Nou Mark, die site over 'fart rape' is me er wel eentje, zeg! Heb je deze beauty gelezen:
Waarom kritiek op communisme niets anders is dan 'patriarchale onderdrukking'. Immers, de bolsjewieken hebben abortus gelegaliseerd. Enkele ijzingwekkende citaten van het licht dat dit heeft neergepend:
Abortions were not only free and provided by the state but it was encouraged and a sign of progressiveness, because by having an abortion a woman showed that she could contribute more to society by being able to do real work than being a burden on society
Women are so liberated in communist China that they have the choice to have a free state provided abortion whenever they want.
So called ‘medical professors’ such as Jean Wright, MD, anesthesiologist, Savannah, Georgia, specializing in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Memorial Health University Medical Center have claimed that “A fetus after 20 weeks of gestation has all the prerequisite anatomy, physiology, hormones, neurotransmitters, and electrical current to close the loop and create the conditions needed to perceive pain. In a fashion similar to explaining the electrical wiring to a new house, we would explain that the circuit is complete from skin to brain to back.”
However many feminist have been quick to discredit her as she does not have a Women’s Studies degree and therefore extremely biased. (WTF? Alleen als je een 'vrouwenstudie' hebt gedaan, heb je kennis van zaken???)
“Just because a foetus resembles a fully developed baby doesn’t necessarily mean it should be counted as a baby” In fact every woman should have an abortion at least once in their lives to show that they are liberated and believe in women’s rights. (Dit is een vrouwenrecht, het ontkennen van de menselijkheid van menselijk leven in ontwikkeling???)
Alsof dat nog niet genoeg is, hier is 'argument' nummer 2, de afschaffing van traditionele geslachtsrollen:
The Bolsheviks wanted to recreate society completely, creating an ideal world where all people were equal. This notion of equality included women, who up until this point, were limited to domestic work. Now women were expected to be a part of the workforce outside of their homes. They would no longer be degraded and dehumanised by being referred to ‘women’ or ‘feminine’ they would now be called comrade like there biologically male counterparts.
This was a huge win for gender equality because those who oppose it need to be erased from society, unfortunately in modern times gender-equality advocates such as feminist have been forced to passively reengineer gender roles such as re-educating children in schools and universities, shaming masculinity in men, shaming femininity in women and by using shaming tactics to discredit opponents in the media and rightly portraying them as misogynist and women oppressors.
Dus iedereen is een 'kameraad' en wie geen 'kameraad' is moet worden 'uitgewist'. Nou, dat hebben ze gedaan, die bolsjewieken:
Maar goed, verder naar 'argument' nr. 3, vrouwen op de werkplek:
Fortunately for gender equality a large amount of the male population died in horrific conditions at wars so it was a much easier decision to force women to stop being so misogynist and do the work the men usually would be doing. Women were reported to be much happier working in the great Russian Outdoors than they were doing oppressive tasks such as cooking/cleaning at home and child-rearing (Gelukkig maar dat zoveel mannen sneuvelden aan het front, zodat ze vrouwen niet konden ketenen aan het aanrecht, want slavenarbeid door weer en wind voor de staat maakt hen immers veel gelukkiger!)
En dan is er nog het laatste 'argument', de staat als ouder:
But how could this happen if the economic relations in society still compelled women to stay in the home? How could women even take the first steps of working outside of the home if there was no one to take care of the children and cook the family meals?
Easy, the government would take over the nuclear family. Women would birth children and then they would be raised by the state, husbands would also not be necessary for women any more as the state would offer subsidies. In short women will never be truly free until the nuclear family is abolished, words like Mother, Father and family are only social constructs and oppressive to women.
Levensgevaarlijk deze tante! En het laat eens te meer zien hoezeer de term 'cultureel marxisme' niet gelogen is. De 'about'pagina geeft geen informatie over deze volkomen gestoorde troela, maar gelukkig lezen we in de comments terug hoe failliet dit gedachtengoed is. De meeste mensen trappen er niet meer in!