The Great Awakening

Dat zou kunnen Joost. Maar Q is al lange tijd stil. Al die Fake accounts helpen ook niet mee. Plus dat er geen actie komt maakt het allemaal haast ongeloofwaardig. Wie weet is de uitzending idd verzet. Desondanks word het er allemaal niet geloofwaardiger op terwijl de fake media nu alles mee heeft om Q gelovers, Q zelf, en Trump in een negatief daglicht te zetten.
Today, President Donald J. Trump will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan. This prestigious award is the Nation’s highest civilian honor, which is awarded by the President to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.

In 1994, Jordan was elected to the Ohio State House of Representatives and 8 years later to the State Senate. For the past 14 years, he has served the people of Ohio’s 4th district. In 2007, Jordan was appointed to the House Oversight Committee. As a member of that Committee, he helped uncover a gun running program known as “Fast and Furious” that gave AK-47s to Mexican drug cartels. Jordan helped identify millions of dollars of wasteful spending in the last administration’s numerous Green Energy Programs. He also fought against the Justice Department program known as “Operation Chokepoint”—an early form of cancel culture and “de-platforming” directed at law-abiding gun owners.

In 2012, Jordan led the effort to unearth one of the worst scandals in the history of the Treasury Department. As a result of his investigation, the Treasury Department Inspector General and the Oversight Committee found that the IRS was systematically targeting conservative organizations. In 2016, Jordan worked with then-Representative Mike Pompeo to investigate and publish a report on the deadly attack against our embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Moreover, he also worked to unmask the Russia hoax and take on Deep State corruption — confronting senior Justice Department officials for obstructing Congress and exposing the fraudulent origins of the Russia collusion lie. His work helped to unearth malfeasance at the highest levels of the United States Government.

At the beginning of last year, Jordan was named ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee and led the effort to confront the impeachment witch hunt. He is an inspiration to freedom-loving Americans everywhere and has distinguished himself as one of the most consequential members of Congress of his generation.Today, President Donald J. Trump will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan. This prestigious award is the Nation’s highest civilian honor, which is awarded by the President to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.

In 1994, Jordan was elected to the Ohio State House of Representatives and 8 years later to the State Senate. For the past 14 years, he has served the people of Ohio’s 4th district. In 2007, Jordan was appointed to the House Oversight Committee. As a member of that Committee, he helped uncover a gun running program known as “Fast and Furious” that gave AK-47s to Mexican drug cartels. Jordan helped identify millions of dollars of wasteful spending in the last administration’s numerous Green Energy Programs. He also fought against the Justice Department program known as “Operation Chokepoint”—an early form of cancel culture and “de-platforming” directed at law-abiding gun owners.

In 2012, Jordan led the effort to unearth one of the worst scandals in the history of the Treasury Department. As a result of his investigation, the Treasury Department Inspector General and the Oversight Committee found that the IRS was systematically targeting conservative organizations. In 2016, Jordan worked with then-Representative Mike Pompeo to investigate and publish a report on the deadly attack against our embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Moreover, he also worked to unmask the Russia hoax and take on Deep State corruption — confronting senior Justice Department officials for obstructing Congress and exposing the fraudulent origins of the Russia collusion lie. His work helped to unearth malfeasance at the highest levels of the United States Government.

At the beginning of last year, Jordan was named ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee and led the effort to confront the impeachment witch hunt. He is an inspiration to freedom-loving Americans everywhere and has distinguished himself as one of the most consequential members of Congress of his generation.
When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010, an employer mandate to provide health insurance was included and originally slated to take effect in 2014. The mandate was intended to preserve the provision of private health insurance to more than 150 million Americans. The consequence of not complying with the employer mandate would be liability for a penalty payment to the Federal Government.

Under the mandate, which applies to businesses with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTE)—generally a business that does not provide affordable minimum value health insurance to at least 95% of its full-time employees and their dependents—would be liable for a penalty if a full-time employee qualified for subsidized coverage on the health insurance exchange. These penalty payments, net of decreased revenue due to lower taxable earnings, were projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in 2013 to be more than $140 billion from FY 2014 to FY 2023, and, as such, were projected to be a significant source of revenue to pay for the ACA, assuming the penalty payment would begin in 2014. But the implementation of this employer mandate/penalty was delayed until 2015 for all employers, and then again until 2016 for employers with 50 to 99 full-time employees, including FTE employees (approximately 2% of employers). In this blog, we evaluate the economic impact of the mandate as well as provide direct evidence of its effectiveness by comparing the actual revenue collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to CBO’s estimates of revenue to be collected.

