
Marijan heb je nu "zo'n" biologische / holistische tandarts (althans eentje die erop voorstaat)? (niet dat dat noodzakelijk ook maar enige garantie biedt verder).

Die had dan toch ook wel een ontgiftigingsadvies kunnen/moeten geven aan jou?

Ik blijf dat boren maar eng vinden: zie Ramiel Nagel over dat boren de kiezen of tanden in 60 procent van de gevallen blijvend aantast.

Tandartsen zijn tandarts bij de gratie dat ze boren, terwijl boren geeneens noodzakelijk is om een vulling te vervangen (vraag het maar aan Brandsma van Ozon Tandzorg).

Een tandarts verwijdert niet alleen amalgaam als die een vulling vervangt maar en passant gaat er ook nog een stuk tandbeen mee en dan verminkt die verder je tand of kies ook nog met dat boren (zie boek Ramiel Nagel).

Of heeft jouw tandarts misschien een boor die niet veel toeren draait? (maar ja een boor blijft een boor en een tandarts een tandarts).

Kijk, dit soort dingen bedoel ik nou.

En wat krijg je in de plaats van die amalgaam?

Mijn hele mond zit nu vol met composiet, maar of dat nou de hoofdpijs is?!

En glasionomeer is ook niet noodzakelijk beter.

Hier op de site is iemand die een tegenover liggende kies heeft stukgebeten op de glasionomeer.

Waar doet een mens nou goed aan?

Het is voor ons leken met levenslust toch gewoon koffiedik kijken wie je nou echt het beste naar je tanden kan laten kijken?

Koffiedik kijken of jezelf in de armen storten van eventuele flapdrollen die het alleen maar erger maken, ik zie voorlopig nog geen tussenweg.

Dus het moet bij mij wel heel gek gaan wil ik naar een tandarts durven nog.

het is ook lastig, wie heeft de wijsheid in pacht?

De tandarts waar ik heen ben gegaan is degene die de praktijk van Fred Neelissen heeft overgenomen. Fred zei, hij kent alle ins en outs.

Hij is ook lid van de NVBT.

Ik ben dus puur afgegaan op het oordeel van de heer Neelissen.

Ik rij er een dik uur voor.

Voorlopig zie je mij niet meer bij de tandarts, eerst ontgiften en dan nog moed verzamelen...

Marijan, Ik ga dinsdag naar tandarts Neelissen, zuiver voor een second opinion.

Verder contact gezocht met Peter Dros, maar ik verwacht niet snel een afspraak, schijnt het druk te hebben.

Eerst maar eens afwachten wat Neelissen zegt. Bovendien heb ik veel namaak-tanden.

Vroeger dacht ik ook al eens, dat geboor maakt de gaten alleen maar groter. Destijds werd er geboord en een nieuwe vulling aangebracht terwijl je als patient dan niet wist of het echt nodig was ja of nee. Maar zoals vandaag de dag met alles blijkt, geld verdienen is vaak de hoofdzaak. Banken, verzekeringen, artsen enz enz enz.

Maar uiteindelijk heb ik nu een probleem. En jullie hebben geen idee wat ik in die tussentijd aan kosten heb gemaakt.

Kom er later nog wel op terug. Dus jij was niet tevreden met de vervanger van Neelissen.

Ik ben ook geen 1 tandarts-praktijk tegengekomen die zo goed is als P. Drost.

Ik heb ze bijna allemaal bekeken.

En Lievergezond, die nieuwe behandeling komt pas over 3 jaar. Die heer Brandsma is blijkbaar geen echte tandarts, dus ik heb mijn twijfels over zijn behandeling. Is ook erg ver weg met openbaar vervoer, net als trouwens de heer Drost.

Marijan, vond je het advies van Neelissen verder wel goed dan?

Inderdaad in elk geval een interessante kwestie over de vleesetende bacterie die een jongen gedood zou hebben na het trekken van kiezen.

Immers: in hoeverre heeft de -naar ik aanneem- reguliere tandarts niet een aandeel hierin als die, geheel in overeenstemming met hetgeen hij of zij geleerd heeft, het vlies dat kies en kaak verbindt heeft laten zitten waardoor rotting in kan zetten.

