Ik voel me niet aangevallen door jou. Bovendien vallen we in herhalingen, want ik heb al vaker aangegeven dat ik niet zo van de politiek correcte 'middenweg' ben die jij voorstaat. Dat laat ik aan jou over, ik doe de dingen op mijn manier. Ook heb ik vaker aangegeven dat ik een soort Amerikaanse stijl hanteer die niet altijd even goed vertaalt naar het Nederlandstalige cultuurgoed. Je moet je maar eens gaan verdiepen in de manier waarop ze in Engelstalige landen met elkaar van gedachten wisselen. Enkele voorbeelden van de niet te zuinige manier waarop de Australier Anthony Colpo bijv. mensen confronteert:
Nital writes:
Hi Anthony,
Would you be able to suggest an actual academic critique of the china study? I'm looking for informed and professional critiques, not necessarily the type you provide (no offense).
Anthony replies:
go **** yourself.
Nital replies:
There's the professional response we were looking for! Thank you for verifying what we suspected here at an academic, nutritional sciences department. I find people who resort to name-calling and slander-type language, littered throughout your website, are not usually worth engaging in honest debate.
I'm simply trying to find informed critiques of works like the China Study, particularly academic, to provide balanced perspectives for work we are doing over here. Sadly, most of what we've found thus far is the type of "work" done by non-medical professionals or academics, such as yourself.
You must also have a real problem with the Physicians Council for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), I take it, since they support the concept of plant-based diets.
http://pcrm.org/health/health-topics/ - take your pick of topics there you'd like to use your "independent researcher's" background (I can only imagine that means you don't have a degree relevant to any nutritional / medical field) to "critique".
I'm sorry you are such an angry person. Good luck trying to convince the world that whey isolates are good for you though!
Anthony replies:
Poor, poor Nital. It must be a very dark and twisted space inside that sad little cranium of yours.
You send a smart-assed, inflammatory email to someone who has never done shit to you, saying he doesn't produce informed and professional critiques. You insult me, and then wonder why I give you the same in return. What a powerful, heroic person you must be to start fights with people over the Internet, from thousands of miles away!
I don't have a problem with PCRM, except for the fact that they are a pack of dubious, truth-twisting vegan extremists. Other than that, I'm sure they are an absolutely upstanding bunch of folks!
As for your insistence on reviews of The China Study by people with formal academic credentials, this tells me a quite a bit about you that you'd rather I didn't know.
It tells me you are essentially stupid, and that you can't review scientific literature for yourself. If you could, you would be able to pull up the studies I've cited in my reviews of The China Study, you would read them for yourself, and you would promptly learn I am telling the truth. But you are too dumb to do this, so you need someone else to do it for you.
And you hail from an "academic, nutritional sciences department"?!? Please let me know which one, so I can alert potential dietetic students to save their time and money and look for a far more credible educational institution. One that is not staffed by people so dumb they need others to do their research for them.
Your insistence upon formal academic credentials also tells me you have fallen hook, line and sinker for the old "appeal to authority" routine. Yep, if someone has a string of fancy initials after their name and is employed at a prestigious institution, then, hey, they must know what they're talking about, right?
Wrong. The science journals are filled with conflicting views from academically decorated people. Obviously, they can't all be right. At the end of the day, facts are facts, and it requires an intelligent, impartial mind to sift through the mass of conflicting research and arrive at the truth. I have such a mind - you don't. That's why I can write extensive reviews destroying T. Colin Campbell's garbage, while all you can do is send pissy little emails that are a thinly disguised attempt to smother your rising sense of envy and inferiority.
I'm sorry you are such a sad, pathetic, hostile and angry person. Good luck trying to convince the world...of whatever your pointless mission is.
In the meantime, if you have ANY actual evidence that my critique of The China Study is wrong, then let's hear it.
If you have ANY actual scientific evidence that whey protein is harmful, let's hear it.
Now run along, it's time for Mummy to spoon feed you your dinner.
In dit citaat noemt hij ook de term 'politically correct':
R. Celentano” replies:
Hey, You obviously know NOTHING about food addiction – or other addictions such as alcohol, sex, money, porn, etc. If you did, you would certainly not say the “fat lazy ass” comment. You are boorish and uninformed and rude and I could go on but you clearly are not worth it. I am sorry that you chose the profession you did. I actually weigh 147 pounds but have struggled to get there – exercise being a life saver. I STILL resent your attitude, Mate. YOU are boorish.
