The Great Awakening

The reason that anons and those paying attention are so sick of politics is because this part of the journey literally isn't for us. It's for the sheep who don't think for themselves or even have coherent thoughts about the cabal.
Politics during the precipice is a display of unadulterated corruption. The two tiered system of justice is so blatant and frustrating because that's how it's been this entire time.
Clinton, Obama and company have been literally killing people and invading foreign countries while the media gave them peace prizes.
Your entire life, it was all a facade. That facade is being unveiled. Which means that frustration is almost inherent in this process.
The peace of God is the key.
Just know that this period isn't for you. That's why Q doesn't say anything right now.
Anons just need to sit back and watch it all unfold because there's nothing that can stop what's coming.
All you've got to do is take it one step at a time, anons.
Peace, be still.

A storm raged outside my home last night as it showered across the sky.
In many ways, that storm was symbolic to me of what many are going through in their personal lives.
The only solution is to find shelter and warmth when torrential rain pours.
Let your mind become a shelter by protecting your thoughts. The enemy wants nothing more than you to accept beliefs that will bring you down, to taint you with depression and lack of joy.
God is a shelter in times of need. If you don't know God as an anon. Then I urge you to reach out to Him. I don't know how some of you do it without that relationship.
That warmth you need is there in the community. We have anons who encourage each other and who have found solace in their shared experiences together. Just know you are not alone.
There is no running away from this time. Just as the people in Exodus had no choice but to move out of slavery. So we must continue to walk forward. Regardless of the obstacles in our way.
Those challenges can become stories of victory. If you'll only hang on.

To put it as succinctly as possible: People are programmed to be stupid.
They've been trained by the mainstream media, the education system, and the powers that be their entire lives to not think for themselves and to become drones in service of mystery Babylon.
There's a reason why God refers to humans as sheep. That's because sheep need caring for. Without a shepherd they would truly be lost.
If it wasn't for God and someone planting those seeds of truth within you, you would be as ignorant as anyone else.
Because of humanity's sheer ignorance. Millions of seeds must be planted to reverse the effects of MK ultra and the CIA's media apparatus. That's what we are witnessing now.
A pre-designed script working overtime to shake people awake. The blind refuse to see.
It must become so glaringly obvious that to reject the truth would be seemingly impossible. That's what the Great Awakening is. It's empowering people to begin to decouple from their programming.
I guarantee you that is happening one person at a time. Right now.
God has a plan because if he didn't: We'd truly be doomed. Have faith.

Honestly, the more they attack and persecute Trump, the more assured I become that the end of this part of the journey draws near.
There is only so much longer this can go on.
Assured in my belief that Babylon is falling: I feel that anons are ready for whatever twists and turns this journey brings.
We've been through so much together already.
We're hardened, seasoned Patriots who have went through many trials with our heads held high.
Let's do this, frens.

Luister naar wat Donald Trump Junior zojuist zei in respons op de vraag wie Q was…

Hij zei dat hij niet weet wie het was, maar ook: ‘’ misschien weet ik het en kan ik het je niet vertellen..’ Herinner je dat Scavino de dag ervoor een bericht postte over hoe zij die weten, niet kunnen spreken? Wat zegt zijn lichaamstaal je wanneer hem deze vraag wordt gesteld?


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