En in hoeverre heeft de tandarts de kiesholte feitelijk steriel gemaakt voor hij de jongen liet gaan?

In hoeverre is de jongen goed geadviseerd inzake vitamine- en andere supplementen en/of immuunondersteunende methoden (denk aan ozon bijv.) te gebruiken voor en na de verrichting?

En dan tot slot: heeft de jongen een verdoving gekregen misschien waar hij niet tegen kon?

Uiteraard is het belangrijk dat tandartsen de juiste hygiene in acht nemen overigens ook.

En dat is hier mogelijkerwijs ook niet gebeurd: de tandarts in kwestie wordt niet genoemd als suspect voor wat betreft een eventuele rol.

Alle aandacht gaat naar een enge vleesetende bacterie die heus zo eng niet hoeft te zijn, al is tijd en goede kennis van zaken wel een factor van belang als die eenmaal toeslaat, en die bij mensen met een goede weerstand weinig kans heeft en in het lichaam kan zitten zonder echt enorm huis te houden.

Marijan, vond je het advies van Neelissen verder wel goed dan?

Liesje, eigenlijk bevestigde hij wat ik zelf al gedacht had, ik heb stroom(spannings)opbouw in mijn mond, amalgaanvullingen werken als een batterij, dus advies was om amalgaan zo snel mogelijk eruit te halen.

Amalgaan heb ik in geen geval, ben ook al een paar jaartjes :lol:(paaaaaar?( ouder.

1) If a new restoration or crown has been placed recently and the tooth is suddenly very sensitive, especially to cold temperatures or when chewing food, check the bite.

2) If you notice that you’re suffering from sinus congestion and you develop a toothache at the same time, check the bite. Sinus congestions can create pressure on your teeth and “push” them out of the socket, thus violating the “neutral zone.”

3) If you do have a toothache but it’s not waking you up at night, there’s a good chance it’s not a pulpitis (infection of the nerve), and, everyone all together now, “check the bite.”

When it is a bite problem and the occlusion is corrected, patients will notice relief from their pain is almost immediate and the smile on their faces will confirm that the dentist is suddenly their best friend.

A toothache doesn’t always mean that there’s decay or it’s an abscessed tooth. Too often the diagnosis may lead to unnecessary root canals or extractions that could have been avoided.

“Check the bite, make it right and you’ll be out of pain tonight.”


In our office, we measure saliva pH as an indicator of dental health as well as the body’s overall wellness. We check the saliva pH every 6 months when our patients visit us for their scheduled cleaning appointment. A pH reading of 7.0 (neutral) is good. However, 7.5 (slightly alkaline) is the best. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any decay when I see a measurement of 7.5. When I see consistent readings of 6.5 and lower, the body’s “internal environment” is compromised and the conditions are usually ripe for decay and inflammation within the oral cavity.


Microscopes and Oral Spirochetes: Visual Images With Impact

By Dr. Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN on February 7, 2013 in Mouth-Body Health, Oral Health

Five years ago, I purchased a phase contrast microscope for our hygiene department. My intention was not to become a microbiologist but to observe and identify live samples of the bacterial activity occurring in our patients’ mouths. I was particularly interested in the subgingival areas (below the gum level) where it’s difficult to clean with regular brushing and flossing.

Under normal, healthy conditions, our microscopic slides show acceptable level of bacteria, such as rods, cocci, vibrios, white blood cells, and a few red blood cells. Compromised situations in our patients’ health usually reveal a different picture. These slides show a high level of bacterial activity. The bacteria, especially the rods and spirochetes, are responsible for the bleeding and destruction of your periodontal pockets.

When the oral cavity begins to break down with the presence of inflammation and disease, the tooth and body connection concept reminds me that this is a local event occurring in response to a more serious systemic complication.

The information that I discovered about the biological effects of oral spirochetes was alarming. These long, slender, thin, corkscrew shaped microbes are found in the oral cavity in various numbers and forms. They have been strongly implicated as playing a role in the etiology of periodontal disease.

