
This post is a good example of why the Zionist narrative is so dependent on people remaining ignorant about the history of the conflict. This person wants you to believe that one day in 1945 families of raggedy Jewish refugees started arriving in Palestine and were immediately set upon by their Arab neighbors for no reason at all. It doesn’t even qualify as a lie, just abject ignorance confidently stated with moral certainty.

The reality is that early Zionists were revolutionaries drawn from the same pool of young Jewish recruits that fed the Bokshevik movement. This is what Churchill wrote about in 1920, and there are countless letters between early Zionist leaders that focus on the competition with communism for recruits. In the first decade of the 1900s, there are letters from religious Zionists concerned that they were already seeing disrespect and abuse of the local population that was going to lead to conflict. In 1919-20, when Jewish migration to Palestine has hardly begun, we already find armed Zionist militias drilling in plain sight, and parading through the streets of Palestinian cities chanting and holding banners announcing that all of Palestine would be theirs.

By the end of WW2, the conflict had been going on for 30+ years, with British military power providing cover for Zionist violence while coming down with extreme measures against the Arabs. In 1945, the British have already decimated the Palestinian population - literally: they killed or wounded 1 in 10 fighting aged males during the Arab Revolt from ‘36-39 - which is scattered, exiled, and without any organized leadership.

It was only then, when the Arabs were defenseless, that the Zionists began to drive their British mercenaries out using a campaign of terrorism and assassination - including the King David Hotel bombing (91 dead), mail bombing campaigns against the British government in London (and eventually even sending bombs to Harry Truman’s White House), and murder of people sent to arbitrate, such as Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish UN official who had run operations to rescue Jews from Europe during the war.

Once the British threw their hands up and turned the issue over to the UN, the US used the leverage of individual bribes and postwar reconstruction funds on far away unconnected countries in Asia and Latin America to get enough of the General Assembly votes to propose a partition - it was the first act of the new United Nations, and not a single country within a thousand miles of Palestine voted for it. Anyway the General Assembly has no power to draw national borders - if it did Israel would have had to obey the half-dozen GA resolutions calling on them to withdraw the West Bank settlers and return to the 1967 borders. The proposal granted Jews, virtually all of whom had arrived in the last 10-20 years, and who were still a minority of the population, a majority of the country, and the Zionists immediately began ethnically cleansing the areas proposed for them of the remaining Arab populations, using a combination terrorist attacks, murders of Arab families, and massacres, the news of which was actually exaggerated and broadcast by the Zionists themselves to terrify the people into leaving. 750,000 people would eventually be driven into camps by these violent Eastern European revolutionaries who’d only come to Palestine in the last decade, and were funded and armed by the Rothschilds and some of the other wealthiest and most powerful interests in the world.

THEN the surrounding Arab countries attacked.

All of this is extensively documented, incl by Israeli historians, and is literally Wiki-level info anyone can find.


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