The Great Awakening

@kimberlyrja8 pointed out these drops:
Drop #1859 —Notice all caps: @s8n zzzzmissuson.png TWITTER ACCOUNTS HOLDS BIG NAMES.

Drop #1223: Public/private #Twitter Accts They ALL have them. WE HAVE IT ALL. APRIL 21, 2018

Which means we had access to all of these ELON disclosures in 2018…….
WHY did #@Jack REALLY leave?
WHO REALLY took over? And WHEN?

Why did KANYE intentionally just get himself banned?
Possibly baiting the “HANDLERS”.

I’m still currently convinced that ELON, KANYE & TRUMP are in the process of disclosing what’s been hidden for the entire WORLD to see— with their own eyes.

“You can’t just TELL them, you have to SHOW them.”

So. Many. Questions. 👀

Great awakening…..but it’s gonna be hard for many.

Hence my warning about not removing God from the equation.

It’s good vs evil.

Satan trying to take on GOD.

Remove GOD, who is left?

As Elon figures out who is behind the secret burner accounts & gamer chats, he will make the connections to the people behind them: Hollywood, politicians, Fashion & Music industry.

Which will connect to what the FBI has from Ghislaine & Epstein Island.
And I truly believe they will all fall.

BALENCIAGA was only the beginning…..

That’s why the other day I said only a quirky genius like Elon could take on the tech angle, lion genius like Trump could take on the political angle & creative genius like Kanye could take on the music & fashion industry angle…….they are all 3 “un-cancellable” billionaires.


You can love them or hate them, but know this…..there’s a plan.

It’s not just pedo cult…….it’s all human trafficking. Adults, illegal immigrants, runaways, mentally ill used for MKUltra.

From my research, it’s human trafficking of all kinds for nefarious purposes.


Absolutely true.

The speed at which he is red-pilling hundreds of millions of people cannot be overstated.

This is why he didn't let the Q movement anons back on yet.

It's FAR better if HE does it personally at this point.

It's EASIER for people to take it from him and he is being very careful and calculated in how he's doing it.

No "you idiots, you shoulda woke up years ago!" and rubbing their faces in it, as more immature people would do.

Breaking : Apparently people who commit genocide are NOT evil. 🤦‍♂️

"One of the first things we teach our students is that people who commit genocide are NOT evil." : Assistant professor at Ohio State University.

Talk about being COMPLETELY brainwashed & indoctrinated into the acceptance of evils. This is what you call, a foot soldier for satan.

Her statement alone is a sign of a mental disorder.

"Les Wexner & Jeffrey Epstein probably got to hand pick most of these professors. Their influence is strong at The Ohio State University."
@glaringlyobvious on Truth Social

Good point. Epstein's circle of scientists in eugenics was YUGE.

Imagine believing Bill Gates isn't evil.
Imagine believing Dr Fauci isn't evil.

I guess Hitler was just having a bad DAY? 🤦‍♂️

En het is een...♀️. 🐘

"Follow The White Rabbit"

The world is about to be pushed into the rabbit hole, whether they're ready or not.

Baby blood drinking, satan worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles have taken over OUR world that God created for us with intent to be free on. We need to cleanse our realm.

Adrenochrome harvesting in, "The Dark Crystal."

"Give the crystal your fear, you're love, your everything. Give the crystal your very essence."
"Here is the answer we seek. Here is life everlasting."

In the world of Thra, a few Gelfling discover the horrifying evil behind the Skeksis' power as they are secretly draining & consuming the essence / life force of the "commoners" of society, to gain everlasting health, strength, & immortality to remain in power & rule over all others long into the future.

A few ordinary citizens set out to expose the evil doings of the rulers & ignite the fires of rebellion to save their world.

Doesn't THAT sound familiar?

I know I've posted this a few years ago, but there's some key points that were missed I'd like to go back over in this supposed 'children's movie' that was made in 1982, but remade in 2019 as a series for Netflix.

"These people are sick!"

The last 2 minutes are not to be missed. They are literally talking about us. ALL of us. 😡🤬

Adrenochrome - "The Dark Crystal"

"He saw! He knows!"
Emperor : "If the Gelfling learn what we have done..."

"We are Lords of the Crystal, yes?
Even if Rian talk, no one believe.
They will shun him, cast him out.
How can they not? To believe him, is to not believe themselves.
Skeksis reign a thousand trine, & Skeksis reign a thousand more, until last star in sky goes dark.
Gelfling will submit, head bowed, back bent as have always done.
Gelfling WANT to be ruled.
Gelfling NEED to be ruled.
Becuase Gelfling are WEAK.
Glfling are SMALL.
& Skeksis are forever.
We took the crystal.
Thra belongs to us now & is NOTHING Gelfling can do!"

This describes ALL of us.

"Even if he talk, no one believe. They will shun him, cast him out. To believe him is to not believe themselves"

This is YOU trying to talk to your friends & family!

[They] think you're weak!
[They] MOCK you!
[They] think you can do NOTHING!!
[They] LAUGH at you while looking down on you from atop [Their] hilltop mansions!

Dan is er toch nog hoop
Grappig ik volg een remote view ster die is opgeleid met deze vorm van hypnotherapie en geïnspireerd door t werk van Dolores.

De 2e generatie is dus eind 30 eind 40.
Ik ben zelf 44 en heb in mijn bubbel ontzettend veel wakkeren inmiddels.
Ik moet dan een voorloper zijn, want ik ben 55. Volgens mij gaat het eerder om 'oude zielen' die in verschillende leeftijdscategorieen worden geboren.

Grappig ik volg een remote view ster die is opgeleid met deze vorm van hypnotherapie en geïnspireerd door t werk van Dolores.

De 2e generatie is dus eind 30 eind 40.
Ik ben zelf 44 en heb in mijn bubbel ontzettend veel wakkeren inmiddels.
Dat is erg fijn. Ik heb op zich niks tegen deze filosofie maar wil me ook niet laten leiden door alleen dat. Er zijn nog meer doelgroepen dan alleen deze 3. Het voelt onder de wakkeren een beetje alsof er alleen saamhorigheid mag zijn onder wakkeren. Persoonlijk is dat voor mij tekort door de bocht en wil ik de niet wakkeren niet tekort doen. Zij maken immers ook deel uit van deze aarde. Ik vind de doelgroepen dus te beperkt en wil met iedereen normale omgang kunnen hebben ongeacht hun denkwijze omdat ook zij handelen uit onwetendheid heb ik vaak moeite met de over en weer beschuldigingen en kritiek op deze mensen waarbij ik dan juist afstand wil van de wakkere kritiek gevers.
..ben benieuwd hoe je dat ervaart en of het je lukt.
Daar kan ik wel wat over zeggen. Hoe ik het ervaar is dat het onder veel wakkeren op mij overkomt dat het nooit goed gaat komen. Dat er altijd wel iets vreselijks staat te gebeuren. En hoe daarmee om te gaan in de zin of dat lukt? Ik probeer zelf het vertrouwen te behouden dat dingen wel goed gaan komen. Alleen het onderscheid van persoonlijkheden die sommigen maken doet mij teveel pijn en ik kan me daaraan niet conformeren. Laat ze verder in hun waarde.

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