The Great Awakening

People have learned the truth about how elections (selections) really work.

People have learned the truth about the motives of Hollywood and the entertainment industry at large.

People have learned the truth about the global child and human trafficking issue.

People have learned the truth about big pharmaceutical, and the institutions that prop it up.

People have learned the truth about the fake news media, and how it is largely driven by intelligence agencies with hidden agendas.

People have learned the truth about the military industrial complex, and it’s never ending quest to fuel the war machine.

People have learned the truth about big tech, and the reasons it has been used to suppress and silence dissenting voices.

There is still more work to be done, but it’s important to take a moment and appreciate how far we have come in the Great Awakening. Just as little as 5-10 years ago, most people were completely unaware on many of these topics.

Hang in there, the world is waking up.


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