The Great Awakening

Mijn essay op X over Trump, Israel en Gaza in 2 delen:

Essay in two parts. Part one:

If Trump does have a team of 'white hats' backing him up and there is indeed a Q team with a plan to save the world (and in my mind there's no doubt that this is the case), wouldn't they know that the root of all evil is Israel and Zionism?

Of course they do. But why did Trump then have his son-in-law Jared Kushner negotoliate the Abraham Accords between Israel and the Middle East? This was widely regarded as Nobel Prize worthy by Trump supporters and largely ignored by his detractors, including the liberal media.

According to the Trumpists, the Abraham Accords offered a real chance of lasting peace in the region. As soon as it was implemented, several Arab nations did indeed decide to normalize relations with Israel and negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia were indeed in an advanced stage. The prospect for peace in the Middle East couldn't be better, right?

Wrong. Guess who weren't included in the Abraham Accords? The Palestinians. No prospect of a two-state solution was ever considered when Kushner negotiated this agreement, which is of an ECONOMICAL nature. Israel would never have agreed to any kind of solution for the Palestinians, other than genocide and ethnic cleansing, and Trump and his people knew this all too well.

The Abraham Accords were simply an ECONOMIC agreement between Israel and rich Arab oil states. These states never posed a military threat to Israel for the simple reason that it's nice doing business with Israel and in return Arab leaders will look the other way with regard to Israel's treatment of Palestinians, as they have always done. Arab leader could end the genocide today if they really cared about their Palestinian brethren by imposing an oil embargo but they have neglected to do so.

Prior to October 7th, the Palestinians were threatening to become a forgotten group. Israel had no economic interest in them and considered them a nuisance, a pest which must be eliminated once and for all. In other words, this genocide was planned and bound to happen either way. Had the Abraham Accords been successfully implemented, with Saudi Arabia being the last country to join the agreement, the people of Gaza and the West Bank would have been erased out of existence and nobody on the world stage would have pretended to notice.

Faced with this daunting prospect, my contention is that Hamas had no other choice but to thwart the completion of the Abraham Accords and to expose both the genocidal nature of the Zionists and the passive nature of Arab leaders by provoking the horrific genocide which is now 3 months underway and has led to some 30,000 dead civilians and counting.

What would you do if you had no modern, high-tech army or weaponry with which to defend yourself against the brutal Israeli onslaught and your only outlook was to see your people disappear into oblivion? Seeing as this genocide was inevitable, you would at least try to draw the world's attention to your cause, wouldn't you? I believe this is what Q means by "the world is watching". The PR damage this has done to Israel and its Western allies is beyond repair and they are now alone on the world stage.

An enemy which cannot be captured and defeated is invincible. Hamas has a complex underground tunnel system and they know the terrain. They are experienced fighters willing to die for their cause. The IDF consists of emotionally-driven conscripts with no real battle experience. Worse still, the IDF's relentless bombing campaign and the resulting rubble makes it difficult for Israeli tanks to maneuver and creates easy cover for Hamas forces from which to operate.

Despite beimg no match against Israel's assymetric warfare, Hamas is winning the hearts and minds of world citizenry, plus their guerilla warfare makes them unbeatable for the IDF. This won't end well for Netanyahu, both militarily and politically.

See my next post for the second part of this essay.

Part two.

In the last 90+ days we've seen large protests around the world against the Israeli aggression against innocent civilian Palestinians, particularly children. But none of the protests have been as large as in the Arab world. The pressure on the cowardly Arab leaders to attack Israel becomes greater by the day, as Arabs gather in the millions to protest this madness. Contrast this with the silent genocide which would have taken place had the Abraham Accords been a complete success.

What's more, Netanyahu's political future hangs on military success in Gaza. He tried to bypass the separation of powers by curbing Israel's Judiciary Power to avoid getting convicted for corruption, which has now been blocked by Israel's Supreme Court. He needs to free the hostages taken by Hamas, which runs counter to the IDF's Hannibal Directive, which states that Israeli hostages are fair game when trying to defeat an enemy of Israel. Killing hostages with white flags doesn't go down well with the Israeli population. A temporary halt in fighting, which we saw earlier, will get some hostages released but will also allow Hamas to regroup. It's also bad PR, as it becomes painfully clear that Hamas doesn't mistreat hostages, yet Israel does abuse Palestinian prisoners, including children.

