Verplichte kost voor iedereen die lugols jodium gebruikt of wil gaan gebruiken:
So why do so many people state that they cannot take iodine due to a reaction?
The answers may lie with what are termed the “companion nutrients”. Each of these nutrients are critical to the success of the Iodine Protocol, and thus is essential to the proper working of your body. Those companion nutrients are as follows:
•Selenium – 200 – 400 mcg per day
•Magnesium – 400 – 1200 mg per day
•Vitamin C – 3,000 – 10,000 mg per day
•Vitamins B2/B3 (ATP CoFactors) – 100 mg riboflavin and 500 mg no flush niacin, inositol hexanicotinate form, 1-2x per day
•Unrefined Salt (Celtic) – 1/2 tsp. or more per day
Here are the reasons why each are so necessary…
•high amounts of iodine without selenium induces AIT (Auto Immune Thyroiditis) and goiter.
•selenium + iodine reduces goiter and inflammation of the thyroid gland.
•selenium supplementation reduces TgAb that may be elevated by taking iodine.
•TPOAb antibody levels were inversely associated with selenium levels (if you have high selenium, you have low antibodies and vice versa).
•selenium + iodine increases the regulatory immune cells which prevent the development of autoimmune diseases.
•necessary for the body to produce glutathione peroxidase, which detoxes pesticides, mercury, chlorine and bromide.
Analysis of the medical literature is clear: selenium plus iodine is the best combination for thyroid health.
When iodine has been shown in studies to be damaging to the thyroid, it appears that concurrent selenium deficiency is the true culprit.
Not only that, if you are iodine deficient, selenium supplements “induce a dramatic fall of the already impaired thyroid function in clinically hypothyroid subjects”.
Therefore, if you are already hypothyroid, taking selenium supplements while iodine deficient will make you MORE HYPOTHYROID.
Please note that
Brazil nuts are not a reliable source for selenium. You have no way of knowing if the soil they are grown in is sufficient in this mineral.
The iodine researchers found that what
leads to development of autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s, Graves) is magnesium deficiency together with low iodine, low antioxidants, and high calcium. Sounds like a description of the standard modern diet, heavy on the dairy and processed foods, doesn’t it?
Unrefined Sea Salt
•supports adrenals and reduces oxidative stress.
•kicks bromide out of the body through the urine.
•relieves symptoms of bromide detox.
•helps get iodine into the cells via the NIS (sodium iodide symporter).
Unprocessed salt is a necessary nutrient for many reasons – but on the iodine protocol, it can also be a real life saver! The chloride in salt competes with bromide in the kidneys, so a person who is low in salt will hold on to more body-busting bromide. At 6-10 grams per day, salt can increase the urinary excretion of bromide by up to 10 fold