The Great Awakening

It's astounding to me how fast hate and bitterness can re-segregate, infiltrate, and anhiliate good intentions.

The founding fathers rarely agreed on things, but they let their love of country and freedom create a system of government that had never been seen before in the world.

Let me say that again.. they let their love and faith in freedom change the course of history.

It's not anger, hate, greed, or opinions that produce results for change. It's an action in love and faith. ❤️

Things are really heating up, and 2024 just started.

All kinds of things we've been researching and talking about for years regarding very bad people doing evil things are set to come out.

This is going to cause a vast public awakening on an almost unimaginable scale.

Yet some Anons/Patriots insist on attacking other Anons/Patriots as though that's the problem facing the future of the human race.

Weird, right?

I've sat back and kept my mouth shut long enough. At this point, not only did a good human being come close to losing his life but the bullying and gaslighting has not stopped and has only escalated so it is now only right that I speak up on this issue.
In battle we expect to take hits from the enemy in the front, but not from your friends in the back.
I've watched as @QuedBri made post after post talking about "grifting" but what she won't tell you is that she and her husband played nice with whistleblowers just to take advantage of them and monetize off of traffic from an initiative that was meant to save children.
When many of us begged them not to do this, they ghosted us and the whistleblowers who gave up their careers to do the right thing.
We know evil exists in the world, but for someone you once truly cared about to monetize from the suffering of trafficked children and laugh about the idea of a man (good man and father) potentially taking his life, it is an all-time low none of us ever expected.

2024, the Year of Revelation.

The year is off to a great start. Extremely damning documents have surfaced re Geoffrey Epstein's connections to many higher-ups. I will limit myself here to naming Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.

When the movie Sound of Freedom came out in the summer of 2023, the MSM were quick to tie it to 'conspiracy theorists' linked to Pizzagate and QAnon. Turns out the conspiracists were right and both Pizzagate and Q are real.

I often get asked what we can do to further The Great Awakening. The answer is: nothing. Now is the time to break out the popcorn and watch the normies being forced to accept the very facts they have so vehemently denied. The same will happen with the truth about the vaccines and Israel.


2024, het jaar van de onthullingen en ontknopingen.

We zijn het jaar goed begonnen. Er zijn documenten uitgekomen aangaande relaties van Geoffrey Epstein die uiterst belastend zijn voor de Deep State. Er komen veel grote namen vrij, maar in deze tekst beperk ik me tot Bill Clinton en Prince Andrew.

Toen in de zomer van 2023 de film Sound of Freedom uitkwam bracht de mainstream media deze film onmiddellijk in verband met 'complotdenkers' uit de hoek van Pizzagate en QAnon. Welnu, de 'complotdenkers' hebben gelijk gekregen en zowel Pizzagate als QAnon zijn echt!

Ik krijg regelmatig de vraag wat wij nog kunnen doen om het Grote Ontwaken nog verder te bevorderen. Het antwoord is: niets. Het is tijd om de popcorn uit de kast te trekken en gade te slaan hoe de normies wakker worden geschud door de feiten die ze al die tijd zo fanatiek hebben ontkend. Hetzelfde zal gebeuren met de waarheid over de vaccins, Oekraine en Israel.


2024, het jaar van de onthullingen en ontknopingen.

We zijn het jaar goed begonnen. Er zijn documenten uitgekomen aangaande relaties van Geoffrey Epstein die uiterst belastend zijn voor de Deep State. Er komen veel grote namen vrij, maar in deze tekst beperk ik me tot Bill Clinton en Prince Andrew.

Toen in de zomer van 2023 de film Sound of Freedom uitkwam bracht de mainstream media deze film onmiddellijk in verband met 'complotdenkers' uit de hoek van Pizzagate en QAnon. Welnu, de 'complotdenkers' hebben gelijk gekregen en zowel Pizzagate als QAnon zijn echt!

Ik krijg regelmatig de vraag wat wij nog kunnen doen om het Grote Ontwaken nog verder te bevorderen. Het antwoord is: niets. Het is tijd om de popcorn uit de kast te trekken en gade te slaan hoe de normies wakker worden geschud door de feiten die ze al die tijd zo fanatiek hebben ontkend. Hetzelfde zal gebeuren met de waarheid over de vaccins, Oekraine en Israel.

En dat allemaal in 2024🙏🏻
We are currently living in a timeline where social media is ablaze about Epstein's cult blackmail island while Tucker interviews Epstein's brother about how the government killed a man just to protect all the pedophiles embedded in our government and people tell me the Great Awakening isn't happening.

The fact that the mainstream media still isn't sure if Clinton went to Epstein's island or if he "knew about the criminal activity" shows you just how inept they really are.
Anons are basically a decade ahead of them at this point.
It's not even close.
We literally have pictures of Clinton on Epstein Island and the media still refuses to accept it. Furthermore, the me too movement is a fraud. If it was a legitimate movement, Bill Clinton and his serial killer wife would have been canceled long ago.
I can't wait to talk more about Epstein with the release of these documents because it's our vindication as independent journalists.
Look how far behind these shills are!

Everything they are saying about Trump's retribution tour is null and void due to the fact that the uniparty spent the last eight years framing Donald Trump for treason while committing exactly what they tried to pin on him. It's almost comical that we are still sitting here talking about how Trump causes chaos as a negative connotation when the entire system went into convulsions at the mere sight of a man who wasn't beholden to their corruption. Yes, we want retribution for anyone who attempted to overthrow the government. How is that not justified? These people refuse to talk about the never-ending coup. They think their audience is too stupid to understand it. This is where the anons come in and correct them.

"He knows how to use government better this time. He can put in die-hard loyalists to weaponize every level of the government against his detractors, against the media. It's almost too scary to wrap your head around what it could look like."

Oh, and they cheated in the most blatant way any one of us has ever seen in the 2020 election. Election fraud is a real threat to democracy.

These people are projecting pure panic. The finish line is in sight.

I like to think back to how much the DNC showed their true nature regarding how they've treated the memory of one of their own being murdered in cold blood when he was robbed on the street in DC that fateful morning.

You know, the mugging where the criminals didn't even bother snatching his watch and wallet. Yeah, that one.

Welp, at least the Dems dug deep and created a memorial in his honor.

Seth Rich was a whistleblower.

He was not a criminal.

His taking the DNC Emails and giving them to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange was the act of a patriot who knew The Awful Truth and his conscience compelled him to act.

To hide what Rich did, so they could avoid the MASSIVE SCANDALS kicked off by the publication of the DNC emails, **not the least of which was PIZZAGATE**, a huge honking HOAX was quickly constructed to 'explain' how the DNC emails got into Julian Assange's hands.

And that hoax that was invented to hide what actually happened is today commonly referred to as "the Crowdstrike Report".

When the utterly fake and hoax Crowdstrike Report collapses, so does every damn fake narrative that's been using it as a foundation stone.

Have a nice day.

When I first got on Twitter over a decade ago no one knew who William Cooper was, now everyone across this movement is sharing his message

It’s truly magnificent to witness as I know he smiles down on all of you who continue the fight he started

We will never let his name be forgotten
R.I.P. Bill 🫡


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