The ACA employer mandate forces many employers to get into the business of providing health insurance or to pay a large per-worker tax that goes to subsidizing insurance purchased through the health insurance exchanges. And it is not just the ACA that embeds this approach; almost all previous attempts to achieve universal health insurance coverage in the United States, ranging from Presidents Nixon, Carter, and Clinton to Senator Ted Kennedy and others, relied on an employer mandate as an essential feature of their proposals.

This approach to achieve universal coverage creates a number of challenges for both firms and workers. If employers instead provide the same dollar amount to all employees and at the same time avoid any payments for health insurance, the shift will add relatively more compensation to lower-paid workers. For example, if the employer were paying $6,000 per year for coverage for the worker alone and shifted that amount to all workers who had single-worker coverage, then a worker with $30,000 cash income before would now have $36,000—a 20% increase—with half of the relative effect (only a 10% increase) on a worker who previously was paid $60,000.

At the time of the ACA’s enactment, employers who had not previously offered health insurance were a predictable group—primarily small- to mid-size firms with 50 to 100 FTEs with a relatively large proportion of part-time workers. There is a good reason for this—they pay more to buy the same insurance coverage than larger employers do. The “price of insurance” is the “load” charged by insurance companies (usually expressed as a percentage of the average benefits paid) to cover the costs of administration and the risk-bearing assumed by the insurer. For a variety of reasons, the loading fee charged by insurance companies for employer-based group insurance systematically declines as the number of “covered lives” increases. The effect is quite large.

Two separate estimates using different data lead to similar results. In one analysis, small groups (under 100 people) face, on average, a loading fee of 34% of the premium charged. Groups of more than 100 people in size, on average, face a loading fee of only 15%, and the effect continues as firms get larger and larger. Firms with more than 10,000 employees face average loading fees of only 4%.

A second analysis estimated the loading fee for individual policies (40 to 100% loading), groups of 2 –20 employees (34% loading fee), groups of 100–500 covered lives (16%), and, separately, more than 10,000 covered lives (4–6%).[ii] These two estimates from very different data sources converge to very similar estimates of the group-size gradient for loading fees: Small groups face a 34% load, medium-size groups face a 16% load, and very large groups face a 4–6% load.[iii]

Therefore, requiring firms with 50 or more full-time employees, including FTE employees, to provide health insurance for at least 95% of their full-time workers systematically burdens smaller firms more than larger firms. For example, the costs of providing a plan that provides the minimum actuarial value of 60% (the minimum coverage allowed to meet the ACA employer mandate) will be about one-third more per worker for small firms (less than 100 workers) than for the largest firms (more than 10,000 workers). This extra cost strains a set of companies that in many ways are the source of growth in the economy—startups that nurture creative economic endeavors.

The ACA addressed this burden—incompletely—by offering tax credits to assist in the provision of health insurance for firms with 25 or fewer full-time employees, and a separate assistance still misses the reality of how loading fees work in the real world. The loading fee remains very high for firms that are well below the 100-worker cutoff. While SHOP is available to assist firms with 100 or fewer employees, this is true in only four states. The small group market, and thus the SHOP, is 50 employees and under everywhere else.

The employer mandate has a separate negative consequence that affects low-wage workers, particularly those working for small- to medium-sized firms near or at the minimum wage: It can cost them their jobs. If a firm is mandated to provide health insurance or pay a penalty (as the current ACA does for firms with more than 50 full-time employees including FTEs), they normally have the option of shifting the costs of that health insurance back to the worker in the form of lower wages, at least in the long run (e.g., by giving out small or no raises, or simply by reducing wage income immediately). But if the worker is at or near the prevailing minimum wage law, that option no longer exists, and to the extent that minimum wage laws increase over time (relative to median wages), they capture more and more workers in this net. For example, a recent study found between 28,000 and 50,000 businesses nationwide appear to be reducing their number of FTE employees to below 50 because of the mandate. This translates to roughly 250,000 positions eliminated from those businesses.[iv]

To assess the performance of the employer mandate to significantly finance the ACA at the tens of billions of revenue as predicted, we compared data from CBO’s projections and internal data provided by the IRS. We find a major disconnect between the CBO’s projections of penalty payments by employers and the actual collections ultimately made by the IRS.

