Trump 2024

So, Trump handily defeated Biden, but I think one of the main issues that no one is talking about is the fact that the Democrats absolutely wanted Biden to take a dive tonight.

This gives them all the excuse they need to switch him out. He looked absolutely incompetent on live television to the point where not even the CNN moderators could help him in the debate.

There’s nothing more that can be said other than the fact that Trump did what he had to do, but the Democrats laid an excellent trap to get rid of their loose ends.

Now they can allow Biden to ride off into the sunset and possibly let the next guy who steps up pardon Hunter Biden.

Tonight was not necessarily a win in the conventional sense because Trump will have a much harder road against whoever they try to put him against.

I’m not looking forward to it, but at the same time, I have to say I am excited to see that Trump looks very focused and on his game. He’s going to need to continue that if the Democrats do the prudent thing and switch Biden out like I believe they will.


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