The Great Awakening

Weet iemand hoe ik in contact kan komen met die Scarlet Francini op TG? Waarom schrijft ze niet meer over de vele vraagtekens die er nog zijn dood van Janet Ossebaard?

Weet iemand hoe ik in contact kan komen met die Scarlet Francini op TG? Waarom schrijft ze niet meer over de vele vraagtekens die er nog zijn dood van Janet Ossebaard?

Nou weet ik eigenlijk niet of ik deze al geplaatst had. Misschien kun je contact met haar krijgen door te reageren op dit bericht via TG? (zie ook andere reacties).
Goed, Kuipers naar CEPI Daar kun je van alles van vinden. Wat mij vooral opvalt is, dat iedereen nu ziet wat er gebeurt. Mijn vraag is... Hoe gaan ze, CEPI, Gates Foundation, de WHO, DoD, WEF, de mensen opnieuw zo gek krijgen om te buigen voor een medische en of klimaat dictatuur met ID's, curfews, angstcampagnes, kampen? Zouden mensen zich opnieuw vrijwillig laten prikken of ophokken? Is militaire dwang het volgende waar we rekening mee moeten houden? Zij lijken gewoon door te pushen in een wereld die hen niet meer gelooft. En voor een groot deel verantwoordelijk houdt voor prikschade en oversterfte. Hoe lang gaat dat goed? Gaat dat goed?
Don’t forget our purpose:

1. Wake up the people
2. Spread the truth
3. Do YOUR OWN research
4. Think for YOURSELF

This is NOT about (you).
This is about others.

Being awake and telling others about the truth doesn’t make you a celebrity so don’t let it get to your head.

So many people think they’re going to fill the void of “old stars” with themselves being the new stars just bc they have a following reporting the truth about our fallen world.

When you really think about how close we are at this point, you can stomach however much longer this wild journey takes.
The election is very close now. We know for a fact that the powers that be will have an absolute meltdown and do everything they can stop Trump from winning publicly. If he does get in, in what would amount to the landslide of a century (sans cheating), there is simply no question that the crap will hurt the proverbial fan.
It may not have gone the way we often had hoped, but in hindsight, God does His best work when we are hit with surprises and speed bumps.
Anon character has grown beyond what people can measure. Our patience is tremendous. We've been through a fire. Both personal and collective trials have hit us like rain drops pouring from the heavens.
Yet here we are. Still standing. Still believing.
Look how far we've all come.
We are an enigma.
History will look fondly upon the anons.
We've endured the precipice with knowledge the normie simply refuses to accept. That burden has made us tough as nails. Be proud, anons.
There's one way now and it's through. Whatever may come, that day draws near.

"For too long a small group in our nation's capitol has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth..
The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.
Their victories have not been your victories, there triumphs have not been your triumphs...
That all changes starting right here and right now. This moment is your moment it belongs to you.
What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people.
We are not merely transferring power from what administration to another. But we are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you the people.
You came by the tens of million to become part of a historic movement the likes of which they have never seen before.
We are the only ones who can stop them.
They aren't coming after me, they're coming after you.
I'm standing in their way.
We are going to finish what we started.
We started something that is a miracle.
We are going to complete the mission.
We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.
We are going to make America great again."
Trump is going to finish what he started.
I'm proud to be MAGA.
Proud to be a digital warrior for the bravest man I've ever seen.
We the People.

[ Álbum ]
We were told how long this was going to take.

We are in the final year.

Stay Strong Anon.

Can it really be a coincidence that this video is still up on YouTube? The very one that the Q drop from 2019 links too?

We're in the 6th year Brothers and Sisters!!!

It's gonna be one for the record books!


The situation facing the world is a spiritual battle of good vs evil.

When I first found out about the New World Order, fema camps and the depopulation agenda 15+ years ago, it gave me panic attacks and I prayed to God to help us. Back then, the situation was unbelievably bleak with Bush/Obama. There was no way we could defeat this situation on our own without help from a higher office in our government.

Thank God we were blessed with YUGE help from high places with Trump and the Q operation. I truly believe the Trump operation is God answering the world’s prayers to stop the New World Order. But— we not only need to do our part locally to get *peacefully* and civically engaged in our communities but we must pray for the inevitable triumph of Good over evil.

Human beings are like antennas of the Earth transmitting the celestial energy of the cosmos. It is important that we are mindful of the energy we harness with our hearts and minds.

When we are energetically unified in the right direction as a collective, we can change the world in ways that may seem impossible to the ordinary mind.

For this reason, I’ve decided to humbly open up a little bit about my spirituality and share what works for me. While I acknowledge and respect that our Republic was founded with a Christian frame of reference, and may it always be so, many of my Christian Patriot friends know that I myself am Buddhist. Thank God for the 1st part of the 1st amendment.

I will be sharing a few spiritual things occasionally and if this is not your thing I will take no offense, just scroll on past it.

Big ups to all you amazing Patriots holding the line for Humanity in this time and doing your part to overcome the wickedness that we face in this world.

God bless America 🇺🇸
God bless the world 🌎



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