The title of this video should be changed to "The Most Powerful Video On Spirituality and Happiness FOR SLAVES". We were asked by Dana.... "Arthur, have you ever seen this Eckhart Tolle video before? Although he does (only very briefly) mention a few constructs of the system, such as Jesus and Buddha, i think a lot of what he shares could really be helpful for people trying to break free of the illusion, and - even more so - the trauma. " - We replied............ You won't see him point out all the nefarious psyops programs that locks the duped into "The System". He maybe innocent of his duplicity but his work prepares the duped to enter the NWO without realising the psyops programs currently compelling them to continue their/our/MANS enslavement. The Dalai Lama is another blatant mis-leader using almost the same type of psyops programming tactics Echart Tolle is working with.
Everything gets incredibly simple, uncomplicated and easy when fallen-MAN can recognise the clearly defined distinction between SENSE & NON-SENSE, between sensory images and non-sensory images.
"The System" is trauma based and everything of "The System" is reaction to trauma which is all about giving our life-force-energy to non-sensory-images (darkness) to set them into motion.
SENSE = direct-sensory-experience
NON-SENSE = non-direct-sensory-experience requiring 3rd parties acting as impostors of 1st party sensory life-forms, i.e: that sensory life-form over there is a daffodil and is yellow. Another example... the thought of God is NOT God, the thought of freedom, consciousness, peace is NOT freedom, consciousness, peace. They are just the non-sensory images (thoughts/ideas/pictures) put into your head by others telling you how to think and act about a freedom, a God, a consciousness, a peace, etc, and therefore are trapped in the compelling e-motion of a freedom, a God, a consciousness, a peace, etc, without ever living/being/directly-experiencing freedom, etc.
There is no first party to first party direct sensory experience of God, freedom, peace, consciousness because we are not being/living freedom, God, peace, consciousness, etc, in present-sense. We are just trapped in the ideas of them without ever being free, conscious, etc, = lost in NON-SENSE.
Re-presenting the thoughts and ideas of others is NON-SENSE.
Besides our tribal-ancestors being invaded, decimated, humiliated, murdered, etc, and enslaved, the worst thing ever done to all of us was education. We were never meant to be educated, to be under the image power of another MAN.
Without the education/brainwashing of "The System", Toll's work cannot be performed. Toll's work completely relies on "The System" to provide him with the tools he uses to explain everything to the duped already brainwashed by "The System" education program.
All con-structs/con-cepts are performed exactly like this.
Toll's work is just a new modified addition to the existing assembly line where the conveyer belt running through factory planet earth's production line is delivering the end product of processed, manufactured drones, robots and slaves conceived out of MAN.
In the supermarket do you have freedom or choice?
In "The System" do you have freedom or choice?
Whose thoughts, ideas, dreams are you thinking and setting into motion?
If they can get you to think what they want you to think and get you to set these images into motion they will have conned you into creating that. Slaves willingly create a world in their masters image without realising.
In the education you have been provided with thus far does it provide freedom or choice?
What about Eckart Tolle, does his work provide you with freedom or choice?
While the duped are in the NOW, they are still slaves to "The System" before, during and after being in the now. Bar a change in the use of a psyops program NOTHING REALLY HAS CHANGED.
While the brainwashed are going within to find peace in their environment they forever remain slaves to "The System".
Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, New Ager's, Atheist's, etc, continue being slaves to "The System" in present-sense regardless for how long and how hard their efforts may have been in practising the many rituals of their religion, belief, faith & associated opinion - the lie continues to compel them to be e-motional slaves. Such is the very clever slight of hand deception at play by Freemasons/Satanists. Watch out for Eckhart Tolle as his "spelling" magic tricks will compel you even deeper into hell ("The System").
A NWO slave remains deeply traumatised regardless how much they believe they have stepped away from being under the influence of trauma. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
As for waking up from the illusion - LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Note: We debunked Eckart Tolle back in 2005 - he is a beneficial lackey-asset for the NWO agenda.
Eckhart Tolle's books in series should be called: "How To Accept Slavery And Be Happy About It". part one, part two......