The Great Awakening

I think there are many things that we won’t understand until after the fact - hindsight is 20/20

These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.
You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.


They can no longer hide in the dark.
It's happening.
You are watching it.
The World is Watching.
Have faith in Humanity.

To sum up the first week of 2024:
Social media is demanding the Epstein Client list.
We found out Clinton likes young girls and Prince Andrew *allegedly* had orgies with children and lied about everything.
An adjacent honey pot to Harvard was inexplicably exposed at the same time, the woke professor steps down and Epstein's connections were emphasized.
Pedowood lover Jimmy Kimmel had a meltdown after being accused of connections to Epstein.
Stephen Hawking is now a proven pedo in the eyes of the public, further diminishing "trust in the science."
New and improved Fetterman has transformed himself into a logical person.
Whoopi Goldberg got nervous as hell.
Katt Williams openly exposed the cabal and their blackmail of comedians.
Richard Branson exposed.
Adam Schiff somehow maintained his head upon that pencil neck.
And that was only week one.
2024 is going to be freaking wild.

Dat is niet Oprah, ze is 69 jaar en deze vrouw lijkt er niet eens echt op en is veel jonger. Of het is Adrenochrome.
Some people are going to need things to get a lot more crazier and a lot more obvious before they begin to question anything and start down the path of awakening. For the rest of us, it's a painful experience to interact with these people and witness their attachment to the illusion.

This is simultaneously the most difficult pill for Normies to swallow and also the most logical one.

Many have a hard time believing there are SO MANY of [them.]

The thing is ... there really aren't. It's just that the same small sector of their dark society has infiltrated all levers of institutionalized, systematized power projection.

Never forget to take time to stop and think about all the events going down all around us such as the recent revelation of tunnels in NYC.

Think about how that (and other matters) make you feel.

Now, have you considered the fact that THAT might well be the point?

IMHO it's not by coincidence that events keep unfolding as they are. The timing of it all seems to be hitting all the right notes as things build to a crescendo.

But hey, what do I know.

Food for thought.
Good talk. 👊


I Truly Do Not Give A Flying Fluff If It Was A Psyop Or Not. We Have Been Doing This For A Very Long Time. Simply Put, Q Took 'The Fight' Public, Gave It Legs.

We Were There To Support President Trump Regardless, And Expose The Truth To The Best Of Our Ability. Nothing Could Have Changed That.

Some Of Our Inspiration Came From The Excellent Citizen Journalists Who Were Researching And Exposing The Truth Years Before Q Showed Up.

Q Did Notice Our Collective Effort Though.


If you have been reading Q as long as I have, it becomes very clear…Q is prophetic. If you don’t catch yourself asking; “can they see the future?” I’ll be surprised. Q is a Prophecy of Biblical quality. Don’t believe me? Look at what’s come true…you know the rest is going to also.


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