The Great Awakening

Everything in this matrix is built by inversion and distortion. We are constantly in a battle with negative man made frequencies, it's all by design to keep you within a certain bandwidth. Not only keeping you in fear and confusion, but to prevent you from realizing your true nature. This is a true war of the frequencies.

Once you figure out the Shadow Cabal that ran the US Government and still runs about 2 dozen of the other Western countries [UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, Italy, France, Germany, Ukraine, Israel, etc.] is the world's largest human/sex/arms/drugs trafficking network, a lot of what you're watching out there will suddenly start making sense.

Do you know the old saying? Courage isn't the absence of fear. It is doing what needs done when you are the most scared.

Strength isn't the absence of weakness. It is continuing forward when all you want to do is quit.

Love isn't the absence of hate. It is putting aside that anger when all you want to do is attack.

Faith isn't the absence of doubt. It is holding onto God when you no longer can hear His voice.

The things we look towards being the best qualities of man always mean the most when they are founded in our weakest and darkest moments.

We keep saying that people with the greatest faith must hear God's voice the loudest.

I would argue that it comes from those who hear His voice the least.

Have faith.

Recently, a well known journalist who I greatly admire spoke negatively about those of us who are anonymous.

They think that we aren’t risking as much as they are and that we could have a greater impact and be more legitimate by using our real identity.

While I do not believe they were meaning to offend anyone, I absolutely was offended.

Regardless of my reason for being anonymous, or any of the other anons, to minimize our credibility, legitimacy, or how great of an impact we can have is absolutely ridiculous.

Each of us lets our work determine our credibility, whether we are anonymous or use our real name.

There is a countless number of anons who have far more credibility and positive impact in the truth movement than a countless number of professional journalists.

In fact, because we are anonymous, many of us are far more vulnerable and heartfelt with our followers, and this leads to a plethora of real and genuine friendships.

We build trust and have bonds with people that will last a lifetime.

Where We Go One, We Go All.


The armies of darkness think they can be God. They are fools. The Satanists and one's who align to their agenda are simply puppets to the demonic realm.

In the end all of the corrupt people and armies of darkness are only alive and breathing because God has a purpose for them, even if it's only for a grandiose display of why evil can never win and why God's plan is astronomically better than the new world order.

Mathew 10:28
"And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

To the elites who have signed a contract with evil: You are on the wrong side of history. There is no path to victory. The Lord is good and can break your contract. Jesus is mighty and will humiliate His enemies. I can promise you He is laughing at your puppet masters thinking they have any chance to oppose God Almighty. If God desired it they would turn to ash in an instant.

Accept the inevitable - God wins.


Soms zou ik ook wel eens weg willen kijken, maar ik kan het niet…

Wegkijken is instemmen met het kwaad en dat kan ik niet…

Mijn ogen zijn nu eenmaal geopend, sluiten kan ik ze niet…

Af en toe even afstand nemen en de accu weer opladen, maar langdurig kan ik dat niet…

Me geen zorgen maken, is buiten alle realiteit en kan ik niet…

Alles maar voor waar aannemen, kan ik niet…

Doen alsof er niets aan de hand is, kan ik niet…

Wat kan je dan eigenlijk wel ?
Zoveel, en meer dan een ander denkt of ik zelf denk….

Maar bovenal zelf denken en mezelf zijn !

Depressief ? Nee hoor, iedere dag met vreugde trachten te vullen, ondanks druk en tegenstand, werkend aan een menswaardiger bestaan.
JFK murdered by Bush Sr?!

House of Mirrors. 💥 Ever wonder why Bush Sr was burried with a wrinkled flag draped over his casket?

Or why did the mysterious envelopes got handed out to the deepstate swamp monsters at his funeral?

Intentional narrative seeding.

💥George H. W. Bush was responsible for murdering JFK.💥

This clip will explain so much for those that haven't looked into this.

Everything has a reason.

The Bush crime family was responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans if you start to figure in, not only the murder of JFK. But also 9/11 and trading guns to the Iran Contras, for drugs they flooded our American streets with.

The Biden psyop. How long has this operation really been taking place?

Watch this clip through.


Is it all starting to make sense yet.?

JFK murdered by Bush Sr?!

House of Mirrors. 💥 Ever wonder why Bush Sr was burried with a wrinkled flag draped over his casket?

Or why did the mysterious envelopes got handed out to the deepstate swamp monsters at his funeral?

Intentional narrative seeding.

💥George H. W. Bush was responsible for murdering JFK.💥

This clip will explain so much for those that haven't looked into this.

Everything has a reason.

The Bush crime family was responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans if you start to figure in, not only the murder of JFK. But also 9/11 and trading guns to the Iran Contras, for drugs they flooded our American streets with.

The Biden psyop. How long has this operation really been taking place?

Watch this clip through.


Is it all starting to make sense yet.?


There was a video floating around recently that I believe Trump retruthed. In that video it showed Bush at the Book Depository on the day JFK was shot. Then there was a picture of Bush and Ford together. I have little doubt Bush Sr was highly involved. So much so he got to be the head of the CIA, and POTUS. Ford got to be POTUS as well, for being on the Warren Commission. No coincidences.


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