The Great Awakening

The way israelis and American media keep lying about oct 7th and doing so over and over again in the most ridiculous way, is causing people to take a second look at prior wars. Every time you lie or exaggerate your side, you delegitimize all the things that are actually true. 40 headless babies, mein kampf in a kids room, ppl raped on top of corpses, a baby in an oven. None of this crap is true yet all of it was in establishment media and said by government heads. Fortunately the internet could debunk it in real time. Imagine if that didn't exist. It didn't exist for Iraq war 1 and the babies in incubators thing flew.

The constant lying is eroding faith by the youth in what they were told about WWII. They've never been told the true. Russiagate, bucha massacre, hunter laptop. Blew up their own pipeline, Assad gassed hos own, gadaffi had viagra armies, all bs.

We've seen a similar effect on the lost of trust in medical science bc they kept lying about Corona and vaccines. You cpuldnt even say the word, u had to write Vax prior to Elon or you'd get banned.

This is why it is so important not to lie. You're gas lighting the nation.

We are in a baby out with the bathwater situation.

The axis powers really were monstrous in wwii. Problem is so were the allied powers. They nuked cities and put ppl in gulags.

If they keep lying no one will believe anything.

Israel will not be defeated by Hamas in this war. I know some of you think they will, but they won't. They will be defeated by public opinion shifting because of this war and their actions. While initially the focus was on the war, it's spread. Now people are noticing everything else that's always been swept under the rug.

Regular normies are noticing, the richest man in the world is openly posting about. For the first time in my life, my beliefs are becoming normalized. I have never seen the narrative shift this hard in over 20 years.

Once Israel is considered too toxic to support, their control over the USA will end.


How is it possible that a non-religious man like me is more "Christian" than most Christians?

How am I less afraid of the enemy, and do the right thing in the face of all adversity, when I don't believe in an afterlife, or a reward for my righteous acts?

What happened to the bravery of Christians, whom today, allow their children to be poisoned by society, their church destroyed, and nations completely usurped, all to avoid being being called names by their enemies, when in ancient times, my Roman ancestors threw them to the lions, for refusing to denounce their faith?

The truth is many of you are Christians in name only; it's so bad, someone like me lives more of a Christian life than you.

Have you forgotten who you serve? Seems to me you have, because you are certainly not serving God by fearing the demons who run the world. In fact, your cowardice empowers them. You let your enemies scare you into betraying yourselves and your loved ones, allowing them to rule over you and poison this world.

You might as well convert to Satanism.


No matter what Jëwish Supremacists do, there's no way to put the cat in the bag.

They can nuke every account on X, it only proves us right.

They can wipe out every Gazan, it only proves us right.

They can pass new "anti-Semitism" laws and destroy the 1st Amendment, it only prove us right.

They lost the info war, and every move they make, proves us right.


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