The Great Awakening

We create our reality with our minds. Our actions are simply our thoughts coming to life. Human= hand of God.

Here’s the thing- in the matrix let’s view it as a metaphor. The cords being propaganda. If entities are feeding off of loosh, how do they keep it pumping?

What they crave are negative emotions. Now they’d love the positive but the thing is when you vibe high you can’t be controlled. To vibe high you must find your inner strength away from the world. Your soul shine. You learn to wield it even when the world is crumbling. Therefore you have autonomy and the world no longer controls you, which means they can’t either.

This is why they need you to keep low vibes. This is why the propaganda makes you sad/upset/angry etc. If an entity can control your emotions they can control you. Like a puppet they pull your strings and steer you where they want you.

You’re more than a puppet my friend. You don’t need them to tell you what to think. Anytime you attach your mind to someone you become like a puppet of theirs. This is why the only entity you should allow to control you is God. And God is peace and love. Every situation should be approached with love and grace.

As far as I'm concerned, the ring of fire and the many other events we've been witness to throughout these last six year have been reminders of the Biblical days that we live in.
Many choose to live their lives in fear of the turbulence that shakes the world awake but I see it as an absolute honor to have been chosen to be alive in what many will look back and see as one of the most consequential turning points in modern history.
God is doing something remarkable and it's easy to feel afraid when the news tells you ad nauseum to let fear control you. I say, trust God to lead you through because the only way out of Babylon is to walk through each day in this journey with full trust, faith and hope and an expectation of the unexpected.
What will tomorrow bring?
Something incredible. Sometimes you just have to look from a heavenly point of view to see it.

In no way am I saying not to be prepared for anything but I just wanted to point out how much fear mongering is being propagated from every area of social media in the last few weeks. Often times our greatest fears are not realized and to dwell upon them for too often causes us to forget that good things are happening in the world and not just evil.
They told us that a day of terror was coming yesterday yet I'm not seeing that much came of it.
Many times throughout this journey people have told me that this is the end, the world will now cease to exist yet the following week's and months kept moving along and God still sat on His throne.
Instead of allowing the fear to overwhelm you, we should be casting our cares down and remind ourselves that many claims of doom do not always come to fruition.
He's going to make a way through this like He always does.
But we can choose to allow ourselves to live in constant fear or in constant knowledge that God is our shepherd and perfect love casts out all fear.

Docu : The Mystery Of Israël Solved, van David Sorensen (stopworldcontrol) laat in een notendop zien hoe de mensheid is misleid en de opzettelijke misinterpretatie van de bijbel. Het echte Israël. Zeker vanaf de tweede helft het kijken waard.


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