
Every single day, jews steal more land and homes from Palestinians in the West Bank.

Every single day, jews bomb, shoot, kidnap, rape or kill Palestinians who fight back.

Every single day, jews say they're "just defending themselves."

Every single day, the US *government*, under jewish control via AIPAC and the jewish lobby, gives them money and military support to help them do it.

Every single day, the jews at the ADL get you censored or canceled for talking about what the jews are doing in Palestine or what they're doing to subvert the US government.

Every. Single. Day.

The Institute for Sexual Science, considered the first transgender clinic, was opened by Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, along with Friedrich Wertheim, in 1919 in Berlin, Germany. All Jews.

This institution provided a range of services including gender-affirming surgeries.


The Talmud mentions the following genders:
- Zachar (male)
- Nekevah (female)
- Androgynos (having both male and female characteristics)
- Tumtum (lacking sexual characteristics)
- Aylonit Hamah (identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics)
- Aylonit Adam (identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention)
- Saris hamah (identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics)
- Saris adam (identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention)

The ADL is an evil organization, hell-bent on the destruction of Western society, and it’s time that everyone understands this.

It’s time everyone understands that a Jewish-supremacist gang exists and is impacting all of our lives.

@elonmusk, this gang is also operating on X and is attempting to curb free speech.

It’s time to tell them to GFY, just as you told advertisers who threatened to boycott X a couple of months ago.

This will be just one tweet, not a thread, but I believe it provides a microcosm of how this Jewish-supremacist gang operates.

The ADL was created to exonerate Leo Frank, a Jewish man who raped and murdered a young Catholic girl named Mary Phagan.

The ADL claims the case was one of antisemitism and that Frank was innocent.

However, when examining the case, it’s clear that Frank was guilty.

Some facts include:

- Multiple young girls came forward and said that Frank had previously sexually harassed them.

- Frank hired independent investigators who ended up concluding that he was guilty.

- Traces of blood and hair were found at the crime scene.

- Numerous eyewitness testimonies contradicted Frank’s alibi.

- Four of the twenty-one grand jurors who unanimously agreed that Frank was guilty and indicted him for the murder of Mary Phagan were themselves Jewish, and they expressed no regrets for their decision.

- Leo Frank tried to blame the crime on a Black janitor, and despite this being the segregated South, people still believed Frank was guilty.

Since then, the ADL has labeled anyone who dares to call Frank guilty an antisemite.

The ADL works with every major social media platform.

The ADL has connections with some of the biggest companies in the world.

The ADL has connections with political elites.

This is how the ADL was able to organize a boycott of advertisers on X.

This is how the ADL was able to get the TikTok ban bill signed.

After the ADL organized an advertiser boycott on X, Elon had to:

- Participate in an X space with Ben Shapiro, Rabbi Shmuley, and many other influential figures in the Jewish community, including a rabbi who stated that Jews should target civilians, women, children, holy sites, and livestock during war.

- Tour Israel post-October 7 and has not once condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza.

- Tour Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro and explain how philosemitic he is.

- Thanked the ADL multiple times when they decided he had proven himself to them and ended their advertiser boycott of X.

But believe me, the ADL’s presence on X can still very much be felt, and it can be felt in the form of double standards.

We have seen countless Zionist accounts calling for violence and genocide.

Any suspensions?


Accounts like Stop Antisemites, Canary Mission, Jews Are The Goat, and Shirion Collective have doxxed multiple individuals such as @StopZionistHate, despite doxxing clearly being against X’s TOS.

Any suspensions?


Accounts like Jews Are The Goat harassed Lucas Gage non-stop, doxxing his personal information, which led to him being swatted and his family constantly harassed.

They posted out-of-context clips and got him banned because of it.

Any suspension?

Well, Lucas did, but Jews Are The Goat?


That same account is now instructing its followers to mass-report Candace Owens in an effort to get her deplatformed and have her advertisers taken away from her.

Simultaneously, the ADL is emailing Candace’s advertisers and platforms, asking them to separate themselves from her.

It's also worth noting that Elon Musk has literally banned a gold checkmark account at Gad Saad's request in the past!

Gad Saad, the same man who admitted to have previously worked for the Mossad.

This type of thuggery has no place on our social media platforms or in Western civilization.

It’s time people take a clear stand against this thuggery being committed by Jewish-supremacists.


🚨I am creating this thread so that everything that is happening is well documented in the public:

Yesterday the ADL added me to what can only be described as an effective hit list. They personally emailed reporters at major publications with a long set of smears about me—plus provided these reporters with a list of my show advertisers. This morning my advertisers began receiving emails such as below.

Make no mistake that we are witnessing the behavior of a mafia.

This mafia has used a network of smears to try to get me banned from @YouTube, providing a public step-by-step guide for how to mass report my account.
This mafia is also targeting my speaking events, by mass spamming my hosts via emails with threats.
Incredibly, they are even using their contacts in government to try to get me banned from travel.

At their core, these people are communists. They cannot compete in the free market of ideas. They do not know how to create, so they deceive and they steal. They cannot accept that people are still choosing to listen to me despite the full effort they are waging against me in the press, so they are now moving to try to squeeze me financially.

Today is Michael Jackson’s birthday— and the media mafia is a topic worth discussing.

Dus bij de echokamer van ON! durven ze zich wel uit te spreken met gelijkgestemden, maar als ze een welbespraakte pitbull als Savaille tegenover zich krijgen dan geven ze ineens niet thuis. Lafbekken zijn het!

The Jewish supervisor of the Soviet Gulag system, Genrikh Yagoda, murdered millions of Christians during the Bolshevik Revolution. He said: “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.”

The Jewish Bolshevik Revolutionist Leon Trotsky was funded by Jewish bankers to overthrow the Emperor of Russia Nicholas II. His entire family was slaughtered. Trotsky then developed a ‘slow starvation’ strategy which was used to murder millions of Christians by famine.

In his own words: “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: Who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: Who does not obey shall not eat.” (Think CBDC and social score.)

Study the Bolshevik Revolution, the perpetrators and Jewish funders to understand what the Zionist globalists and the World Economic Forum have planned for you: “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

As Karl Marx said: “The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.”

And when they warn you about ‘conspiracy theories’ always remember what mass murderer Lenin learned from his masters:

“The press should not only be a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”

Fight for your right to free speech and expose the evildoers.

Even Iran's CIA installed Shah dictator regime — that was sent in to prevent Iran from nationalizing their oil to ensure the United States could acquire control of it while destroying Iran's free country to set the stage for what Iran has become today — understood who controls the United States, even way back then.

Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes:
"Surely, your majesty, you're not telling me that the Jewish lobby in the United States pulls the strings of the presidency."

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi:
"Not entirely, but I think even a little too much, even for Israel interests"

"You think the Jewish lobby in the United States is too powerful for the interests of Israel?"

"I think so. Sometimes they are disturbing the interests of Israel because they're pushing around too many people. They have many means at their disposal, they are putting up pressure on many, many people and at the end, I don't think that it will even help Israel.”

"Why, if this is true, why would the president of the United States pay attention to that lobby?"

"They are strong. They are controlling many things."

"Controlling what?"

"Newspapers. Medias..."

Wallace — in a judgmental tone to insinuate Mohammad is a crazy Conspiracy Theorists:
"Your majesty."

"Banks. Finances. And I'm going to stop there."

What ELSE did he WANT to say but was TOO AFRAID to keep going? 🤔


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