The Great Awakening

Good advice below from Brian Cates, so much mis- and dis-information:

“You’re gonna a lot thrown at you as this crescendo builds. Don’t let your guard down is EXCELLENT ADVICE.

Just like many people instantly bought into Maxey’s claims about the 450 gb of new material he’s discovered on the laptop he got from Rudy G. , many people will also instantly buy into “there is no virus, 100,000 people across America entered into a massive conspiracy to poison us all with local water supplies”_


Psy-ops are being launched in your left and in your right.

Be careful who you follow.

GET RID OF ALL YOUR AUTHORITY FIGURES who appeal to your confirmation biases.

Research for yourself.

Don’t just instantly adopt some new claim some guy you never heard of two weeks ago presented to you.

The biggest danger MAGA has right now is that so many people have detached from reality they literally ready to believe anything.

You actually need MORE discernment and skepticism right now, not LESS.

Be your own authority.”

Believe what you want.
Believe who you want.

I’m not buying the latest info drama. It was created with the purpose of further discrediting you in your real life relationships IMO.

Pseudoscience isn’t science, but sometimes it sounds close.

you notice that there is a huge influx of fake BS when their narrative starts falling apart?

the DS is absolutely getting their teeth kicked in and now we have a false flag subway shooting, gun regulation coming, covid 19 positive all over DC, federal vaccine mandates coming back, mask mandates trying to come back, Comet headed toward Earth, oh and apparently they put king cobra venom in our water supply and put it on a documentary called "watch the water" just so anons will pay attention. all in the last few days. kek

News flash: even if they did put king cobra venom in the water supply - it clearly didn't work well, bc 99% of people survived. Also didn't know king cobra venom didn't work on kids and only caused deaths in people with multiple comorbidities.

in the meantime, I'm focusing on Russia/Ukraine and the arrest of DS players.

Gebruik je door God gegeven onderscheidingsvermogen!

Word of The Day: Discernment

-"Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well (or the activity of so doing). In the case of judgement, discernment can be psychological, moral or aesthetic in nature.

-Discernment has also been defined in the contexts; scientific (that is discerning what is true about the real world), normative (discerning value including what ought to be) and formal (deductive reasoning).

-The process of discernment within judgment, involves going past the mere perception of something and making nuanced judgments about its properties or qualities.

-Discernment in the Christian religion is considered as a virtue, a discerning individual is considered to possess wisdom, and be of good judgement; especially so with regard to subject matter often overlooked by others."

As discernment is the word of the day, let’s explore it a bit more because it’s key in becoming your own authority figure.

Discernment is using all the God-given tools you have to determine the truthfulness of what’s being seen/heard. Period. End of. Discernment has nothing to do with deferring to outside authority figures, be they parents, influencers, or whoever else isn’t your own self, so in learning to exercise discernment, a good place to begin is examining beliefs currently held. Where’d they come from? Did you decide to adopt those beliefs or were they placed there by authority figures?

Similarly, an induced emotional reaction to a situation or the news, isn’t discernment so keep the emotional body in check when practicing discernment.

Basically, give yourself permission to trust your gut/instincts/intuition. You know in your heart what’s truth and what’s bullshid, so use the tools The Creator of All Creation gave you.

The beauty of exercising discernment is it’s something that’s fluid, so as you learn more, the ability to discern becomes stronger. And best of all, if something stops holding true or begins pinging as false, you can always change your mind by shifting the beliefs held about nearly any situation.

Know in your heart that God wins; the rest of this is all of us learning to discern Truth from nonsense because we, as a collective, aren’t going through this again.

How many tons of snake venom would they have to come up with to make a plan to pollute America’s local water supply with it?

How many local people in each, state, city and town would have to be recruited for the effort?

Maybe ask some questions before buying Dr. Ardis’ new and ready to launch anti-venom products.

Dear friends: there's an awful lot of noise right now, and the level of idiocy of some of the distractions is mind-numbing.

It's not the first time - it won't be the last. Keep your eyes on the prize. Keep focus. Keep track of the important stories.

Those of us who have been in this fight for half a decade know which content creators, which anons and patriots to trust.

Those who are new and untried have to trust their discretion, and avoid going for the spectacular for its own sake.

We have been tasked with substituting the Mockingbird media's lies. We must shine the truth, do our research, and get the facts behind all the manufactured drama.

It's called the Great Awakening. WAKE UP!!!

Gebruik je door God gegeven onderscheidingsvermogen!

Dotcom zondag
Kan 'Watch the water' ook betrekking hebben op de Japanse Zee (Japan/Noord-Korea) of de Zee van Ochotsk (Rusland/Japan) in plaats van op Straat Formosa (Taiwan/China)?

Even los van het feit of dit waar is of niet, zou een Kangen apparaat dit eruit filteren?
Ik moet zeggen dat ik me wel irriteer aan het vrolijke relaas met lachend gezicht meest van de tijd van dr. Ardis, het gaat hem goed af en is toch een zeer slecht nieuws brenger.

Ze kunnen met de frequentie daarvan werken. Kan ook denk ik. Dan heb je geen tonnen nodig.
Om de een of andere reden vallen jullie als een blok voor deze zeer schadelijke disinfo, die nu via de gebruikelijke kanalen (Stew Peters, Phil Godlewski, Charlie Ward) alom verspreid wordt. Don't believe the hype!


Even los van het feit of dit waar is of niet, zou een Kangen apparaat dit eruit filteren?
Dat denk ik wel. Wij hebben ander soort zuiveringssysteem en sinds dit hebben onze kippen wel heel rode kammen, veel zuurstof.
Dat denk ik wel. Wij hebben ander soort zuiveringssysteem en sinds dit hebben onze kippen wel heel rode kammen, veel zuurstof.
Het is een tijdrovend proces om slangengif te winnen lijkt mij, zeker voor miljarden injecties.
Zeer inefficiënt voor een in paniek verkerende elite die haar plannen snel door wil voeren.
[Doorgestuurd van Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)]
I don't like the "white hats are in control" narrative for a number of reasons. While I believe that good people in the military and intelligence community are working to prosecute bad actors—and there is a mountain of evidence to back up this idea—to say that they are "in control" can give people a false sense of security.

When the idea that good people are "in control" is misapplied, it can remove our desire to get involved personally in the political process.

The Flynn brothers have seen the need to urge average people to get involved in the political process. The idea that white hats will clear everything up without our help is antithetical to that message. Even if they believed it to be true they would be foolish to say so publicly.

One of Q's most important messages was that we need to do our own research, think for ourselves, and trust our own judgment, and rely less on political pundits, intelligence experts and insiders. If we're still depending on them to inform us about what's happening, we haven't learned the lesson.

While the military is there to prevent the NWO from enacting their plans in SECRET, It's the people's resonsibility to prevent them from enacting their plans in PUBLIC.

Just because we have good people working behind the scenes to thwart enemy plans, we can't become complacent.

That's what got us into this mess to begin with. The last thing the military would ever want to have to do is stage a coup on American soil; that would leave a giant wound on the country no matter what the reason.

Instead white hats are working to keep the world from spiralling into World War 3 until the people have sufficiently restored citizen control of government.

It has to be done right. It has to be done according to the law. It has to be seen by everybody. Otherwise the changes won't stick.

The question isn't "Is the military coming to save us?"

The question is "How much worse would things be right now without them?"

The military does a million little things behind the scenes every day to keep the world from spiraling into chaos. That's their role.

Restoring the Republic is the role of each and every citizen.

We are Q.

We are the plan.
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