The only thing left for Netanyahu is to prolong the bombing and completely flatten Gaza, in the hopes of driving out the surviving Palestinians. This will only incite Israel's Arab neighbors against them, as the prospect of multiple military fronts for the IDF, which is already bogged down in Gaza, looms ever further.

Being a complete psychopath, Netanyahu doesn't understand or accept defeat and so his hubris drives him to actually provoke Hezbollah in Lebanon and, by extension, Iran and Russia and China. This is a political and military nightmare for Israel, as Netanyahu may not only be responsible for Israel getting wiped off the map but also dragging multiple nations into what could become another world war.

So back to Trump. I believe his strategy with the Abraham Accords was for this agreement to fail under Biden by design. The Q posts do mention "saving Israel for last" and "last for a reason". If we are going to have world peace the only way to achieve this without needlessly sacrificing American troops in yet another senseless overseas war is to have Israel fall on its own sword.

Trump did exactly the same thing with Ukraine, in which Putin also prevented a planned genocide and caused a military and political disaster for Zelensky, from which botn he and his country can never recover. And once again, this is all happening under Biden as yet another failed foreign-policy catastrophe. How briliant is that? Two New World Order hubs which could potentially trigger WW3 are now mired in a conflict which could mean their own extinction. If you factor away the tremendous loss of innocent life in both Ukraine and Israel and consider how many lives are saved, both military and civilian, on a world scale you cannot help but admit to the brilliance of this plan. "Only way is MIL", "military is the only way forward". Q wasn't only referring to military tribunals here!

Much has been said about Trump's pro-Israel stance. If you knew that Zionism was the largest threat to world peace, and indeed the existence of mankind, would you hold your cards to your chest? Given Israel's clout around the world, not in the least generated by Epstein's honeypot operations giving Israel leverage over its international 'allies' through blackmail, and for the safety of Trump and his family, Trump must play the game until he returns to the White House where he can make the necessary changes.

Haven't you noticed that since Oct. 7 Trump hasn't uttered a single positive thing about Netanyahu? And what about the differences Trump had with Epstein back in the day? Wasn't Epstein arrested during Trump's first term? Chess, not checkers. #NCSWIC

👀Latest Epstein documents released:

SEVENTEEN exhibits unsealed by court

What are the chances (again) that it’s #17?

Just happens to be reported it was #17 times that Epstein visited Clinton White House?

Reported that Joe and Hunter Biden caught on #17 recordings with Burisma

It was reported that Hunter accepted at least $17 million from foreign nationals

Did you know it was #17 months since the Hunter laptop story broke until the news finally admitted it was real?

“Who the hell are the 17% percent”
Trump asked

“Don’t raise your hand, it might be dangerous.”

What did he mean by that?

What’s with all the seventeens???

What is the 17th letter of the alphabet?

As long as we get there (absolute victory over evil), I'd argue that I don't give a shit about all the details and/or twists and turns that occur in the interim.

This is, as I have alluded to before, the greatest whodunit in all of human history. And while we're able to come to our own conclusions as to the ending, we won't know FOR SURE for sure until the end.

Now, in regards to the point made during a Q&A Session in 2018 that things were already glorious (implying how awesome it was that things were finally set on a track to save humanity) this point was made in response. A response, mind you, that I couldn't agree more with.

"In our opinion, until those responsible are dead and/or suffering, it shall remain 'will be'." ~ post #1966

This is all that matters to me because it means that it would prevent my progeny and other younger family members from growing up in the shitty matrix that had enslaved us all our whole lives and the lives of countless generations before us.

So long as 3/4 of the human race isn't snuffed out (as was their plan) and the remaining few of us are then confined to 15-minute cities (aka ghettos/FEMA camps) doesn't happen is ALL that I care about.

That's where I stand.
How about you?
Where do you stand?

Are you married to the process playing out only as you see/define it, or are you more interested in a sweeping victory for all of us and a new dawn of peace and prosperity for mankind?

Let's take a look at how things played out in the beginning. With Trump lined up to run for president, some big moves happened.

Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails to Julian Assange.
Wikileak released the emails.
DNC exposed.
HRC exposed.
ObamaGate exposed.
PizzaGate exposed.
DNC primary stolen from Sanders.
Trump wins 2016.
The calm before the storm.
Q pops up.

Does this seem like a jump off to a Plan or random events?

Seth Rich was murdered in a fake robbery after the leak. It was labeled a robbery but Seth still had his wallet & watch. The robbers didn't take anything. Just walked up & shot him.

Can you see it now?
There is a war being fought.
Light vs dark.
There is a Plan.

Movies can serve as excellent metaphors to explain the current situation we're in to others around us who were either completely unaware of our shared predicament or are currently in the process of waking up to it.

It's simple.

It helps break through the programming used to control us as entertainment is a means of communicating a massive amount of uncomfortable information in the form of an engaging story that people can relate to.

This serves as an efficient means of helping them (normies) compare and contrast what they've seen acted out before their own eyes their whole lives and the possibility that it might actually be one massive production - which it is.

One example is 'The Truman Show'. But make sure to point out that none of us are Truman himself. Nope. Individually, none of this is about any one of us specifically. We're simply not that important nor is it the point - not really.

Turns out we've always just been extras in the movie set, completely unaware of the fact that we're living in an artificial reality - the 'Matrix' being another great example.

That is until you wake up to see things for what they are.

Otherwise, we were all just milling about with our lives in the fictitious town of Seaside, Florida, unaware of said fact and believing that existence represented reality.

But, and here's the rub, if/when you do wake up to the realization that we're all captives in a prison of sorts, and then we try desperately to let others around us know it gets you labeled a conspiracy theorist by those actually involved in producing/directing the manufactured reality because now you're a threat to them achieving their sick/twisted ends.

This is why the globalist cabal spends so much of their time & energy working to convince everyone else, those who haven't yet figured out their con, that those who have woken up deserve to be mocked and ridiculed by our own to protect & defend their lie - even by loved ones who remain hypnotized by their bullshit machine.

The term 'useful idiots' applies here.

I believe there are Dark Principalities living in High Places who have managed to hijack every organized religion, as well as royal families, media, academia, and other institutions. [THEY] particularly love Judaism because Jerusalem and Mt. Zion is the Prize. It's not about the Jews, the Jesuits or any other group. These usurpers will lay [THEIR] cuckoo egg in any available nest. Those 'conservative' anons still defending Israel are the ones with a hangup. I'm all for civiled discourse, but you can't 'agree to disagree' about evil.

Has anyone ever considered that if Pence had sent the election results back to the states the powers-that-be would have started a civil war? That's right, by certifying the 2020 election results Pence averted CIVIL WAR. What's more, the moronic D's actually passed legislation to make sure the VP can never decertify an election again. You mean Kamala Harris can't decertify a Trump win in 2024? The truth about 2020 will come out during Trump's March court trial, which will be televised for the entire nation. Meanwhile, Biden makes one domestic and foreign policy error after another. The patriots allowed this "pause", as Trump calls it, to take place. Sometimes you can't tell the public, you must show them.

New Epstein drop has 17 exhibits in it
Lil Nas is going to drop some Intel on the music industry
Jim Gaffigan took a dig at Pedowood during the globes
Mike Obama is worried about Trump
Renegade is worried about Trump
Hilldog is worried about Trump
Dems are endorsing Nikki Haley
DOD chief goes missing for days
It’s almost like
Meme credit by @realLesWhite

Translation: I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.

During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons.

Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.

To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.

The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people... all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.

We are 100% reaching the precipice. It is time.

It had to be this way. And it's glorious. What a time to be alive.

It was always an illusion of choice

What some people out there still need to realize is the entire Trump presidency is an operation to take down the Illuminati

This has never happened before
No one ever thought it could.

It really is once in a lifetime.

It’s why they mobilized their entire MKultra Hollywood3letter mockingbird media propaganda lawfare apparatus to take him down and convince you to hate him

It’s not working
Nothing can stop it.

That is the significance of this historic moment in time.

We are witnessing the destruction of the old guard and with Trump back in office, like he said, “together, we will obliterate the deep state.”

Promises made promises kept
The best is yet to come.

🇺🇸 #TRUMP2024 #MAGA 🇺🇸


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