive Hashimoto’s patient and you do not take your health into your own hands you may not fare as well as the person who educates herself. The conventional model is based only on lowering your TSH with whatever thyroid medication your insurance plan or doctor prefers. Once TSH is within lab ranges, this model has nothing more to offer except to check your TSH once a year. It takes time and effort, but the thyroid patient who wants to feel better needs to roll up her sleeves and master the various mechanisms of Hashimoto’s. The more you understand Hashimoto’s the more likely you are successfully manage your health.

Als je de ziekte van hashimoto hebt: dus dat je lichaam de schildklier aanvalt -autoimmuunziekte dus-: belangrijke factor om in de gaten te houden bij mensen met hypothyreoidie -trage schildklier-, dan heb je nog verschillen in TH1- en TH2-dominantie: zie hiervoor de volgende tekst: dat heeft implicaties voor de voeding die je beter en wel niet kan laten staan: dit is dus iets anders dan je eventueel "allergisch" bent voor die voeding. Alleen vaak is het immuunsysteem bij hashimoto-patienten uit balans: het ene deel van het immuunsysteem overheerst het andere of andersom. Door voeding kun je dat eventueel rechttrekken al schijnt dat ook wel moeilijk te zijn. Soms is het raadzaam (las ik: ik blaat na wat ik las) om zowel TH1-dominantie-bevorderende-middelen te vermijden als de TH2-dominantiebevorderende voeding. Ik vermoed bij mezelf dat ik TH2-dominant ben: uit testen kwam al dat groene thee niet goed valt bij mij bijv.

An autoimmune condition occurs when one branch of the immune system over dominates another branch. This is called an either a Th1 or Th2 dominance. A dominant TH1 response means that the natural killer cells and cytotoxic t cells are responsible for attacking the body, while a TH2 dominance indicates that your bcells and antibodies are mounting the attack. A blood test is needed to find out which branch is dominant. Thus to treat an autoimmune disease, it is critical to find the dominant branch and to balance the seesaw by stimulating the other branch. For example, if a patient’s autoimmune disease was TH1 dominant, treating it would require that we strengthen the Th2 side to balance out the immune system. If the patient were Th2 dominant, we would stimulate the Th1 side to regain balance. It’s a pretty simple solution, but so many people suffer needlessly because the immune system has been ignored, until now.

This is where clinical nutrition and natural medicine comes into play. It is well documented in clinical research that Th1 stimulants are Echinacea, maitake mushrooms and golden seal to name a few. Th2 stimulators are caffeine, green tea, and grape seed extract. So in the example I gave in the previous slide, if a patient with an under functioning thyroid is TH1 dominant, then I would prescribe supplements containing caffeine, green tea, and grape seed extract to stimulate the TH2 side to regain balance. If they were TH2 dominant, then Echinacea, mushrooms, and golden seal would balance out their immune system. Since most people with autoimmune conditions have no idea which branch of their immune system is dominant, they can actually make their condition worse by taking over the counter immune boosters. Lets say for example you were Th1 dominant and you catch a cold. A friend tells you that Echinacea helped them so you take it yourself. Unknowingly you would be flaring up your already dominant Th1 response and cause even more destruction to your thyroid gland."

Verwijzingen naar uitgebreidere teksten hierover:
heb jij of iemand anders misschien interesse in de thyro-gold? Er is maar 1 capsule eruit.

Ik zit met een hoge rt3, deze moet ik eerst oplossen met alleen t3. De thyro-gold, t3 en t4, is op dit moment niet voor mij geschikt.

