Goed artikel over waarom de door de elite zo gekoesterde transhumanistische singulariteit niet gaat werken:
Voor mij sprong dit citaat er specifiek uit:
Originating from behaviorism and cybernetics, cognitive science starts from the assumption that the mind is built like a computer. Just like its intellectual ancestors, this model was a cherished tool of the elite. It allowed to reverse-engineered the mind as if it was a computer: that is, as a set of modules processing information. Such model tends to deny agency, willpower, even consciousness. It makes individuals soulless, at mercy of being rewritten or reprogrammed.
As for singularity, computers only have a relative individuality because they were built that way: the Internet of Things is already replacing it with an indefinite set of interrelated objects. If people are like computers, they can be fiddled with until they are in such a state of interconnection they won’t be differentiated anymore.
Real minds are not like that. Individuals are conscious. They have faculties—powers, something cognitivists loathe when they cannot represent them as a pure result of dead processes. They have vocations. They have identities that cannot be completely rerouted and resolved into empty fashions, virtue-signaling, or fleeting pleasures. They have spiritual needs that New Age baloney won’t blind forever.
When you acknowledge that individuals, the sexes, cultures, populations… are different at bottom, pretending they can merge with technology and fuse becomes much harder. Nature made us more complex than arrogant techies will ever understand. Which is quite a good thing.