The Great Awakening

God doesn't need everyone to go and slay Goliath. The enemy is on a relentless mission to try and get us on paths that aren't meant for us.

To walk in the spirit means to accept the motions of God's direction. His ways are not our ways. To move us onto His wavelength He makes us like living water.

Moments come when you think you are doing something insignificant.. but nothing could be more significant than walking hand and hand with The Lord. He is bringing you to a wonderful place.

I think that the truth about the evils taking place are just too heavy for most to consume.

People can believe that the rabbit hole is truly as dark as we've told them, but they would rather stay at the surface where it's far more comfortable.

I see these long stretched out years of the slow rollout of exposure as an act of grace from God to Humanity.

I believe with every fiber of my being that God took us down the least painful path. The world will see reality and eyes will open.


A quick word for the frens:

Many of us are going through difficult challenges, as long as we persevere to the end and guard our faith, those beautiful things God promised us, despite our mistakes, He will look back with rose-colored glasses, and simply cherish walking hand in hand with us.

Not because you didn't tumble like all children do when they are learning to walk. But because you refused to ultimately give up. Just keep going. You don't need to be perfect, you just need to let God take you exactly where He wants. Even if that means going somewhere that no one has been, like Abraham in the desert, believing God would give him an impossible child at 100. You are a remarkable testimony in the making as God creates something incredible from the chaos. Keep going!


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