The March 2015 CBO baseline estimated $167 billion in net revenue from the employer mandate from 2016 to 2025. This baseline was released more than one year after the last major policy change (transitional relief to small employers for tax year 2015) prior to full implementation of the mandate in 2016. Looking at actual collections reported by IRS, we see that CBO was off by nearly two orders of magnitude. As seen in Figure 1, for 2016, the CBO projected $9 billion in revenue from the mandate penalty. In contrast, the IRS reported penalties of $420 million assessed for tax year 2016, and after dispute resolution, $142 million collected. While complete information is still not available from the IRS for tax year 2017, preliminary data indicates a similar gap. The March 2015 CBO baseline projected net revenue from employer penalty payments of $13 billion. As of June 2020, the IRS had assessed $264 million in penalties and collected only $66 million.

Furthermore, the cost of enforcement is not trivial. The IRS reports they have 114 full-time staff members working to enforce the penalty.

The disparity between the CBO projections and the amount IRS has collected is even more pronounced when considering the distinction between gross collections and net revenue. In its projections from March 2015, CBO specifies that the projection includes gross penalty collections and the associated effects of changes in taxable compensation on income and payroll tax revenues, which are included in the estimate of the tax exclusion for employment-based insurance. However, in the March 2016 baseline, CBO projects gross collections and explains that the 10-year estimate is 28 percent higher than the net revenue impact for the same period. While the IRS data on penalty collections is more comparable to gross collections, CBO did not make projected gross collections publicly available in March 2015. However, since factoring this information into the comparison would only increase the difference between projections and actual collections data, we believe it is appropriate to use Figure 1 to illustrate the magnitude of the difference.

Ten years after the passage of the ACA, the employer mandate has been found to underperform expectations from CBO and has provided for only a fraction of the revenues expected. Specifically, only approximately 1% of the proposed revenue from the employer mandate penalty has been collected by the IRS. Given the expense of the program and the negative economic effects outlined earlier, an end to the penalty would have great merit as a policy change.

Karaca-Mandic P, Abraham J, Phelps CE, How Do Health Insurance Loading Fees Vary by Group Size? Implications for Healthcare Reform, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 2011; 11(3):181–207.

[ii] Pauly MV, Health Reform without Side Effects: Making Markets Work for Individual Health Insurance, Stanford, CA, The Hoover Institution Press, 2010.

[iii] Phelps, CE, Parente, ST. The Economics of US Health Care Policy. London, UK, Routledge Press, 2017.

[iv] Mulligan, C. The Employer Penalty, Voluntary Compliance, and the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from a Survey of Small Businesses. NBER Working paper 24037, November, 2017.
In May 2020, the Trump Administration foresaw and declared the death of Hong Kong’s free and open society at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Last week’s politicized arrests of more than 50 people, former elected officials among them, for exercising their political rights guaranteed under the Basic Law, is the latest of many successive nails that Beijing has driven into the coffin of Hong Kong democracy.

In May, the Administration demanded answers from Beijing about the origins of the virus and accused the World Health Organization of enabling a cover up by deferring to the CCP. Just as China ignored its international obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, it continues to do so with the International Health Regulations.

The United States was the first major country with the courage and conviction to candidly acknowledge the true nature of the CCP regime. It is critical that nations around the world demand accountability from Beijing. The world cannot continue to pay heavy prices for its naiveté and complicity in Beijing’s irresponsible and harmful practices – whether it is ending the rule of law in Hong Kong or not cooperating with health officials on the pandemic. The United States is examining further options to respond.
Melania TrumpJanuary 11, 2021
Like all of you, I have reflected on the past year and how the invisible enemy, Covid-19, swept across our beautiful country. All Nations have experienced the loss of loved ones, economic pain, and the negative impacts of isolation.

As your First Lady, it has been inspiring to witness firsthand what the people of our great Nation will do for one another, especially when we are at our most vulnerable.

With nearly every experience I have had, I found myself carrying many individual’s stories home with me in my heart.

Most recently, my heart goes out to: Air Force Veteran, Ashli Babbitt, Benjamin Philips, Kevin Greeson, Roseanne Boyland, and Capitol Police Officers, Brian Sicknick and Howard Liebengood. I pray for their families comfort and strength during this difficult time.

I am disappointed and disheartened with what happened last week. I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me – from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain.

Our Nation must heal in a civil manner. Make no mistake about it, I absolutely condemn the violence that has occurred on our Nation’s Capitol. Violence is never acceptable.

As an American, I am proud of our freedom to express our viewpoints without persecution. It is one of the paramount ideals which America is fundamentally built on. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect that right. With that in mind, I would like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives.

I implore people to stop the violence, never make assumptions based on the color of a person’s skin or use differing political ideologies as a basis for aggression and viciousness. We must listen to one another, focus on what unites us, and rise above what divides us.

