Ik had ergens gelezen dat je best de korrels aan de lucht laat drogen en dan pas invriest, te samen met een apart bakje met kefirmelk. Om te activeren de kefirkorrels in de ontdooide melk 48 uur laten. Ik zal eens kijken of ik die info kan terug vinden.
Long Breaks, up to 6 months
If a longer break is required, we recommend drying the kefir grains.
Rinse grains thoroughly with filtered water
Lay them on a piece of unbleached parchment paper in a safe location.
Dry at room temperature for 3 to 5 days, depending on humidity and room temperature. Or, use a dehydrator as long as the grains do not get heated above 85°F.*
Place dried milk kefir grains in a ziploc bag; add a small amount of powdered milk.
Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months.
When ready to make kefir again, rehydrate the grains according to the instructions that came with the culture originally, or follow the activation instructions for milk kefir grains on our website.
*Note: The aroma of drying milk kefir grains is often unpleasant.
Long Breaks, up to 6 months
If a longer break is required, we recommend drying the kefir grains.
Rinse grains thoroughly with filtered water
Lay them on a piece of unbleached parchment paper in a safe location.
Dry at room temperature for 3 to 5 days, depending on humidity and room temperature. Or, use a dehydrator as long as the grains do not get heated above 85°F.*
Place dried milk kefir grains in a ziploc bag; add a small amount of powdered milk.
Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months.
When ready to make kefir again, rehydrate the grains according to the instructions that came with the culture originally, or follow the activation instructions for milk kefir grains on our website.
*Note: The aroma of drying milk kefir grains is often unpleasant.