To put it as succinctly as possible: People are programmed to be stupid.
They've been trained by the mainstream media, the education system, and the powers that be their entire lives to not think for themselves and to become drones in service of mystery Babylon.
There's a reason why God refers to humans as sheep. That's because sheep need caring for. Without a shepherd they would truly be lost.
If it wasn't for God and someone planting those seeds of truth within you, you would be as ignorant as anyone else.
Because of humanity's sheer ignorance. Millions of seeds must be planted to reverse the effects of MK ultra and the CIA's media apparatus. That's what we are witnessing now.
A pre-designed script working overtime to shake people awake. The blind refuse to see.
It must become so glaringly obvious that to reject the truth would be seemingly impossible. That's what the Great Awakening is. It's empowering people to begin to decouple from their programming.
I guarantee you that is happening one person at a time. Right now.
God has a plan because if he didn't: We'd truly be doomed. Have faith.
To put it as succinctly as possible: People are programmed to be stupid. They've been trained by the mainstream media, the education system, and the powers that be their entire lives to not think for themselves and to become drones in service of mystery Babylon. There's a reason why God...