The Great Awakening

Aren’t you scared to get cancelled?

That’s a question I get often in private in my DMs and in life.

Why? Because I speak my mind.

I laugh and always say NO.

Why would I be?

I know who I am, I know the love I have in my heart for my fellow man of all races and color.

I know the values I want to bring into this world.

Leading a life of righteousness these last several years has brought me incredible insight and clarity that one must feel to understand.

Nobody can harm me, I am one with God. My enemies are the ones that should worry. They have hate in their hearts and minds.

Evil and darkness cannot remain in the shadows and in power for long.

Nobody can stop me, nobody can imprison my mind.

I’m here to help inspire, lead, and provide an example for generations of men.

I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t womanize, I don’t gamble, I don’t smoke weed, and I lead a life filled with true love.

Airbnb wants to terminate me, others want to call me racist, or bad?

Show me the proof, cause I have proof you have bad intentions.

I’m the light, I can’t be stopped.

I have the spirit within me and I gave the fight boiling to lead the charge.

Scared to get canceled?
By whom? Evil?

PSA: The infiltrators in this movement who spread blatant lies about me, General Flynn and our team will be blocked.

I have zero tolerance for bullies especially ones who are paid to slander and defame true patriots. Many of these accounts popped up after Out of Shadows came out in 2020. These frauds have flourished and been propped up on Deep State platforms like YouTube and Meta’s Pedogram — places where myself, Mike Smith and Out of Shadows have been banned for four years! — despite the fact they expose the same topics we have. Then they laughably turn around and call us the gatekeepers.

Many of these infiltrators are known criminals. Some are gang members and there are even a few who are convicted child sex predators. This is why many have to remain anonymous.

I’m keeping receipts and there will be hell to pay for those who think they can get away with posting blatant defamatory lies about us — some of these scumbags go as far as calling us pedophiles. Others have used the sexual assault that was committed against me, that almost cost me my life, to mock and attack me. You people are vile, disgusting and doing the Devil’s bidding. You all will be exposed and held accountable.

There are lots of you who have no idea what many of us have sacrificed for the kids or the nonstop torment we are put through daily to fight on the frontlines of this battle. We do this for God and his little ones and the attacks will not deter us. We are only getting stronger, we will continue to fight and we will win.


Vandaag een reünie gehad van ons studentenhuis (30 jaar geleden). Ontzettend leuk. Er zijn 13 personen gekomen en weet je wat....3 zijn wakker (incl. mijzelf) en hebben geen vaccin genomen. Meer dan 20% dus.

The aim of propaganda is to brainwash human beings into believing that another group of human beings are not actually human beings.

This is why the media has a visceral reaction when Tucker poses a simple statement about the monstrosity of dropping a nuclear bomb at the end of the 2nd world war, (on praying Catholics in Nagasaki, no less).

This is why the media hates that I refuse to hate Russian citizens on behalf of Zelensky.

We’ve been sufficiently propagandized since grade school to believe that the mass-scale hatred of entire ethnic groups, plus dropping bombs on innocent civilians, is completely normal and was always historically necessary.

It wasn’t and it’s not.

Ignore the psychopaths telling you otherwise.


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