Bedankt kaaskanlekkerzijn,
Ik denk dat de klachten van m'n 2e ronde DMSA vooral kwamen omdat ik de dosis elke 3,5 uur (ipv 4 uur) ging nemen, waardoor ik in feite de dosis verhoogde ten opzichte van ronde 1.
Dus ik ga toch die 12,5 mg ALA proberen, om de 3 uur overdag en om de 4 uur 's nachts.
Misschien werkt die candida tekst link niet omdat je ervoor ingelogd moet zijn op het frequent dose chelation forum.
Dit is de tekst:
Neutrophils, yeast and DMSA
copyright 2002 Andrew Hall Cutler
Many people have reported yeast flare ups with DMSA.
DMSA is known to lower neutrophil numbers. Neutrophils are in charge of killing
off extra yeast. Mercury is known to inhibit some of the specific chemistry
neutrophils use to kill yeast.
Here are some things that help with neutrophils in case people want to try them.
Arginine increases neutrophil production of NO, which neutrophils use to kill
yeast. If you give too much arginine without lysine then you may increase
susceptibility to certain viral infections. Adding some lysine fixes this.
Taurine increases neutrophil ability to withstand their own OCl- (bleach) which
they also use to kill yeast.
The product "neutrophil plus" by Biotics increases neutrophil number. It is a
glandular extract. Biotics sells to licensed health care practitioners only.
Lithium increases neutrophil numbers. Lithium orotate is available from Vitamin
Research Products over the counter, or lithium carbonate is Rx as Eskalith.
These are typically used for manic depressive disorder but may also benefit
people with abnormal brain electrical activity.
Ornithine alpha ketoglutarate increases neutrophil numbers.
Neutrophils need lots of zinc, which of course is always a problem for mercury
poisoned people.
Goldenseal and other berberine containing materials may increase neutrophil
number or activity.
DMG greatly increases antibody production and lymphocyte function. It is not
clear if it also stimulates neutrophils.
Cimetidine (Tagamet) the anti-stomach acid H2 blocker may increase neutrophil
number or function. It also generally increases immune system reactivity.
DMG and cimetidine may make allergic people MORE allergically
Other over the counter anti-yeast things are:
Caprylic acid which is also in most liquid MCT supplements as the triglyceride
and is also in coconut oil in substantial amount,
Aloe Vera gel,
Garlic (which is sulfury),
Grapefruit Seed Extract (which also slows down phase 1 a LOT),
and oregano oil (which is icky for people with slow phase 1).
Biotin may also help control yeast and is very helpful for those with difficulty
regulating blood sugar, or elevated pyruvate, or trouble metabolizing certain
amino acids,
probiotics help supply "healthy" organisms to compete with the yeast and push it
FOS (fructooligosacccarides) feed the "healthy" organisms,
and there are of course the Rx antifungals.
Hopefully this list gives people enough things to try that they can find one or
two that are practical for them.
Andy . . . . . .