Buteyko-ademhaling en suikerziekte (beetje slecht engels vanuit het russisch, maar wel interessante tekst - herkomst tekst: “Doctor Butenko’s Discovery” trilogy Sergey Altoukhov Novosibirsk 4 August 2000.):
How is diabetes being cured by Buteyko’s method? It is general position. And what else can we advice to diabetics? Practical advises by diabetics training.
1) Do not forget, what your knees must be slightly lowered under the chair! Its must not stick up (upwards). I gave that advice to woman, with suffered from headache. But it is need and other patients. Buteyko explained only one time why knees must be slightly lowered under the chair. It was found, that muscles of the stomach weaken more better in that position. I wrote word by word. I one from of twelve physicians on tour (former members of medical conspiracy). There were no one from of them, who took the pen. They were lazy. And I wrote. And give to you. It is very important!!
2) Diabetics must not train VERY forcedly. It is direct advice of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. Remember it. Why is it not allowed to give very intensive training to diabetics? Answer is simple. More haste less speed. You see, diabetic it is insulin addict. And it is possible narcotic breaking – if he would leave insulin very quickly. In two – three days for example… This breaking is not without fail. But it is possible! I tell to every concrete diabetic in studies in what rhythm he must conduct training. I see his concrete condition. But there are causes in our studies, when insulin dose is lowered twice and even in three times in ten days. There are and perfect refusals. Natasha Toropova lowered (in ten days) insulin dose from 28 units up to 6 units in twenty hours. That question patient decides together with methodologist.
3) Diabetics! Do not be afraid, that sugar content in the blood would be more of norm. Twofold exceeding of sugar norm in the blood is admitted in VEDB method (Volitional Elimination of Deep Breathing). Sugar is not poisonous! Do not be afraid. The main is – good feeling. Buteyko explains The cause of illness is not rise of sugar content in the blood. It is shortage of insulin! That shortage is begotten by deficit of CO2. Deficit of CO2 causes spasm of vessels. Oxygen exchange becomes worse. And pancreas works badly. Shortage of insulin causes lowering of sugar entering in the cell. Organism is forced to rise of sugar content in the blood and by force to push it into the cell. The rise of sugar content in the blood is even useful in that moment. The level of sugar content in the blood can not be criterion of abolition, or rise of insulin. We take for criterion – General condition of the man. Buteyko affirms so. Our treatment – is inverse to that, how conventional medicine treats diabetes!. Medical men adds insulin by rise of sugar. But we affirm – sugar can not be lowered by insulin below of twofold norm! It is need to lower it by accumulation of CO2. With the help of VEDB method.
4) Diabetics must pass on Buteyko’s nourishment. These are gruel in the main. Millet gruel. Oatmeal gruel. Buteyko does not low to give that advice at once. Because the main treatment – it is training of breathing!! But Buteyko declares – one transition of diabetic to gruel gives 30% relief of diabetes. That is you will be more healthy in one third. So long as heave food gives deep breathing. Gruel gives not deep breathing. Organism spends less of energy for it’s digesting. How it seems that simply.
- Regulation of insulin dose by the level of sugar maintenance in blood is absurdity! It is flagrant error. Buteyko knew very well, who set before him. - You see, they do not know real cause of insulin shortage. It is Deep Breathing of sick man! That breathing compress patient’s vessels. Strains and pancreas. Production of insulin decreases as a result. And only diminution of breathing depth can cure patient.
Nog twee passages over de gewenste lichaamshouding tijdens de ademhalingsoefeningen:
All sick men want to know details of method. Small details. Vladimir had such detail. I advised to him to straighten shoulders so, that spine did not protrude as hump between shoulder -blades.
- Why, is it necessary to press by hands on stomach?- Valeriy asked confusedly. - Because stomach mast be weakened in method – answered I to him. If stomach will be weakened, that and respiratory diaphragm will be weakened. And the depth of breathing will be diminished. The old surgeon was shaking by his head, but was sitting down humbly on the corner of chair for training. - Uplift your pupils upwards – prompted I to father-in-law. - Only do not uplift the head