Kombucha moet juist niet te veel mineralen hebben om te groeien en waterkefir kan juist wel wat extra mineralen gebruiken om te groeien. Gedistilleerd of gefilterd water voldoet zelfs voor het maken van kombucha. Geioniseerd/te basisch water wordt juist weer afgeraden voor kombucha:
What Kind of Water Do You Need?
Most cultures, such as sourdough, cheese, and fermented vegetables, are pretty resilient, and will safely use any water that is suitable for drinking. The water can be rich in minerals, or completely pure. Many people prefer to use water that is free of chlorine and fluoride,
and there is no harm in removing those things from the water before you culture.
There are two cultures that have very specific requirements for water: kombucha and waterkefir. Chlorine, chloramines, or fluoride will weaken or even kill either of these cultures, so the water you use must be free of those minerals.
Water kefir grains require some mineral content to culture successfully and to grow well.
Mineralrich water, such as from wells or springs, is ideal for brewing water kefir. If the water you have available is low in minerals, or if you have to filter it to remove chlorine and fluoride, you can add minerals back to the water in a number of ways.
Kombucha will culture best in water that is as pure as possible: even distilled or purified water is fine. The kombucha will get its nutrients from the sugar and the tea that you add to the brewing solution. While kombucha may brew successfully in water with minerals in it,
it’s possible that excessive metal content may weaken the scoby. p. 31 http://theprohealthshop.com/resources/Kombucha_eBook.pdf