The Great Awakening

Where we were:
☑️ COVID-19: created in lab
☑️ COVID-19: released from a lab
☑️ COVID-19: Vaccines bad for you
☑️ COVID-19: Vaccines = heart problems
☑️ COVID-19: Research faked
☑️ Social distancing d/n work
☑️ Lockdowns don't work
☑️ Masks don't work

What we're on to now:
☑️ Epstein = child sex trafficker
☑️ Epstein Island = elite pedo club
☑️ Spy agencies involved for blackmail
☑️ Big names on client list
☑️ Names d/n include Trump

What's Coming Soon:
☑️ 2020 Election was rigged
☑️ States illegally changed procedures
☑️ Voting machines connected to net
☑️ SCOTUS rules for Trump/Ballots
☑️ Trump exonerated big time
☑️ DJT = POTUS 47

This is but a partial list of the things that conspiracy theorists have been (and will be) right about over the last few years alone.

The fake news media, which has been deriding the aforementioned conspiracy theorists as crazy for having made these claims, has been (and will continue to be) dead wrong at every turn.

Now ask yourself, why does the media attack and dismiss conspiracy theorists when we have a much higher batting average?

That being true, then who is the media really looking out for? And why are they working in concert to promote abject lies as the truth, smearing anyone who dares point out uncomfortable truths?

The establishment is compromised of:

Drug Addicts.

Most of those that oppose [them] are just regular people who have jobs, families, hobbies, normal lives - who only want a fair shake at life; and to be left alone.

It’s never been more clear. It’s good VS evil.

Chose wisely.

Pray daily.
Drop a bad habit. Replace it with a good one.
Let go of grudges.
Remove toxic people from your life.
Don't settle for mediocrity in anything.
Learn how to garden/self sustain.
Be a gun owner.
Find a new hobby.
Find time for nature. Be in it.
Tell your family you love them everyday.
Whatever you think, your potential is greater.
See what God sees in you.

Less than 1% of the Earth's current population get to be the 'gods' of this present darkness.

They worked very hard at creating the deceptive and satanic illusions that give them the power to lord it over the rest of us as 'gods'.

They will never willingly hand that power over or give it up.

We have to seize it from them.

Its the only way.

Wise words from Lucas Gage this morning.
Everything is up to Us. WE THE PEOPLE.

Here's what everyone has to understand: If we the People don't reject Jewish Supremacy, none of our "leaders" can. This is why the People must be awakened. To expect Elon Musk, or any single individual to fight Jews on their own without the support of the masses, is a fantasy. In fact, the only way to get our "leaders" to turn on Jewish Supremacy, is for us to pave the path for them. In other words, we have the most important job, not them.

The truth is, no one is coming to save us; we have to save ourselves, and this starts with waking up your most inner circle (friends/family), and moving outward from there.

So, please don't waste your time getting upset or disappointed that this or that person has bent the knee to the Jews; the reality is, they will continue to do so unless we stop bending ours. Once we stop bending ours, all the people at the top will actually be forced to stand up against Jewish power, because all their wealth, fame, and influence, actually depends on us. In other words, they are not the ones to set the trend, we are. And if they don't do what we want, the lose everything they have.

We the People have true power; we have the numbers and the truth on our side. The Jews have neither; their entire power structure is based on lies, corruption, treachery, all of which also depends on us, so that means we can end their reign of terror when we want to.

I discovered many years ago that people do not adopt their beliefs due to rational study of all available evidence.

They adopt their views based on tribalism, emotional presentation, self-interest and good old fashioned ignorance.

Since they were not argued into their current beliefs by rational thought, they are rarely argued out of them by a rational, well thought out presentations.

You have give them a show, draw them a picture, reach them on an emotional story-telling level.

One reason the rot got so thick in our culture is that the enemy took over all the emotive story-telling/cultural professions: music, movies, television, fiction, comics, etc.

They reach people with their fake narratives on an emotive, heart level. And they get them early.

Coming in later and trying to reach these same people lulled to sleep by emotive siren songs and pop culture with a completely intellectual mental approach appealing to reason and logic is not going to work all that well. If at all.

This is why @reBurningBright is one of the best Substacks to read currently. He understands the good guys are using a competing narrative story that hits people at the same emotional level with which the bad guys have been brainwashing them for decades.

It sounds contradictory, but the current information war we're fighting for the soul and the future of our country and our world is mostly fought on a emotionally collective level.

They've spent almost 9 years at this point using all their control of the emotional story-telling culture broadcasting to the country a story about Trump.

How Trump is Orange Man Bad, incredibly evil, and now a direct and existential threat to our very democracy, etc. etc.

On a visceral, emotive level, the panic is rising as they realize more and more of the public is REJECTING the emotive programming.

A different, alternative and very diametrically opposed emotive narrative is winning the day.

The one where Trump comes back on a revenge tour and BURNS ALL THEIR FUCKING HOUSES DOWN.

Its a war of emotional-level narratives. And its clear at this point which one is winning.


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