The Great Awakening

But did he really buy it in the traditional sense? I mean, that's what we're told publically.

Or is it possible that even this platform is part of something else?

We can assume that our modern-day Howard Hughes was targeted decades ago by the globalist cabal.

If true, then I believe there is a good chance that he was approached at some point by white hats and offered a chance to help them/us and save himself/his family.

I can't imagine Musk wouldn't have jumped at it too. And if indeed that's what happened then yes, he'd only be read in on what he needs to know.

Now, keep in mind that Starlink and SpaceX are in play via his involvement (SpaceX being the single-largest Govt contractor) and I believe there is more than enough here to make it plausible.

Yes, in this case, I'm arguing that it's more likely than it is not that white hats/patriots are calling the shots (at least to some degree) at X.

Yes, this would also mean our own team is throttling us on purpose currently - even letting us run free at other times depending on events.

Certain posts appear (at least to me) allowed to go viral, that hit the right point/note/nerve at the right time.

Just spitballin'
I could be wrong too.
Food for thought at the very least.

Why 2020 forced me awake.

2020 was a tough year for most working class Americans. I was somewhat politically awake but had no idea, how dark my life was about to become.

I saw the gov’t lock down their citizens, told them who was and wasn’t essential. Arbitrary decisions made by people who feel important.

I saw citizens cheer for tyranny. Enforce dictates that made them feel powerful. Yelling at folk to put their useless mask on, or stand 6 feet apart for some reason.

I saw churches close the house of God, in fear of a fine from big daddy gov’t. Churches are meant to spread the word of God for the sake of spreading the word, not for financial profit or because the gov’t says they can.

We lost our precious daughter Rylianne, in the 3rd trimester. Where family members were barred from entry into the hospital to comfort my wife.

No therapists were open to the public, they offered “over the phone” help. Luckily, my wife and I came closer to God because our only hope to move forward after the loss of our daughter was to accept God’s help to heal our hearts deep wounds.

I saw gov’t actors break every mandate they proposed. Rules for thee and not for me. I saw past the virtue signaling of help they offered, and realized that they have no intention of doing right for the people.

I saw them cover their tracks to the Wuhan lab, and feign ignorance, as they lied to our faces, about the origins of C-19.

I saw paid and bought for celebrities dance on stage, to promote a new “vaccine”, after they had to change the definition of vax for this to fit into that category.

I saw people cheer for $1,200 stimulus checks, while knowing it’ll cost us $15,000-$18,000 in taxes per person, to cover the cost.

The willingness of great men to stand against was few and far in between. Men I respected, kneeled at the first sign of tyranny, when their paycheck or reputation was threatened.

Being a good man, isn’t about your submission to authority. It’s about doing the right thing, no matter the consequences.

2020 changed the way I see this world, and changed who I can trust moving forward. The gov’t and most churches, aren’t where I place my trust. I place it now in like minded Americans, and the word of God.

I pray I can become a strong enough warrior to withstand whatever is coming my way, I’ve seen too many men fold under pressure, and I hope that I never follow that same fate.

My mission, is to inspire a sense of righteous duty in as many Americans as I can, to stand directly against tyranny, be it governmental or social. We are up against a multi trillion dollar propaganda machine, that wants you to submit.

There needs to be an opposition force so strong, that their fraud, their mandates, their perceived power won’t matter anymore.

If we all stand against them, for the sake of Righteous Liberty, Freedom, and Justice, we will hold their march for tyranny and bay.

God Bless You All & God Bless America

In addition to the individually unique journey we're all currently traversing ourselves, there are distinct societal-wide benefits worthy of note that will benefit us all (and society) long-term - that is once we come to some sort of a global resolution to the current madness.

At some point we will have successfully suffered through, endured stoically, and survived years of a seemingly never-ending stream of abject/evil batshittery. And on a scale heretofore unknown to human civilization.

As a result, I believe that our collective social composition will have leveled up markedly in regards to love of country in a way we would have never otherwise experienced.

It goes without saying that we will be tougher and more resilient writ large.

Our collective moral fiber will be significantly higher than where it was.

And, of course, our faith in God will undoubtedly experience a transformation Renaissance.

Sure things suck currently, but that will end at some point. However, big picture there's a good argument to be made that we (humanity) needed this to happen to truly evolve as a species.


The BQQMERANG and REEEEEEEEEEEEEs will be glorious when Trump's indictments will be yet another nothing burger for PQTUS! The wins from these indictments will be YUGE, though! #PrecedentSet to be used moving forward against the Deep State YUGE disclosure of [their] crimes. YUGE disclosure of election fraud in 2020. And a YUGE AWAKENING that will only lead to millions of more people that will demand PQTUS be their President!...

I just found out my account is the 54th most influential account on X.

The Lord knows I don’t do this work for fame, to gain followers and certainly not for money. With that said, with all the abuse, slander, deplatforming and other nonstop BS I’ve had to deal with for the past 8 years, it’s nice to get this reminder that my work is having an impact despite it all!

On top of that, they even used a decent photo of me and accurately labeled me as a journalist instead of a conspiracy theorist. 🤩

Thanks to everyone who has supported my work! ❤️


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