Hopelijk lees je nog mee af en toe.
Heb je de thyro nog te koop?
Ik denk dat de kans klein is dat Johan nog meeleest en hij wil zijn supplementen vast graag kwijt als hij ze niet meer gebruikt. Zou jij mijn email aan hem willen geven?
Alvast bedankt.
Hashimoto is geen probleem van je schildklier, maar een probleem van het immuunsysteem dat gemoduleerd dient te worden:
Schippers: overheid kan schildklierpatiënten niet schadeloos stellen
Do 11 februari, 10:55
Het schildkliermedicijn Thyrax Duotab ANP

De overheid kan patiënten die problemen hebben door het tekort aan schildkliermedicijnen niet schadeloos stellen, zegt minister Schippers. "Die weg moeten we niet op, dat schept te veel precedentwerking en verwachtingen." Schippers vindt dat de problemen in eerste instantie een zaak zijn van de zorgverzekeraars.

Begin januari werd bekend dat de fabrikant van Thyrax vanwege een verhuizing een leveringsprobleem heeft. Honderden patiënten moeten daarom van medicijn wisselen. Het opnieuw 'inregelen' van dit medicijn kan tot allerlei problemen leiden, waardoor extra onderzoeken en bloedcontroles nodig zijn. De kosten daarvoor komen bij de patiënt en het eigen risico terecht.

De SP had de minister daarom om schadeloosstelling gevraagd. Maar Schippers voelt daar niets voor. "De problemen zijn heel vervelend, maar dit moeten we niet doen. Het schept teveel verwachtingen voor mogelijke toekomstige problemen met andere medicijnen. Er gaan vaker dingen mis in de zorg met consequenties voor het eigen risico. Nu hier schadeloos stellen heeft dus grote consequenties", aldus Schippers.

Veel patiënten zijn bang dat ze door de nieuwe medicijnen bijwerkingen krijgen als concentratieverlies, hoofdpijn en oververmoeidheid. Bij schildklierpatiënten luistert de dosering erg nauw. Ook kan het gebruik van andere kleurstoffen in verder identieke middelen leiden tot bijwerkingen. Er is inmiddels een meldpunt waar patiënten met problemen terecht kunnen.

Gratis downloadbaar -engelstalig- boek getiteld: Help, my body is killing me: van Kevin Conner : ook veel info over hashimoto

Citaat: In the alternative medicine model, hypothyroidism is blamed on things like iodine and tyrosine deficiencies and need for thyroid glandulars and though this has been our approach for quite some time, we really have not seen much success in this treatment.
The traditional medical approach is hormone replacement. Neither model addresses the attack on the thyroid tissue and both are destined for disaster.

Nog een citaat: It’s absolutely necessary to figure out if a person is Th1 or Th2 dominant because it will dictate what type of nutraceutical protocols
that will be most effective for dampening their immune activity. We know that typical ‘immune stimulants’ like Astragalus, Echinacea, Garlic, Glycyrrhizin, Melissa Officinalis, Maitake mushrooms, seem to stimulate the Th1 response. We also know that things like pine bark extract, grapeseed extract, green tea extract, Pycnogenol, Resveratrol, and caffeine are things that stimulate the Th2 response. So if a patient’s autoimmune attack of their joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis, thyroid in Hashimoto’s, myelin sheath in Multiple Sclerosis, etc., is a Th1 dominant response, adding Th 1 stimulants will MAKE THEM WORSE! You can effectively aid in balancing a Th1 dominant individual by giving Th2 stimulants and visa, versa.
Deze arts, Dr. Martin Rutherford , zegt na 59 minuten dat als je hashimoto hebt, en je gaat bioidentieke hormonen suppleren: dan gaat ook je lichaam die aanvallen.
Hier staat dat 90 procent van de mensen met hashimoto th1-dominant zijn.
Heb je toevallig ook last van Hashimoto? vertraagd werkende schildklier ( met anti stoffen in bloed) deze valt onder auto immuunziekte.

Blijkbaar heeft 80% van de Hasimoto patienten de helio pylori bacterie.
Deze kan je behandelen met: MONO LAURINE ( te koop bij iherb)
3 gram per dag (dus 5 capsules van 600 gr) ongeveer 3 maanden.


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