
This is Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte who personally saved 31,000 Jews and non-Jews from the Nazi Germany…🇩🇪

He was chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Palestine–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948…

The Zionists killed him in Jerusalem after he wrote his UN report detailing the devastated Palestinian villages he saw and the mass killings…🇮🇱🇵🇸

1 oktober startte Iran en Israël met wat het begin kan zijn van de 3e wereldoorlog. Hoe lang gaat het duren? 10 days of darkness komt behoorlijk dichtbij zo. Het zijn in elk geval donkere tijden tot het licht.
1 oktober startte Iran en Israël met wat het begin kan zijn van de 3e wereldoorlog. Hoe lang gaat het duren? 10 days of darkness komt behoorlijk dichtbij zo. Het zijn in elk geval donkere tijden tot het licht.
Als Israël maar valt🙏🏻 deze genocide en zionistische bullshit mogen ze niet mee wegkomen
Gentiles must understand the nature of jewish unfairness.

After Palestinian babies were killed, jews played the recordings of their blood-curdling screams in front of campus protesters and laughed.

When German children were starving on the streets, jews held extravagant feasts in the restaurant windows of the Weimar Republic, positioned in front of the children. The act of feasting in front of starving Gentile children made the meal more enjoyable to jews.

When the children asked jews for food, jews mocked them and threw scraps to dogs instead. The jews enjoyed watching the children desperately compete with dogs for pieces.

When the world was horrified by jews raping Palestinian prisoners, israel made it a point to celebritize the rapist in front of all of us.

You have to understand that this is the way the jew operates. It is a tradition. He must rub it in. The more brazen, the better.

When we complain that jews call us cattle, jews laugh among themselves and mock us.

The more we suffer and plead with jews to stop, the more euphoric they feel. Our protests only encourage the jew to continue.

As Americans are dying in North Carolina, jews make their client politicians write, "Pray for israel." They want us to see it.

When you comment on videos of suffering Palestinian children, jews are reading the comments and laughing and celebrating.

Jews make it a point to show you that they can call for the worst kinds of violence on social media and never get banned. But any Gentile can be banned at the slightest infraction. And they want you to know this. They want you to see it. They enjoy your complaints.

Jews derive immense pleasure by rubbing it all in our faces.

The more it pains us, the more we protest, the more excited jews feel.

When a Gentile trusts a jew as a "friend," the jew regards that Gentile as a naive goy who has granted permission to be betrayed and exploited at a time of the jew's choosing.

At the higher levels of jewry, you are dealing with individuals who would start a war between Gentiles, not just for profit or power, but also for pure pleasure.

You see Gentiles saying things like, "How can our government treat us like this? It's insane!"

It's not insane. It's jews calling the shots. To jews, it is perfectly sane. The more we are abused, the better.

You will never get the jew to stop by appealing to humanity or justice. And the jew is immune to any shaming.

The only way to defend oneself against an unfair enemy is with superior unfairness and ruthlessness.

I'm sorry it has to be this way, but this is the reality.

Born of Polish jewish descent, Bobby Fischer was an eccentric genius with an IQ that was reportedly 187.

As a chess prodigy, he won his first of a record eight US Championships at the age of 14, became the youngest international grandmaster ever at age 15, and held the 11th World Chess Champion title from 1972-1975.

Some say he was the best chess player to ever live.

This is what he had to say about the jews.

  • Wow
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What if I were to tell you that the star of David, wasn't historically associated to David in any way at all?

It is actually the "Seal of Solomon", the star of Remphan, Saturn, and Satan...

Here we are going to look at its historical background.

Remphan and moloch, were pagan gods worshiped by forest dwelling sacrificial Jewish people of ancient times and were associated to death in exchange for power, and wealth.

The symbol is actually thought to have originated from King Solomon at the time and was, quite literally, referred to as the "Seal of Solomon", who after ventures to Egypt and marrying a pharaoh's daughter, turned to idolatry, witchcraft, and the worship of Ashtoreth, Remphan, Moloch and Saturn (the ancient astronomical symbol of Remphan and Satan) and brought the symbol back to Israel.

In the "Testament of Solomon", Solomon fell in love with a Shunammite woman, and agreed to worship Remphan and Moloch in exchange for sexual pleasures. He then goes on to commit ritual sacrifice claiming that the spirit of God then left him.

This is one of the reasons why we see so many symbols in societies they have control over today, such as pyramids, obelisks, and even the "all seeing eye" on US currency including the small hidden owl (Symbol of Egyptian occultism) in the corner of the one dollar bill that can also be found as a statue in the Bohemian Grove. Because the worship of Judaism is still to this day tied to the worship of king Solomon.

Another symbol popular in Israeli-Ashkenazi Judaism is the "Third Temple" a hypothetical religious structure that would rebuild Solomon's second temple of worship and bring about their Messiah and end times...

Yes, you read that correctly -

Regardless of if there is truth to the history of King Solomon, the star used today, is actually the Seal of Solomon, and one of the main agendas of the state of Israel who uses it, is to rebuild Solomon's temple, a place of worship constructed by a sacrificial Remphan, Moloch, Saturn, and Satan worshipping ruler according to historical as well as biblical texts.

This implies that Israel and modern Judaism at least partially uses symbolism tied to a ruler who practiced what would be today referred to as Satanic worship and sacrifice for inherently evil and greedy ambitions.

- Conclusion -

Any nation or group who holds power and uses symbols directly tied to sacrifice and Saturnism/Satanism should worry anyone under its veil.

As always, don't take my word for any of this, look it up yourself.

Some Sources:

  • Leuk
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