It is inspiring to see that so many have found a passion and enthusiasm in participating in an election, but we must not allow that passion to turn to violence. Our path forward is to come together, find our commonalities, and be the kind and strong people that I know we are.

Our country’s strength and character have revealed themselves in the communities that have been impacted by natural disasters and throughout this terrible pandemic that has affected all of us. The common thread in all of these challenging situations is American’s unwavering resolve to help one another. Your compassion has shown the true spirit of our country.

As I said over the summer, it is these defining moments that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through empathy, strength, and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our future. Each of you are the backbone of this country. You are the people who continue to make the United States of America what it is, and who have the incredible responsibility of preparing our future generations to leave everything better than they found it.

It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your First Lady. I want to thank the millions of Americans who supported my husband and me over the past 4 years and shown the incredible impact of the American spirit. I am grateful to you all for letting me serve you on platforms which are dear to me.

Most importantly, I ask for healing, grace, understanding, and peace for our great Nation.

Every day let us remember that we are one Nation under God. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America.


Melania Trump
Dit zou de verklaring kunnen zijn

Wat wil dit zeggen dan Kevin? Waar is dit een verklaring voor? Bedoel je het zogenaamde aftreden van Trump? Of de fake accounts?
Dat zou kunnen Joost. Maar Q is al lange tijd stil. Al die Fake accounts helpen ook niet mee. Plus dat er geen actie komt maakt het allemaal haast ongeloofwaardig. Wie weet is de uitzending idd verzet. Desondanks word het er allemaal niet geloofwaardiger op terwijl de fake media nu alles mee heeft om Q gelovers, Q zelf, en Trump in een negatief daglicht te zetten.

Iedereen die Q volgde wist dat dit eraan zou komen, het klopt bijna exact. Dus niets om nerveus van te worden. Ik ben eerlijk gezegd wel opgewonden, we bereiken bijna het punt waar we jaren naar toe hebben geleefd!

Iedereen die Q volgde wist dat dit eraan zou komen, het klopt bijna exact. Dus niets om nerveus van te worden. Ik ben eerlijk gezegd wel opgewonden, we bereiken bijna het punt waar we jaren naar toe hebben geleefd!

Ja, zo zou het idd moeten voelen. Was het dan ook de bedoeling dat er massaal nep nieuws verspreid zou worden door Q volgers? Want dat is wat er nu gebeurd waardoor eerder de indruk ontstaat dat zij ons in de tang hebben iplv andersom. Wat zie jij wat ik niet zie?
SecPompeo (Twitter)
Cuba’s continued support for terrorism in the Western Hemisphere must be stopped. Today the United States is returning Cuba to the State Sponsors of Terrorism list to hold the Castro regime accountable for its malign behavior.

Guantánamo Bay ligt op het eiland van Cuba.

10 days of darkness tot 17 januari. Joost, je hebt gelijk.

Wat niet wegneemt dat het verhaal rond het capitool wat er gebeurd is, waar is.

Social media uit de lucht, censuur, klopt ook.

Dan zijn er nog dingen die kloppen, dat ze een impeachment willen doen en niet kunnen doen, klopt ook.

Voor de rest denk ik dat er heel veel speculatie is en de zgn. q media kenners ook graag een duit in het zakje doen.

Het is allemaal speculeren.

We zullen tot 17 januari geduld moeten hebben en dan gaat de reis verder.

“Donald J. Trump’s term ended on 2021-01-11 19:39:11.”
Fake nieuws idd. Het genoemde tijdstip was opmerkelijk “Donald J. Trump’s term ended on 2021-01-11 19:39:11.”. Dat was Europese tijd. Het is daar 6 uur eerder!

Nou Dorothe, dat klopt wat je zegt. Al die issues zijn ook in de reguliere media. Dat blijft wel een vreemd verhaal want ze zouden een giga party moeten hebben met de overwinning die ze zouden hebben behaald. Die 10 days of darkness, die hadden we toch al gehad na de verkiezingen van November? Toen Trump verloren had gingen we daar toch doorheen? Komt 10 days of darkness vaker voor?
Ja, zo zou het idd moeten voelen. Was het dan ook de bedoeling dat er massaal nep nieuws verspreid zou worden door Q volgers?

Omdat veel mensen ongeduldig zijn en de bronnen niet checken. Het valt me ook op hoe vaak satirische site als conservative beaver wordt geciteerd. Kom op, de naam van de site zegt het al.

Misschien is dat wel een reden dat Jensen hier niet aan mee doet.

Hij wil niets verkeerd zeggen en houdt het een beetje wazig.


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