The Great Awakening


Chanting ‘F**** Allah”

What these children don't know is that the world has woken up and realized that Zionism is the real problem.

True nationalists, people from the left and right, and individuals from all religions have recognized that Zionism is harming their society and the world.

All these right-wing fake "nationalists" have been exposed. Despite all their efforts, this was all the support they could muster up. Embarrassing.

Did Dr Fauci help STEAL the 2020 Election from President Trump?

Is Fauci being exposed 5 months from the 2024 election for a reason? 🤔

The NIH / Big Pharma Rigging Elections?
We know Covid-19 was a biological weapon used to steal the 2020 Election.

Fauci also admitted he had collusion / "Collaboration with Chinese Communists with Covid-19."

@SidneyPowell1 hinted a few years ago that the NIH (Fauci) / Big Pharma are rigging elections. 🤫

Brannon - "Why would Defense Department want to patent software that allows them to flip elections?"

Sidney - "There are actually 2 patents that are KEY.
1 in 2005 for dynamic autiting of elections that allows them to monitor it real time & that was done with the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH which I don't exactly understand, but that's what it says."

The Defense Department & the National Institute of Health!
WHY would that be, Patriots?!

Because Weapons Defense Contractors that mold Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, Central Bankers & Big Pharmaceuticals ALL run the world & they do it by rigging elections to put their friends in power and keep them there.

[They] learned what another John F Kennedy could do with public eyes.
This is why ALL assets were deployed against President Trump to remove him from office.

Speaking of Fauci, I'll give you Patriots 👉 41 👈 guesses which POS infilTRAITOR installed Fauci many decades ago to steal our country from We, The People...

Over a quarter million votes total.

You love to see it.

The Zionists are losing control of the narrative, they’re losing an entire generation, and it’s why all of these sleazy politicians who are beholden to the Israel lobby are running around trying to pass hate speech legislation and internet censorship bills.

The only way they can hide the truth is if they silence it and call it antisemitic.

I would like to suggest that censorship, smear campaigns, and threats aren’t the best ways to “fight antisemitism” though.

Some alternative suggestions: stop bombing civilians, stop cheering when civilians get bombed, and stop demanding that American taxpayers fund those bombs.


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