Anthony replies:
C’mon Sunshine, tell me how you really feel!
Mate, you are a politically correct pansy who needs to harden the hell up.
If you want pity, you’ve definitely come to the wrong place. I’ve got all the time in the world for people who are genuinely prepared to put in an honest effort on a consistent basis to get themselves into shape – and absolutely none for those with a victim mentality looking for the easy, effortless way out. I don’t care how fat or what shape people are in when they come to me, if they can show me they’re prepared to buckle down and work, then they have my time.
Call me a “boor” if it makes you feel better, but this “boor” has helped a lot more fat people lose serious amounts of weight than your self-righteous, whining, politically correct do-gooder self could ever do in ten lifetimes. The kind of PC nonsense spouted by yourself is water off a duck’s back to me. I’ve been a certified trainer for almost 20 years now, and in that time I’ve helped more people get in shape than I care to remember. They did it, not by pissing and moaning about their food/porn/booze/sex “addiction”, but by taking the bull by the horns and committing to eating right and training regularly.
As for your “addiction” BS… grow up! This is the real world, not Oprah. Regrettably, the word “addiction” has been hijacked by politically correct apologists like yourself to be used in place of “extreme lack of discipline”. When you’ve seen someone violently shaking and writhing in the midst of drug withdrawal, when you’ve had friends so devastated by heroin that it wrecked their homes, drove their parents to divorce, and ultimately killed them…then, and only then, you can talk to me about addiction. Food addiction? Give me a fucking break. When someone can’t resist the urge to shove another Twinkie down their already overfed Western gob, that’s not addiction – that’s sloth. When they would rather watch TV than go outside for a ride or head to the gym, that’s not addiction – that’s plain laziness.
I’ve trained way too many people who were prepared to get out of bed that extra hour earlier in order to train, who wanted a lean healthy body much more than they wanted that extra slice of cheesecake, who were prepared to turn off the idiot box so they could prepare their next day’s meals so they wouldn’t be tempted by the crap in the office vending machines or work canteen…I’ve dealt with way too many of these folks to have even the slightest amount of sympathy for those who piss and moan about how getting in shape is “all too hard”, or how they’ve “tried everything”. In almost every instance, these folks have not adhered for any meaningful length of time to a scientifically backed strategy that involves a sensible and sustainable caloric deficit, such as that outlined in The Fat Loss Bible.
You think you’re taunting me when you gloat that you won’t buy my book, but the joke’s on you. The reality is that I’ve sold thousands of copies of The Fat Loss Bible and have had scores of people write to tell me how the book has allowed them to decisively cut through all the confusing BS, to finally lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives. I’ve had people in their 40s and 50s telling me how they’re now leaner than they were in their teens and twenties, and others excitedly gushing about how members of the opposite sex are suddenly starting to take notice of them. Unlike you, they don’t need to whack off to Internet porn or get drunk to approach women, or engage in whatever other vices you partake in and rationalize away as “addictions”. The The Fat Loss Bible, I’m proud to say, has produced a lot of very happy readers. That you will never be one of them is your loss, not mine.
You think you’re sticking up for the interests of overweight people, but people like you are actually their worst enemy. From you they will get counterproductive rationalizations that merely reinforce their victim mentality and keep them stuck in a rut. From me, they get results.
Now once again, stop wasting my time. You clearly have nothing intelligent to say and I’m certainly not going to pander to your victim mentality. Go join a fat acceptance forum or something…
Vergeleken met Colpo ben ik nog mild! Ik vind overigens dat hij volledig gelijk heeft, maar voor velen hier zal dit veel te ver gaan. Het zij zo.
Juist dit soort 'argumenten' worden door Van Lommel succesvol WETENSCHAPPELIJK weerlegd in zijn artikelen in The Lancet en in zijn boek. We hebben hier NIET te maken met een 'illusie van de hersenen, veroorzaakt door zuurstofgebrek'. Zie
deze post op de 1e pagina van deze thread. Sommige mensen herkennen de waarheid nog niet, al stompt hij hen recht in het gezicht!