The Great Awakening

What separates Anons from the Normie Hivemind and much of the Establishment media is Advanced Pattern Recognition.

That doesn't have to be immediate or future-leading. It's often applied with the benefit of hindsight, and we're more confident than ever in disseminating said patterns.

I believe the War of Stories is meant to encode these patterns into the Collective Mind of American Society, so that they might be dragged along through the Great Awakening by proxy.

The Truth is the beginning and End. It is, in a word, inevitable.

(h/t @ItsJuliansRum)

Carry yourself with dignity and pride.
And never, ever give up.

Trump gave us hope.
Q gave us direction.
Anons heald the line.
And MAGA gave us vision.

As this process pushes on, remember. We are one nation under God.

This process wasn't designed for you that woke up [Q]uicker then most.

This process was for those who didn't.

Know your [role]

Unity is our strength. Show love, acceptance, perserveiance, and class.

In the end we will stand as 1 people.
Dark to light.
In God We trust.

NCSWIC. Take it to the bank.

The anons are the heart of the MAGA movement. 🇺🇸

They’ve done more to move the needle for President Trump, push his agenda and to expose crimes against children and elite pedophiles than anyone!

They will never betray Trump — unlike all the frauds who enriched themselves and became famous off Trump only to stab him in the back!

President Trump and the people who matter know this. 🦅

We salute all you amazing digital soldiers — history will remember your sacrifice well. 🫡



So now an actual military coup by going around the Constitution is how the Dems plan to "save Democracy" when Trump wins the election?

Try and true that circle of logic.

And the fake news media, the same jackwagons who haven't shut up about J6 being an "insurrection" (it never was) are now all in on it so long as Democrats benefit.

These people are dangerous and should all be considered a clear & present danger to our Republic.

I'm going to say this to all the anons out there who still haven't gone public with their name and and face yet, BUT they had interactions with **any** of the 3 members of the Kansas City Faggot Squad, matrixxx, Shady or Authority:


Take steps to protect yourself.

I mean it.

They've been threatening to dox anons for awhile now.

Punisher, his sister, AO, SSG, now QAGG, and I'm aware of several others that haven't gone public yet with the doxing threats.



If you gave them ANY of your private info in the past, had private comms with them, you SHOULD be very nervous.

Authority came right out of the fucking Lin Wood/Breb crew. He infiltrated We The Media, tried to take it down, then it turns out both Jeff & Shady were working with him all along. Together they went after Badlands, and have now set their sights on destroying @GenFlynn and his family.

During the 3 years or so these 3 were pretending to be patriots, they got an awful lot of people to trust them and hand them their personal information.

As is becoming increasingly obvious, these are not 3 people you could trust.

On the bright side, I could sense something was wrong with these guys even as they were launching their op against WTM in Oct of 2022. I was already watching them.

As a person who's been a public figure since 2017, I don't have to fear any doxing attempts, I'm self employed, and all the local law enforcement knows who I am and where I live, so a SWAT-ting attempt wouldn't have much of a chance of success.

What these goons do is they look for vulnerable members of the community and then they try to dump a shit-ton of stress on them and see if they can get them crack, maybe kill themselves.

So I am saying this with the utmost seriousness:

If you are an anon, and these goons pictured below know who you are, your real identity, and anything about you they could use AGAINST you, you MUST take steps to protect yourself.

They're trying to get anons to quit.

To back off.

To pull back.

To retreat.



We all worked HARD and sacrificed a lot just to get into this position in which we now stand as 2024 dawns, a year that is going to be one of the most consequential in our nation's long and storied history.

Hell no we're not going to quit, or back off, or retreat.

Its full speed ahead.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

The pedo networks are going down.

The human traffickers will be rounded up and jailed.

The human organ/blood traffickers will be exposed and ended.

General Flynn and several others in Trump's close orbit will play a key role in all of this as the 3rd Trump administration gets underway in January of next year.

The rogue intelligence agents and their rogue intelligence agencies are going to be burned down, salted over and then rebuilt from the ground up.

Flynn is going to play a key role in that.

