Part 1.
I've been seeing this trend growing within the larger truther community and I felt compelled to add my two cents in for consideration to the larger conversation that needs to be had.
As a larger account, I can assure you that it has its perks, but it also comes with the burden of having a target on your back...and a big one at that. I think that's something some discount and/or consider, feeling compelled to attack them for _________(fill in the blank) reason.
Trust me, that part of doing this is the opposite of super fun time. In fact, I personally look forward to all of this building up to an insane precipice and reaching some form of conclusion so I can do a whole bunch less of this - whatever this is.
Who amongst us disagrees with that?
It's worth noting, and I can only speak for myself, that the amount of time and energy I've volunteered into this (+6yrs and prob around +80 hrs a week with few breaks) has taken a serious toll on me (which included an actual mental break down a few years ago). I choose to be here and contribute like I do solely based on what works for me. And if that doesn't work for you, then you can fuck off. Seriously.
I'm sure many of you can relate to the wear and tear this undertaking has inflicted on all of us - and that has NOTHING to do with the size of someone's social media footprint.
Obviously, all of the damage done will take a long time (decades is my thought) to address/fix given the extent of all the damage that we've all endured for generations. I'm talking about this part and being absolutely dedicated to helping get Trump back in office and the globalist cabal being taken down once and for all.

You know, justice being meted out on a massive scale
At which point I fully intend to NOT dedicate all of myself doing this. I trust many of you can also relate here.
So perhaps we go easier on one another and keep our focus on the people and issues that have been raping and pillaging humanity for far too long instead of enjoining a circular firing squad and trying to get others to join in?
Food for thought.
Part 2.
The first part of this stream of consciousness is tied into the core principle of everyone doing themselves and affording everyone else the same latitude.
The idea that anyone feels compelled to dictate to me (or any one of you) what we can or can't do, or what we can say or shouldn't say, needs to take a long walk on a short pier.
Everyone gets to contribute what they choose to and focus their time and energy on what they like. The general concepts of freedom and liberty demand nothing less.
The only thing required of anyone choosing to be an Anon and do whatever we therein is up to them to decide. Full stop.
This concept shouldn't be controversial.
The fact is that some of us are great diggers, others focus mainly on memes, some help amplify the content of others as that's not their forte, and some create a good deal of content that others share. There is nothing wrong with this because that's the way it is. And even then, people have different characteristics and talents.
This is how humans work.
Speaking of which, people don't wake up until they do. If you've been awake longer that doesn't gift you any sort of privileges nor does it mean that those who have more recently arrived on the scene are any less important or worthy.
There are billions of people in the world and, unfortunately, a massive percentage of them are still largely unaware and/or in the process of catching up. Which is essentially where we can add value.
But to ignore the fact that everyone isn't on the same page, or up to speed to the same level on any given issue that people who have been doing this for years understand, is to try and make this about yourself and your personal agenda.
Remember, all of this is a process that we all have to go through, and at different times and at our own pace.
Obviously, all of this was never going to transpire at once because that's how things work when it involves human beings.
Just consider the endless variations between us as individuals and contrast that against the vastness of knowledge regarding everything in play during the Great Awakening. It's impossible to expect everyone to be you and focused on precisely what floats your particular boat.
My contention is therefore that spending time complaining about what others aren't doing right is ridiculous AND insulting.
This is super impt because there are MANY specific topics/areas of interest to focus/dig on, and no, not all of them are your pet issue (e.g. Jews, Flat Earth, Nazis, etc.) is everyone else's.
That being true, then going so far as to verbally assault others, even labeling them as compromised and/or a fed is peak absurdity and only causes rifts and division within our own ranks.
In our Republic, you do you and afford others the same latitude should be the standard embraced by everyone.
Get off everyone else's dicks and focus on yourself. That's what you can control. But Admonishing and slandering others for not living up to your personal expectations is abject garbage.
No one can disagree with this either, and if you do that's your problem.
Otherwise, you're creating conflict and friction where there is none by engaging in a circular firing squad. It's ok that everyone isn't just like you because that's not what this is about. That's not what life is about.
Everyone has an equal share of transitioning through this paradigm shift. We all get an equal ticket and it only admits one - yourself.
So, trying to impose your standards on other people as they traverse this shitshow is ludicrous on its face.
As stated above, the principle of 'you do you and afford others the same latitude' represents, IMHO, the only way to engage anyone in any of this.
I'd honestly appreciate debating anyone who disagrees with that simple concept and can provide an argument for the alternative.
Fact: Different people have different interests. And no, you don't get to inform others of what they should or should do, be interested in, and how they're doing it wrong. That's simply not how any of this works or will ever work in the future.
Freedom & liberty apply here.
So when I see some of our own overly concerning themselves with what others are doing, I just have to shake my head because it's the opposite of helping.
If you disagree I'd like to learn about who granted you dominion over others?
Note that these thoughts are targeted at no one individually but rather the larger Anon/Patriot community and it's only my take. You're free to agree or disagree - because that IS HOW IT WORKS.
*If any of my rant hurts your feels, then please know that I don't care. I'm just going to continue doing me as I see fit and encourage you to follow suit.
Good talk.
Dit gaat over gebekvecht tussen in ieder geval Patrick Henry en Awakened Outlaw. PH ergert zich aan de opvallende stilte onder grote accounts van anons omtrent de wandaden van zionisten in Gaza en elders. Als je naar de X-account van PH gaat zie je dat hij, net als Lucas Gage, tegen neonazisme aanschurkt.
En daarmee heb je dus meteen het probleem te pakken waar we hier mee te maken hebben: kritiek op.Israel.kan al snel ontaarden in blinde jodenhaat en grote accounts willen hier niet mee geassocieerd worden. Hoe groter iemands aanhang, hoe meer zelfcensuur plastsvindt om toch maar zoveel mogelijk mensen niet voor het hoofd te stoten.
Ikzelf laveer hier mooi tussenin en vind dat zowel PH als AO bij tijd en wijle goede punten maken. Interessant genoeg volgen beiden mij op X. Kennelijk ben ik scherp genoeg voor PH en genuanceerd genoeg voor AO.