
The fact the establishment is attempting to bribe Kari Lake into leaving politics is all the endorsement she needs. This proves she is over the target. Listen to what she had to say in response.🔥🔥
"You can't buy me. I wouldn't take a million. I wouldn't take ten million. I wouldn't take 20 million. I wouldn't take a billion dollars. Our country is on the line right now. The future of our country. Our children's future is on the line right now. We've got to stop being ruled by the Almighty dollar....
Washington DC is afraid of people who will stand up for We the People. And that's why they are always constantly going after President Trump. He's a threat to Washington DC, he's a threat to the corrupt system. ..
The people need to know what is happening in politics and government. We need to clean this mess up. It is a filthy dirty swamp. It's not just in DC. It is in state capitols across the country. The people are weary and tired and they want some straight shooters and ethical people to represent them...
I don't care if that corruption is on the left or the right, we've got to root this out... For someone try to bribe me, it's almost laughable. I walked away from my career, a seven figure contract, because I didn't want to do propaganda, because that's what the news has become." @KariLake @KariLakeWarRoom


Don't over look this...

Pay attention here....

This is a SHOW TRIAL.

The fix was already in before it began.

The judge had **already decided** to believe E. Jean Carroll's obvious lies.

According to the JUDGE, this trial is NOT ABOUT whether Donald J. Trump raped Carroll.

According to the JUDGE, that issue is already decided.

What this trial is about is how many MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Trump is going to be forced to pay Carroll for **lying** about his raping her and **defaming her** in several public statements that he made.

Remember, and focus on this and remember it:

Whatever ruling this Judge hands down, Trump is going to IMMEDIATELY APPEAL IT, and the entire freaking case is so toxically unfair and out of bounds that that appeal will be SUCCESSFUL.

Same as with the show trial with Judge Engoronnagetreversed on the supposed fraudulent business filings case, also in NY state.

No one believes this crap.

What's funny is that DNC inteligencia has apparently come to the conclusion that it's so bad for Joe right now that they have decided on a plan.

A plan, mind you, so cunning and brilliant that it's basically explained as them waging a faux PR war (coordinated and amplified by the compliant fake news media) aimed at trying to out Trump, Trump with schoolyard taunts.

If true, based on everything we've learned to date, this is a terrible strategy with zero chance of success.

Good or them!😆

The second part of their plan was probably using Nikki all along as an attack dog.

An attack dog who would almost certainly (and conveniently) bow out before the election to help try and funnel a hefty percentage of her followers over to Joe.

The larger idea is to weaken/split the GOP party base to give their candidate, THE SITTING PRESIDENT, a chance of winning.

This represents their best option.
I shit you not.😄
Patently absurd theater.
And it will fail.

Trump was right about the wall

As the border crisis has reached critical mass, now would be a good time to look back and acknowledge just how spot-on Donald Trump was about illegal immigration, the wall, and the border.

Joe Biden immediately exacerbated the crisis by preventing the completion of Trump's border wall in 2020.

The border is about national security, the safety of women and children, the drug epidemic, and importing Democrat votes.

It's time for America to admit it.

Donald Trump was right.
Build and complete the wall.

I truly do not understand this. She had zero evidence, could not even name the YEAR this event took place, and she is obviously nuts, having said publicly that she has rape fantasies. Oh and she named her pet cat Vagina. Even if the jury hates Trump, how can this stand? There is not even a hint of proof. Oh yeah and it was twenty years ago (or 19, or 21...she isn't sure). This was a planned hit job from the beginning and they even changed the existing law to do it.

President Trump did more than any president in history to end child sex trafficking!

The media refused to cover this — why?

“That’s because they know he’s going to finish the job he started his first term…and that includes the elites and all the cabal members involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s ring.”



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