The Great Awakening

[Antwoord op ArchiveAnon ⭐⭐⭐️]
Actually he only said that once to my recollection, and from the context it appeared he was talking specifically about rooting out infiltrators behind the scenes in the government and containing mass planned riots, both off which seem to have already happened.

The military already saved the day. The NWO planned for this whole situation to be a lot worse.

People forget about all the stuff Q posted about taking out infiltrators in the intel agencies and destroying black sites overseas. What about destroying the nuclear clown ops in North Korea?

You think Covid was bad, who knows what they really had in store for us?

The army has already saved the world a million times over while we were sleeping. It's still not enough unless we get involved.
Nu ik meer over nadenk en de posts van ArchiveAnon doorneem komt bij mij het idee op dat Watch the waters te maken heeft met de emotionele gemoedstoestand van jezelf en van anderen.
Clif High benoemt de Watch the water docu van Byron Ardis als propaganda:

Via Patel Patriot:
Jordan Sather denkt dat Dr. Ardis goede intenties heeft maar misbruikt wordt door lieden met minder goede intenties:

I actually get the feeling that Dr. Bryan Ardis is a good guy with good intentions. Don’t misconstrue what I’m saying about these theories into thinking I’m throwing him under the bus.

I just think he might be jumping to conclusions about certain things - and that there’s a possibility that nefarious groups are looking to exploit hole-filled theories for psy-op related purposes, unbeknownst to Ardis.

"Time will tell" - I hear this a lot.

In some cases, time has already told. Don't miss or deny the evidence if it's right in front of your face.

Eentje die ik ook vaak hoor is: ik help het je hopen. Maar hoop is er allang, dit gaat over de wanhoop van de spreker zelf!

It's easier to follow Ardis' ideas in other interviews that aren't behind sensationalist editing like Peters productions.

Doing gain of function research with mRNA from snake venom peptides. Sounds plausible.

Saying "venom is in the water!" or "we're literally turning into snakes!" wrecks the whole story.

Washington Post Columnist Arrested In Moscow


gosh, why can't we do this here in America already.....not like they aren't all guilty of knowingly spreading false information that resulted in people's deaths, crises, etc


Ik ben geen juridisch expert. Wat verheldering is niet misplaatst.
In de Amerikaanse grondwet staat dat er op geen enkele wijze inbreuk mag worden gemaakt op het recht van burgers op wapenbezit. Wat de Deep State graag doet is zeggen: ja maar, dat was een andere tijd en ze bedoelden eigenlijk dit... Deze meme gaat over de letterlijke tekst van dit grondwetartikel en dat het niets aan onduidelijkheid overlaat. Maar nu heb ik.wel de grap uitgelegd en is-ie niet leuk meer.

It sure feels like something big is coming.

Fake news cycle is nonstop coverage of the false flag shooting, sprinkled with a little Ukraine action, while the shills are simultaneously spewing lots of nonsense 🤔

Distractions everywhere.

In de Amerikaanse grondwet staat dat er op geen enkele wijze inbreuk mag worden gemaakt op het recht van burgers op wapenbezit. Wat de Deep State graag doet is zeggen: ja maar, dat was een andere tijd en ze bedoelden eigenlijk dit... Deze meme gaat over de letterlijke tekst van dit grondwetartikel en dat het niets aan onduidelijkheid overlaat. Maar nu heb ik.wel de grap uitgelegd en is-ie niet leuk meer.

Bedankt voor de verheldering.
Had je mijn sarcasme niet door?
Nee. Her valt me wel vaker op dat je grappen letterlijk neemt door je PDD-NOS. Of je moet werken aan je sarcastische vaardighedern. ;)

Can't help but wonder if the sudden focus on this snake venom BS and tossing in the “Satan’s DNA” nonsense is because [they] needed something different to use to mock the Q community since the previous narrative about Q folks believing our government is filled with pedophiles is being proven to be true. They needed something to divert attention away from our calling out all pedos & groomers especially w/confirmation of the pedo protector to the SCOTUS.

There was a lot going on behind the scenes in Ukraine from 2014 through the time the 2016 election was held.

And you have to remember just how much Trump shocked the world by winning that election.

It was supposed to be Hillary.

Less than a month after Trump won that election, in December of 2016 you had John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Amy Klobuchar doing what I can only describe as a hastily organized PANIC TOUR of Ukraine.

Listen to McCain and Graham in this video. They are clearly worried about Trump finding things out and they want this civil war issue between Western/Eastern Ukraine settled fast before Trump could stick his nose into it.

Use you brains people!

🐍 Snake Venom inhibits clotting‼️ 🤪

Critical thought must prevail.
Any idea how much of a toxin needs to be put in water supply to even make ANY effect? Don’t get caught up.

🐍Snake Venom cannot be synthesized stably- it’s made in horses!

PS- Bryan is selling supplements for snake venom- just saying.....

Now they're accusing Elon of being a racist and saying it's illegal for him to purchase Twitter

The regime hasn't even begun to threaten Elon yet

They're showing their hand


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