If these microorganisms are discovered, irrigation of the tissue with a bactericidal agent should be employed prior to any dental treatment to avoid causing a bacteremia (bacteria circulating throughout the blood stream). These include diluted bleach, chlorohexidine, or a product that I like to use in our office called Tooth and Gum Tonic which consists of botanical anti-microbials. All of these will kill any active pathogenic organisms.

Antibiotics do not eliminate oral spirochetes as in other spirochetal diseases. Antibiotics only force the spirochetes into a more protected spore form thus triggering a survival strategy that allows them to resurface at a later date.

Even more dangerous are long term exposures to spirochetes. Long term exposure can develop into systemic chronic inflammatory diseases that catch up with people during later, more vulnerable, years. Oral spirochetes associated with chronic conditions are similar to those found in syphilis, Lyme disease and atherosclerotic heart disease. Another spirochete that is thought to populate the gingival sulcus is Helicobacter pylori which is the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and cancer.

Most spirochetes are free-living and anaerobic. Therefore, they flourish in an environment that supports this condition. Acidosis (an acidic condition of the body) which reduces available oxygen to the cells can contribute to the increased presence of this bacteria.

The only way to fight the disease when it reaches this stage is to keep the immune system strong by practicing good oral hygiene, physical health, proper nutrition, and appropriately handling chronic stress. My personal experience has taught me to provide a microscopic evaluation of the saliva when its pH is measured below 6.5. At this level, spirochetal activity is often observed.

Biological dentistry has shown that not only the mouth needs to be treated but that the entire body also needs the appropriate attention to support and maintain one’s overall health and well being. If oral spirochetes are detected during an examination, appropriate measures will be taken to avoid this insidious bacterium from causing any further ill effects to our patients.

Introducing the phase contrast microscope’s real time visual images to our patients, of their own saliva, during their regular checkups has made a significant contribution to both their understanding of the impact of spirochetes and their motivation to maintain a healthy oral environment. A periodic microscopic evaluation should be the norm during regular checkups.

We offer this examination to our patients once a year and at no charge. It provides a quick, easy and painless evaluation of oral bacteria and offers immediate feedback before the patient leaves the office. It has become an excellent patient motivator to promote healthy lifestyle changes when needed.


Personally, I’ve been using dental ozone in my practice since June 2012. I’m amazed at its effectiveness for treating dental restorations, gum disease, and sinus infections. It also promotes wound healing after tooth extractions and helps to reduce tooth hypersensitivity with just one treatment.


More than half of children in Leicester are suffering from tooth decay

Nearly 500 children a week are being admitted to hospital with rotten teeth, NHS figures show.

It is now the main reason for youngsters needing hospital treatment and dentists say the culprits are fruit juice and fizzy drinks.

Most children need between four and eight of their baby teeth extracted, although some are having all 20 taken out.

Figures also show that more than a quarter of five-year-olds have some degree of tooth decay and in some areas of England it is well over a third.

Only last month new NHS guidelines urged the public to slash sugar intake to as little as five teaspoons a day over concerns that it is to blame for rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Experts are also worried that sugar is behind an increase in tooth decay in children and could affect their ability to learn.

Figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that 25,812 children aged five to nine were admitted to hospital for dental problems for the year 2013/14.

This is a 14 per cent rise in three years; in 2010/11 there were 22,574 such admissions.

Kathryn Harley, a consultant in paediatric dentistry at the Edinburgh Dental Institute, said: ‘We have children who require all 20 of their baby teeth to be extracted. It beggars belief that their diets could produce such a drastic effect.

The high level of extractions is being blamed on children consuming too many sweets and soft drinks

‘They are going into hospital because they are either presenting with acute problems with pain or because the stage of dental disease, the number of teeth with decay, is such that they need a general anaesthetic.’

She said most children will require ‘maybe four or eight teeth to be extracted, quite a few will require ten, 12 or 14’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ry-drinks-fruit-juice-toll.html#ixzz380cW3Lp2

Een economisch model van het gebit:

All I know is, your mouth is worth potentially $320,000.00 to a Dentist. And at 53 years old, what I have witnessed every single time you go there, they inevitably find something wrong, to use up your insurance, ALL OF IT! Plus the money out of your own pocket because with insurance you are still left with a huge bill. I know for a fact they do things that are not necessary and the only reason they have for doing that is MONEY.

