
The Obvious Wins Again: Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccine Immunity​

The CDC is waging a war against its own credibility by refusing to accept natural immunity​

Aaron Siri
Oct 25

Does a Covid-19 vaccine provide better immunity than prior infection? While the pundits debated, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) got to the bottom of this question. It engaged in a formal exchange with the CDC on this precise question. The unsurprising answer – natural immunity wins!
The exchange, while long, is definitely worth the read. In short – and this is going to be an understatement – the CDC fails to rebut the clear, consistent, and irrefutable science demonstrating the superiority of natural immunity compared to vaccine immunity. In sum:
  • Who is more likely to get Covid-19 (the symptomatic disease)? The answer is clear. Natural immunity provides greater than 99% protection against Covid-19 while vaccine immunity is well below this level of protection even directly after vaccination and from there rapidly wanes.
  • Who is more likely to become infected with and transmit the virus (with or without symptoms)? The answer is again crystal clear. Vaccine immunity does not prevent infection and transmission, while natural immunity does. As the Director of the CDC explained, the vaccinated need to wear masks because, “what [the COVID-19 vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.” (This point is also covered in a prior article.)
  • Worse, based on official government data from the UK and Israel, the known adverse events from Covid-19 vaccine exceed the known benefits of vaccinating the naturally immune. See the exchange with the CDC linked above.
The lesson yet again is not that health authorities should never make mistakes. They will. It happens. The lesson is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure. Everyone, the naturally immune or otherwise, who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so. But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure.
Daphnes manager laat weten: „Toen Richard en Daphne afgelopen week griepachtige klachten kregen, hebben ze zich meteen laten testen. Daaruit bleek dat ze inderdaad corona hadden. Dankzij de vaccinatie zijn ernstige klachten gelukkig achterwege gebleven. Dat deze coronabesmetting precies in de week van het Krajicek Foundation Gala viel, was natuurlijk een enorme teleurstelling.”
Wel heel duidelijk hoe het hier allemaal staat per fase. Maar wel erg eng. En ja al het bezit weg daar gaat het om. Light wil win.

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