(Rauwe) melk

Zo die Matthijs de Haan is echt goed bezig keltisch zeezout h202.

Jammer dat het voor mij zo ver is. Maar ik ben super tevreden met de rauwe melk uit Zunderdorp van zorgboerderij Ons verlangen

Ik vraag me af waarom ik soms heel helder kan nadenken na inname van rauwe melk?

Ik drink precies genoeg zo rond 10:00 en voel daarna een boost.

Voel dan geen vage hypoglykemie, of hyperventilatie klachten opkomen.

Ik moet het ook niet geforceerd gaan drinken, want dan werkt het juist niet.

Ik kan een koeienras zelf niet herkennen van een foto, bovendien kan het ook zijn dat de afbeeldingen op de website niet per se de koeien tonen die voor de melk gebruikt worden.

De koeien op de afbeeldingen zijn de koeien die voor de melk gebruikt worden.

Die koeien zie ik daar nl altijd staan.

Dit zeggen ze over hun koeien:

Onze koeien

Als je biologisch wilt werken, moet je zorgen dat de natuurlijke eigenschappen van je dieren optimaal aansluiten bij die van de omgeving waarin ze leven.

Ons bedrijf ligt in het oude cultuurlandschap tussen IJssel en Vecht. Zandruggen en wat lager gelegen klei-afzettingen wisselen elkaar af. Het gebied wordt doorsneden door weteringen. Daar past een stevige koe bij met een hoge natuurlijke weerstand.

Wij hebben hier uitstekende ervaringen met Braunvieh. Dit oeroude Zwitserse ras staat niet alleen bekend om zijn heerlijke melk en zijn hoge opbrengst aan proteïnen en vetten, maar ook om zijn sterke gestel.

Met het oog op de toenemende vraag naar kwaliteitsvlees hebben wij onze kudde uitgebreid met een aantal Belgische Blauwe. Deze in de negentiende eeuw ontwikkelde kruising van Durham Shorthorns en Friezen is geliefd vanwege zijn correcte bouw, zijn stevige bespiering en zijn rustige karakter.

De oudere rassen hebben meer A2 in zich dan A1. Wellicht is de veestapel niet 100% A1, maar naar alle waarschijnlijkheid wel overwegend A2. De enige manier om dit zeker te weten is erop te laten testen en dat hebben ze niet gedaan, dat weet ik zeker. Voor Andre en Tonny is dit A1-A2 verhaal minder belangrijk dan voor sommigen hier.


Ik denk dat de melk ongeveer 50% A2 is ,hier nog een site waar nog wat staat over A2 melk,South African Geurnsey Association,hier staat dat na het drinken van A2 melk lactose intolerantie overging en ook verstopte neuzen ,en dat A1 melk meer kans op hart en vaatziekten,autisme ,en andere kinderziektes

Hier nog een stukje over A2 melk:Positive comments about A2 Milk by UK Doctor

“I sent a rapid response dated 15 January 2013, drawing attention to the level of diabetes in different countries being proportional to the level of A1 milk consumption. I said there was no hope of improving UK the level of type 1 diabetes due to the unavailability of A2 milk. I was wrong. A2 milk has been available in some UK supermarkets since October 2012. A dairy company is genetically testing their cows. Milk from A2 producing cows is then being sold separately to milk from A1 producing cows.

As I described it is the peptide BCM-7, produced by the digestion of A1 milk, that causes type 1 diabetes. BCM-7 is linked to various other diseases. For example the oxidation of LDL particles in artery walls by BCM-7 leads to plaque formation and>coronary artery disease. These claims cannot be used to market A2 milk because of the risk of litigation from companies that sell the majority of milk which is from A1 producing cows. A2 milk is therefore advertised on the grounds that it tastes creamier and causes less frequent digestive problems than A1 milk. BCM-7 causes constipation and bloating due to its opiate like action.