I was told at one point my tooth needed a root canal. I told her to PULL IT. She said “oh well, lets see if we can just fill it” She claimed it was to close to the roots to fill. She filled it and I haven’t had a problem with that tooth in 5 years. Now Im told I have deterioration of the gum and bone. What the heck am I suppose to believe??? I was sent to a pariodontist <spelling and now they want to clean my teeth in two sittings each one costing my insurance company $600.00 and me $130.00 each trip. They say it will take an hour and a half. Who the hell gets paid that much???? Its ALL about the almighty DOLLAR. They could care less about your pain and suffering OR your TEETH. Its money that's all they care about and IM sick to death of it.

Take one tooth, starts with a cavity, they make a little penny off of that, then it needs a CAP, they make a couple grand off of that, then the un warranted CAP falls off and they get paid for another CAP that they failed to put on right the first time. If it doesn't fall off again before it needs a ROOT CANAL which they will now make about 4 GRAND off of, they will charge you for another cap and FINALLY when all is said and done and DR DENTIST has made about $10,000.00 off ONE TOOTH, its time to pay 300.00 more to have it PULLED. Its a SCAM and HALF if I ever seen one. Today Im being told my deterioration of the gum and bone is hereditary and in the genes at the same time out of the same persons mouth they says, smoking makes it worse, now I hear other things. so whos telling the truth? Its unreal, they should all be ashamed of themselves!!!


Drilling & filling teeth: an unwise choice?

On risks, damages and dangers as well as numerous reasons for avoiding conventional invasive dental treatment

1. A filling typically doesn't stop the tooth's decay, and once filled, more fillings and treatments will appear to be required (unless you decide to ditch all dentists and fare by yourself1).

2. Drilling damages/possibly kills teeth and produces fractures in the bone.

3. Preparing a tooth for a filling removes healthy tooth structure.

4. Fillings typically have a finite lifespan.

5 Bacterial contamination adjacent to and underneath fillings causes new tooth decay ("secondary caries").

6 Fillings expand or contract.

7 Fillings corrode, abrade, dissolve and outgas, leading to the release of extraneous products & substances with sometimes toxic effects

8. Dental cements can be toxic and damage the tooth (acidity, leakage and tooth decay and death)

9. The pulp (inner nerve) can be damaged and irritated: pulp inflammation/infection (incl. bone infection) and pulp death can result.

10 Drilling helps cariogenic bacteria to quickly penetrate deeply into the tooth

11 Metal fillings absorb and re-emit microwaves.

12 Dental composites and bonding systems can damage the gums.

13 Dental composites ingredients encourage bacteria.

14 Restorative materials and cements can emit low-intensity radioactivity.

15 Miscellaneous observed risks and dangers of drilling and/or filling treatment (incl. death in the dentist's chair)

16 Last but far from least - dentists' diagnoses far more often than not are wrong http://www.healingteethnaturally.co...lity-reproducibility-treatment-decisions.html


Be aware that dentists sell oral surgery services

First of all, dentists aren't physicians but surgeons. While the French language makes that quite clear ("chirurgien-dentiste"), the English1, German and other languages hide that fact. A surgeon typically will not try to convince you of attempting to heal your "defective" organ yourself but will tell you you need his knife (here: drill) to get better.


Ben op zoek naar een goede bio tandarts, want ik wil van die amalgaam vullingen af. Ik heb er meer dan 10 en ook al heel lang. Ik heb het gevoel dat ze lekken en dat daarom wellicht m'n lever (o.a.) het zo zwaar heeft.

Ik had gekeken op http://www.nvbt.nl en vond er zowaar 1 in Breda (van Daalen), maar die is er dit jaar mee gestopt. Weet iemand een goede in de buurt van Breda? Of anders maar verder weg.

Welke vullingen zijn wel goed? Is alles beter dan amalgaam?

Ik lees het graag.



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