Where we were:
COVID-19: created in lab
COVID-19: released from a lab
COVID-19: Vaccines bad for you
COVID-19: Vaccines = heart problems
COVID-19: Research faked
Social distancing d/n work
Lockdowns don't work
Masks don't work
What we're on to now:
Epstein = child sex trafficker
Epstein Island = elite pedo club
Spy agencies involved for blackmail
Big names on client list
Names d/n include Trump
What's Coming Soon:
2020 Election was rigged
States illegally changed procedures
Voting machines connected to net
SCOTUS rules for Trump/Ballots
Trump exonerated big time
This is but a partial list of the things that conspiracy theorists have been (and will be) right about over the last few years alone.
The fake news media, which has been deriding the aforementioned conspiracy theorists as crazy for having made these claims, has been (and will continue to be) dead wrong at every turn.
Now ask yourself, why does the media attack and dismiss conspiracy theorists when we have a much higher batting average?
That being true, then who is the media really looking out for? And why are they working in concert to promote abject lies as the truth, smearing anyone who dares point out uncomfortable truths?