About two thirds of the people who undergo reduced breathing experience a detox or cleansing reaction. Better volume breathing improves blood flow and the oxygenation of all tissues and organs. Cleansing reactions take place when the CP moves through 10, 20 and 40 seconds. It can also occur when the CP is two, four and six times its initial value.
Note: if you experience an increased feeling of coldness as you apply reduced breathing, cease the exercise and consult with an experienced practitioner. An increased sensation of coldness can indicate a drop in blood sugar levels and a snack is recommended.
Generally, cleansing reactions are an aggravation of your usual symptoms, are mild and can last from several hours to several weeks. For most people, these reactions last just one to two days.
Depending on the person, typical symptoms include:
Females may be emotional
Males may be depressed
Slight aches and pains
Mucus from the nose or lungs
More frequent visits to the bathroom
Loss of appetite
Increased yawning and fatigue
General feeling of unwellness
Short-term headache
Increased irritability or anxiety
More saliva
Metallic or coppery taste in the mouth and increased demand for water.
To help reduce the intensity and duration of cleansing reactions, drink warm water regularly throughout the day and continue with reduced breathing by relaxation. (Drink ¼ teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in hot water to help restore essential minerals)
During the cleansing, your Control Pause will quickly decline. It will increase again when the cleansing reaction has passed, and you will feel much better.
On a positive note, everyone will experience improvements in their health, including: increased calmness and concentration; less anxiety, stress and uncontrolled thought activity; better moods, better sleep, more energy and improved well being.