It is feasible that all A1 dairy products could one day be replaced with A2 products. Hopefully soon A2 cream, yoghurt and butter will be available. If we are very lucky unpasteurised A2 milk from 100% grass fed animals might be available to those that prefer this type of milk. If the public was aware of the harm caused by A1 milk, demand for A2 milk might eliminate A1 milk from our diets.”

The above comment was posted by UK General Practioner Dr Neville from Hertfordshire on the BMJ website and gives a positive endorsement for A2 milk


Kan iemand mij in het kort vertellen wat in hemelsnaam het verschil is tussen A1 en A2 melk? En wat het überhaupt is? Want kennelijk is dit van belang...

Ik ben allang blij dat ik rauwe gras gevoerde biologische melk en kefir heb kunnen vinden redelijk dicht bij mij in de buurt.

Als ik dan ook nog moet gaan kijken of deze A1 of A2 zijn en dan eventueel een ander moet zoeken omdat het de verkeerde A is dan word ik gek! :mrgreen:

m.a.w. hier houd het voor mij persoonlijk op.

Hier nog een artikel:

Can Milk Help Autism? including list of suppliers PDF Print E-mail

Guernsey milk in the News:

Channel 5 News contacted me a few weeks ago as they were interested in the A2 properties of Guernsey Milk. Derek Moody of Prosperous Home Farm at Hungerford had put them in touch as they wanted to know about the background information.

88% of the protein in milk is Beta Casein and the varients are A1, A2, B, C, D and E. But in practical terms the important Casein's are A1 and A2. Genetically cows can be one of 3 Genotypes A1xA1, A1xA2 and A2xA2 but the genes are codominant so that a cow that is A1xA2 will give half her milk as A1 protein and half as A2. For more information regarding the science take a look at the A2Corporation website.

Guernseys produce milk that is naturally high in the protein Beta Casein A2, all of the tests that EGCS have initiated in the UK have proven the milk to have more than 90% of the Beta Casein present as the A2 variant.

There are other breeds with A2 cows but at a much lower level eg Jerseys are typically 40% A2 whilst the ubiquitous Holstein is at around 15% A2.

The proven difference between Beta Casein A1 and Beta Casein A2 occurs during digestion when the A1 protein gives rise to beta- casomorphin 7 whilst the A2 protein does not release this.

It is thought that the beta-casomorphin is responsible for the adverse health effects, but more research is needed.

Professor Woodford in New Zealand has brought all the various research papers together in a book titled "the Devil in the Milk" and this makes a persuasive case for those in the vulnerable groups to seek out and change to Guernsey milk.

Sainsburys in the UK did for a while use Guernsey milk in their "Taste the Difference" range but have now changed to a mix of predominantly Jersey milk, Tesco Finest is also a mix of Jersey and Guernsey milk.

There are a few Guernsey Producer Retailers and I will list their contact numbers and range of products separately.

Human milk, Goat milk, Sheep milk and Buffalo milk are all A2 milks and it is probably significant that those who suffer from "milk intolerance" change to these milks to alleviate their symptoms.

If you would like more detail please contact me directly, I would like to thank Catherine Jones and Emma Slifkin of Channel 5 for their interest and the way they have presented the potential benefits of Guernsey milk to the general public.


Paradogma lees dit maar is door:




Lees de hier volgende maar is goed na:

Update: I neglected to address the A1 vs. A2 issue with milk. Here's a study.

