The Great Awakening

If I told you someone wrote a paper in 1996 that said the following:

1)Ending Yasser Arafat's and the Palestinian Authority's political influence, by blaming them for acts of Palestinian terrorism ( Operation Gladio)
2) Inducing the US to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq
3) Launching war against Syria after Hussein's regime is disposed of
4)Military action in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt
5)Ignore the Oslo Accords

Would you question what is happening today in Israel? What if I told you the paper was written for Netanyahu in 1996 during his first term as PM? AND that it was written by the guy who is commonly referred to as the architect of the Iraq war, was in Reagan and Bush Jr's admin, worked directly for Rumsfeld. He studied at the London School of Economics as does many fascists today. The Prince of Darkness: Richard Perle.

#1 above is a favored tactic of Perle's. Look up Mufti of Jerusalem. He did it too on behalf of British PRIOR to their creation of Israel. The British killed Jewish ppl under false pretenses and blamed Arabs to break down resistance to resettling Jewish ppl to Palestine. It's a fascist operation using Operation Gladio tactics.


Gaza Crashed The Matrix

Rabbi Schmuley Ben Shapiro & dozens of other Jewish American Supremacists

The MSM & Congress completely out of Sync with the American public’s view & Revulsion of the Bloodshed

The World coming together like never before in human history around a humanitarian rally Cry
to Stop The Killing

Humanity is on a roll & has spoken,
woe be unto those who do not hear

Some people care more about what’s popular than what’s true

Some people care more about followers/clicks than what’s true

Some people care more about their reputation than what’s true

Some people care more about money than what’s true

Popularity, followers, clicks, reputation, and money can all change in an instant ….and you can’t take it with you

The TRUTH stands firm forever.

To everyone who called out (the DS of) Israel from the beginning before it was cool (when it was dangerous), against the tide and in the face of backlash from people on all sides (friendlies AND foes) knowing that you were right and the truth would prevail: you the real MVPs

I saw you. 🙌🏼

The purpose of the boards and Q was to wake us up, promote researching for ourselves, and then to take action and control of our own lives.

This operation is all in vain if we continue doing the same ish we did before.

If you still:

1. Eat the same corporate refined foods
2. Trust big Pharma and medical
3. Trust corporate media
4. Trust government
5. Rely upon others to tell you what’s true
6. Follow the stars and their opinions
7. Follow brands and labels
8. Sit back because it’s all too much for you and you’d rather xyz

Then you missed it and you’re a part of the problem we ALL have


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