The Great Awakening

🇵🇸 🇮🇱 They can try to silence me.

They can harass & threaten me & my family.

They can beat & torment me as you can see in the image below in 2010.

They can lie in everywhere possible.

They can take everything away from me.

The price of resisting their tyranny, genocide & ethnic cleansing.

But I will not bow.

I am combat vet, have seen hell and that is why I have lost everything to fight for justice & truth.

I have been resisting for decades what people are now finally resisting globally.

And I am but one man and that is why the fear me and by extension, YOU.

You have more power than you realize.

Their world is built upon lies and they must use billions of dollars of resources and international connections to stop you from resisting.

My heart & soul is clean, God is my witness.

God is the ultimate arbitrator of justice.

The same goes to you all, for our lives are finite and we will all meet our maker.

How many of you sleep soundly at night while injustices are perpetuated every single day? Innocence blown to bits by the IDF, while the Israeli's sit perched on their thrones beneath the ashes of their victims and gloat about genocide they inflict because their victims are not chosen.

The WESTERN so called "leaders" commit treason DAILY. Selling out to foreign interests who then coerce you with threats and violence if you do not comply. The world sees it openly now as they sell out their own peoples future in real-time.

Speak truth to power and reconcile your deeds before Judgment Day.

As a marine, I swore an oath to solemnly swear that I would defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And that is why, I will never stop fighting for the Palestinian people & their right to self-determination, including all those who fight for free speech & justice for ALL.

I would NEVER kill myself.

- Ken O'Keef

Over the past two weeks:

May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince.

May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup.

May 15th: Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.

May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić.

May 19th: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks.

May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.

What is going on right now? 🤯


May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince.

May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup.

May 15th: Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.

May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić.

May 19th: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks.

May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.


Source: @CilComLFC

Just a coincidence the “Queen” died exactly 1776 DAYS from the first Q post

🇺🇸1776 DAYS

Rothschilds controlled UK

Jacob Rothschild died 17 months after the Queen

“Prince” Phillip died 17 months before Queen

What’s the 17th letter of the alphabet?

But “nothing’s happening”

They are being plucked off one by one - but “Trump is a Zi0nist”

They took down Epstein
They took down Ghislaine
They took down Weinstein
They took down Nyguard
They took down NXIVM
They took down Bronfman
João Teixeira de Faria “John of God”

Diddy leads to yet another Epstein style blackmail ring ran by the same Jewish mob that controls the music industry, Hollywood and the media. (Just another tentacle of the same Rothschild banking mafia.)

One leads to another.

“How do you catch a very dangerous animal?”

If you know Roths/lsraeI brainwashed the largest voter base with Scofield Bible, stole the nukes, kiIIed JFK & has the Samson Option then it should be obvious why Trump can’t *openly* oppose them.

But they know.

lsraeI has owned/controls our entire G0V so who has it really been trying to stop Trump all this time?

Last for a reason.

Toch time to end the horror show dus. 15 mei was een verwijzing naar Israel en een horror show 4 jaar geleden. Nu een internationaal arrestatiebevel voor Netanyahu, waardoor hij slechts beperkt kan reizen en waardoor verdere wapenleveranties medeplichtigheid betekent aan een verdachte van ernstige oorlogsmisdaden. De positie van Netanyahu was al wankel in Israel zelf en dat wordt er nu niet beter op. De verwachting is dat als Neranyahu valt daarmee het complete oorlogskabinet valt en het eind van Israel zelf in zicht is.

Toch time to end the horror show dus. 15 mei was een verwijzing naar Israel en een horror show 4 jaar geleden. Nu een internationaal arrestatiebevel voor Netanyahu, waardoor hij slechts beperkt kan reizen en waardoor verdere wapenleveranties medeplichtigheid betekent aan een verdachte van ernstige oorlogsmisdaden. De positie van Netanyahu was al wankel in Israel zelf en dat wordt er nu niet beter op. De verwachting is dat als Neranyahu valt daarmee het complete oorlogskabinet valt en het eind van Israel zelf in zicht is.

Bibi wordt nu schaakmat gezet en zijn internationale handlangers ook. Of ze vegen hun kont af met de internationale rechtsorde, of ze houden zich er wel aan en dan is het klaar. Alles wordt nu heel snel duidelijk.

Bibi wordt nu schaakmat gezet en zijn internationale handlangers ook. Of ze vegen hun kont af met de internationale rechtsorde, of ze houden zich er wel aan en dan is het klaar. Alles wordt nu heel snel duidelijk.

Is alles nu onderhand zorgvuldig voorbereid voor een complete volksverhuizing van Israëlieten naar de USA USGI - United States of Great Israël ? :unsure:
Wat in ons wil eigenlijk ‘waarheid’? – Inderdaad, we bleven lang treuzelen voor de vraag naar de oorzaak van deze wil, – tot we ten slotte volkomen stil bleven staan voor een nog veel fundamenteler vraag. We vroegen naar de waarde van deze wil. Gesteld dat we waarheid willen: waarom niet liever onwaarheid? En onzekerheid? Zelfs onwetendheid?

Aldus Nietzsche in Voorbij goed en kwaad.

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