The Great Awakening

Washington just dumped Ukraine into the waste-bin of US victim nations: “As long at it takes” is now “as long as we can” and “we are coming to the end of the rope in financing Ukraine.”

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians died for empty US promises of “unwavering support”.

Ukraine has been wrecked and won’t recover for decades to come. Zelenskyy is finished and Russia has won. The United States, its western partners and NATO - defeated.

Why would any nation trust security guarantees by the US Govt ever again? The people of Taiwan must watch very carefully who they are counting on for their security.

What does this tell us? It’s an admission of US bankruptcy. The US Govt can no longer afford a prolonged war in Ukraine or anywhere in the world. Lies and deception (propaganda) are not enough to stay afloat. Corrupt ‘journalists’ don’t win wars or pay trillions in deficits and liabilities.

The Iranian intervention in Israel via Hamas accelerated the inevitable outcome for Ukraine. A threat of war in the Middle East with all of its dire consequences for the oil price and the fragile US economy was all it took.

The world is witnessing the rapid end of US dominance and the rise of the multipolar order. But never underestimate the arrogance of the US Govt. They may end civilization in a nuclear war rather than accept responsibility for destroying the United States from within - with blatant corruption.

Over de infiltranten in de Q-beweging, ShadyGrooove, InTheMatrixxx en The Authority, die van Gen. Flynn, Kash Patel e.a. beweren dat ze black hats zijn:

Some thoughts…

9/11 was announced to the world. Panic and fear ensued, the news media went into overdrive, and many nations began their involvement in another forever war in the Middle East. Remember “muh weapons of mass destruction”?

Covid was announced to the world. Panic and fear ensued, the news media went into overdrive, and the world was locked down, and then we were subjected to 2+ years of hell. Remember the videos of citizens in China “dropping dead”?

The Russia & Ukraine conflict was announced to the world. Panic and fear ensued, the news media went into overdrive, and many nations have been subjected to endless financial and military aid over the conflict. Remember the “war footage” of a downed tie fighter from the fictional Star Wars franchise?

The recent Israel & Palestine conflict (involving the Hamas terror attack) was announced to the world. Panic and fear ensued, the news media is going into overdrive, and now the world is clamouring for WW3….

Think about it.


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