
MSM is saying if Trump wins, they will be arrested & sent to GITMO.
(MSM sounds defeated)

What if I told you that's not propaganda or a narrative. It's all about perspective. If MSM is innocent, it's propaganda. If MSM is guilty, it's panic. I can prove they're guilty.

Guilty = Treason

Was al voorbij gekomen maar nu even uitleg in Nederlands:

Wat als het allemaal bij het spel hoort😉 already arrested! In de Simpsons "voorspellen" ze ook al de dood van Trump. En wie zit er achter de Simpsons? Ik maak mij niet druk. Ze staan allemaal schaak, het zijn de laatste zetten tot ze allemaal Schaakmat staan🙏🏻
Laatst bewerkt:
These Marxists sharing their deepest fears---seem to understand that the new totalitarian world order about which they enthuse will be undone by the populist President Trump. They hate the American people and our way of life--because despite them, America remains a free country, a Constitutional republic, not a marxist utopia governed by a malignant, deviant order of authoritarian globalist elites. No matter their designs, we will prevail and so will the Republic.

So let me get this straight:
Alexander Soros was just seen at the World Economic Forum with his pedophile buddies stuttering and whimpering about how Trump took everything away from them. They continue to say that he's an existential crisis to the "world order" which is really a hidden one world order crafted by the elites for decades and now he's sending out blatant can't miss comms about President Trump being shot.
If this doesn't tell you that Trump is way over the target, then I don't know what will.
We must protect this man at all costs.
These people are terrified because they know nothing can stop what is coming.
Pray for Trump.
We are winning.


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