Intelligence agencies working as the brainwashing arm of our illegal and unelected Shadow Government who've been launching psy-op actions at the American public for decades have been furiously launching targeted psy-ops at the anon community ever since Q first surfaced.

Since using over-the-top Fake News attacks and criticisms didn't stop the Q community from meta-sizing The Great Awakening, they had to resort to infiltration to try to discredit and stop Q.

Why did they expend so much of their time, efforts and resources to try to drive as MANY people as possible away from Q? Were they REALLY trying to do us all a favor? Should we REALLY have listened to them?

I know Q is controversial still, and many people think its A Very Bad Thing, so they end up saying the Shadow Government and Fake News trying to destroy the Q Anon Movement from its earliest days was a GOOD THING, all that massive amount of censorship and iron-fisted narrative control that was exercised in their attempts to suppress and stamp the anon movement out of existence.

Perhaps a better question should be asked.


"Were they trying to do us all a favor and maybe we should have listened to them as they tried to ruthlessly stamp the Q/Anon Movement out of existence? Would we ALL be better off right now if they'd succeeded in strangling the Anon movement in its cradle back in 2017/2018?"

What should be asked is this:

"Why did the Q drops absolutely cause our illegal and unelected Shadow Government and its psy-opping intel agencies to absolutely FREAK THE FUCK OUT and engage in blatant over-the-top relentless efforts to suppress and discredit it while Q was posting from late 2017 thru 2020? Why did Q ring ALL THEIR BELLS and spur them to almost unimaginable heights in their efforts to destroy anybody associated with it?"

You know what happens when you start asking the right questions?

Its amazing.

You end up closer to the right answers.

The best is yet to come.
Don't let the doomers convince you otherwise.
Do you realize we're living in an unprecedented turning point in history?
We lived in comfortable slavery our entire lives and now all of thisbis being unveiled for anyone with eyes to see.
We have front row seats.
It's a privilege to be an anon, awake and alive.
They said we wouldn't make it this far. That America would be destined for failure. Yet all I see is a rising up, a Lazarus moment.
We thought she was dead, yet she will come come back greater than ever before.
God has a plan for all of us and it's a good one.
Reject the doom. Embrace faith.
We're gonna win!

Elon talks like an anon more than people would like to admit. He just posted a comment saying that "Attacks will intensify."
Now where have I heard that from?
It's extremely hard to deny the fact that Trump empowered Musk by giving him military contracts. In turn, Elon used his increased power to buy Twitter out from underneath the deep state. This caused them to become enraged, yet no one was able to stop him.
Has Elon unbanned everyone like he promised? No.
Has Twitter become filled with clickbait? Yes.
But has Elon proven to be a collosal pain in the neck for everyone that works so hard to stop Trump? Certainly. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a hidden deal created between Trump and Musk. I'll make you the richest man in the world if you use part of your power to humiliate the company that banned me. These things can't be ignored.

"He has to because we help him. So he has to help us."

Like many of you, when all of this really kicked off in 2017, my life was forever changed.

Once my eyes were opened I personally felt obligated by the moral and patriotic duty to take a stand alongside other patriots who similarly couldn't close their eyes having learned the ugly truth for what it was - that our entire lives were based on a foundation of lies and that our country had already been successfully infiltrated and overthrown from within. I'm sure many/most of you would agree.

This is also why Trump's amazing victory in 2016 was so damn important. It truly was a turning point that made the rest of this possible.

Since then, we've all had to individually (regardless of when we 'woke up') come to terms with the status of our circumstances and work with one another to educate ourselves and others to the best of our abilities. This often meant having to stand in direct opposition with the shitty cabal narrative being pushed on us by their complicit subsidiary, the fake news media, and all the bought and paid-for talking heads.

The truth is that holding the line through all the ups and downs of events and efforts to divide us has been a challenge for each and every one of us. And the way I see it, as we collectively approach what would appear to be the anticipated 'precipice', the need to lock arms ever more tightly in the face of blowback against what we believe could never be more impt.

This is something that each and every one of us needs to decide for ourselves - just choose wisely because EVERYTHING is on the line.

'Merica! 👊🇺🇸


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