The Great Awakening

I think the most unbelievable thing about Anons is that we've witnessed pure evil and watched closer than anyone, event after event pass us by with painfully wide awake eyes at the most critical time in our nation's history since her inception and somehow continued to press forward despite the fatigue that sets in after years of fighting for truth and awakening.
There's no logical reason for our endurance other than we have no other choice but to not give up.
The toughness and mental fortitude displayed by the anon is truly something to behold.
Q said the end wouldn't be for everyone. Oh how right he was.
To those who remain on the digital battlefield and refuse to give up your faith, I salute you.

Sometimes the best thing you can do when the enemy continues to harass you is to simply ignore their attacks and press forward without giving those demonic thoughts another second of your time. By acknowledging the enemy gathering around you, you can sometimes encourage them and validate their onslaught. But when a lion, a king or queen, feels the presence of flies, what do they do? They go on being the royalty they were born into. Sometimes the need to rebuke the enemy is clear but not always. There are days when simply choosing to be still and know that God is God and you are royalty that need not go to their level is the key to overcoming a specific attack. Peace enrages the enemy more than so many truly understand.
Rise above the warfare.
Become unassailable.


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