This review outlines a hypothesis that A1 one of the common variants of beta-casein, a major protein in cows milk could facilitate the immunological processes that lead to type I diabetes (DM-I). It was subsequently suggested that A1 beta-casein may also be a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), based on between-country correlations of CHD mortality with estimated national consumption of A1 beta-casein in a selected number of developed countries. A company, A2 Corporation was set up in New Zealand in the late 1990s to test cows and market milk in several countries with only the A2 variant of beta-casein, which appeared not to have the disadvantages of A1 beta-casein. The second part of this review is a critique of the A1/A2 hypothesis. For both DM-I and CHD, the between-country correlation method is shown to be unreliable and negated by recalculation with more countries and by prospective studies in individuals. The animal experiments with diabetes-prone rodents that supported the hypothesis about diabetes were not confirmed by larger, better standardised multicentre experiments. The single animal experiment supporting an A1 beta-casein and CHD link was small, short, in an unsuitable animal model and had other design weaknesses. The A1/A2 milk hypothesis was ingenious. If the scientific evidence had worked out it would have required huge adjustments in the world's dairy industries. This review concludes, however, that there is no convincing or even probable evidence that the A1 beta-casein of cow milk has any adverse effect in humans. This review has been independent of examination of evidence related to A1 and A2 milk by the Australian and New Zealand food standard and food safety authorities, which have not published the evidence they have examined and the analysis of it. They stated in 2003 that no relationship has been established between A1 or A2 milk and diabetes, CHD or other diseases.

Now here's Mat "The Kraken" Lalonde, PhD, on someone's Facebook thread a while back.

The whole A2 versus A1 milk issue was a fabrication by New Zealand farmers who wanted to sell more milk fro their A2 producing cows. Anyone with basic chemistry and biochemistry knowledge can cut through the arguments that were provided by the A2 side. The original studies were in vitro and did not use the full spectrum of enzymes that human beings possess for digestion. Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV and Prolyl Endopeptidase have the ability to shred BCM7 to pieces. For more information see: (a) Teschemaker, H.; Umbach, M.; Hamel, U.; Praetorius, K.; Ahert-Hilder, G.; Brantl, V.; Lottspeich, F.; Henschen, A. J. No Evidence for the Presence of b-Casomorphins in Human Plasma After Ingestion of Cow’s Milk or Milk Products. Dairy Res. 1986, 53, 135–138. (b) Hill, J. P.; Crawford, R. A.; Boland, M. J. Milk and Consumer Health: A Review of the Evidence for a Relationship Between the Consumption of Beta Casein A1 with Heart Disease and Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Proc. NZ Soc. Animal Production 2002, 62, 111–114. (c) Truswell, A. S. The A2 Milk Case: A Critical Review. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005, 59, 623–631. (d) Chin-Dusting, J.; Shennan, J.; Jones, E.; Williams, C.; Kingwell, B.; Dart, A. Effect of Dietary Supplementation with b-Casein A1 or A2 on Markers of Disease Development in Individuals at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. British Journal of Nutrition. 2006, 95, 136–144


The effects of BMC7 are only manifested when the molecule is injected into human beings or lab animals. They do not manifest when the molecule is ingested. BMC7 is not detected in the guts of human beings when A1 milk is ingested. That is because of what I've mentioned earlier. The in vitro tests originally used to detect and isolate BMC7 did not have the full spectrum of human digestive enzymes. Human beings are fully capable of digesting BMC7. It is true that BMC7 is problematic when isolated from incomplete in vitro digestion and injected into human beings. However, there are no detrimental effects noted when A1 milk or BMC7 is ingested because human beings digest BMC7. Now if your view is that milk is unhealthy, fine. Just don't use BMC7 to justify your position. Milk is calorically dense and not very satiating (liquids do not cause a whole lot of stomach distension), as such, it is easily over consumed. This can lead to weight gain excess calcium and other problems. Add lactose and casein intolerance to the mix and you have plenty of legitimate reasons to avoid dairy. BMC7 is not one of them, however.

En wat zegt Mike erover:



Learning all the time, Poekie. De boodschap is: niet teveel inzitten over dat A1/A2-verhaal en lekker genieten van rauwmelkse zuivel. Ik weet van verschillende mensen die zich met rauwe melk hebben geheeld van slopende ziektes, met A1-melk welteverstaan.


ik heb net nog 56 liter melk gehaald bij Matthijs (Organic). Niet alleen voor mezelf hoor :wink:

Misschien moet mijn forumnaam maar veranderd worden in Melkmeisje :mrgreen:


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