Zo vlak voor kerst nog even een
feel-good (uiteindelijk) verhaal uit 2013 van een vrouw die ook kwikvergiftiging had door amalgaamvullingen. Maar volgens de FDA en ADA zijn amalgaamvullingen dus veilig. Right...
It was 13 years ago, when I can recall how good I felt. Young, vibrant, athletic, happy, and very sociable.
It all began by having a dental visit to remove 2 silver fillings and replaced with another silver filling. I can vividly remember the drilling sound, eyes wide open, nasal passages clear as a whistle; looking forward til the filling was replaced so I could get this appointment over with
1 week later, I began to experience sinus issues. It progressively got worse over the next few weeks. I found it very odd to all of a sudden experience severe allergies. I literally could not breathe... It was so bad I would get anxiety from the lack of oxygen.
Of course, I had no connection at all to link this to my Silver fillings. I began a course of allergy testing, nasal drops... Antihistamines...Anything to bring me comfort.
As more time passed I began to feel "off"! As though my brain , head didn't feel right. It was so difficult to describe. I began to experience body aches, horrible anxiety attacks.
I suspected it was city living and needed to move away to the north end, which didn't change a thing. This all happened in 2002
I decided in 2006 to have my all my silver fillings removed and replaced with white composites... Because they look better!
I had a total of 11 amalgams removed in period of 5 weeks.
Things spiraled into a living hell! Severe Insomnia, anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, constant body aches, Brain fog, anti- social, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing, hypoglycemia, intolerant to heat, horrible mood swings, ADD, candida, food sensitivities, light sensitivity, chemical sensitivity, frequent urination, adrenal fatigue, under active thyroid.
I was in a state of suicidal. I began to lose hope that I could ever recover from all these symptoms. The fear of not knowing was killing me. No one really understood ,I was judged for being a " party pooper", "your always so tired and frustrated".
Doctors were completely useless in my personal opinion. I was forced to dig for my own answers....
That was the day that I realized I needed to be my own doctor.
It all started when I stumbled across one of the major causes of candida- HEAVY METALS, I began to explore all the different metals and the symptoms associated with it.
I stumbled across Andy Cutler; I was unsure... How can I trust his information, how do I know his protocol is the right one. Voila! I found the FDC group, joined in late 2010. I ordered Andy Cutlers book - it confirmed I was mercury poisoned! That was the best day of my life despite all the healing I was in for.
There would be no way I could do this without the group. I was terrified to begin but knew I had to do this to get well. I HOPED!
The bigger risk was not doing this; geez... What a mess I would be 10 more years from now... Like it wasn't bad enough... !
I have been chelating for just over 2 years. I began chelating with DMPS alone 5 mg for 1 month... With no side effects.
I began chelating with DMPS (5mg) and ALA 3 mg)
I always did great on round... Off round in the The early stages my gut issues ( candida) exasperated , body temperatures would drop severely, I would wake up in cold sweats from hypoglycemia.
Insomnia was my worst issue of all. I could barely find the strength to eat, or speak a word. My head was in a constant haze. Life seemed unbearable.
That little voice was there to guide me through it... I had to continue -- slow and easy.
I supplemented with MAGnesium- glycinate 6 caps daily, Epsom salt baths, LIOPSOMAL C, vit E, B, zinc, lithium, adrenal cortex (250 mg ) 5 caps daily, vit A, Vit D, taurine, selenium, P5P, biotin ( 7 caps daily - 5000mcg, probiotics, digestive enzymes, flax oil.
My diet consisted of mainly protein, lettuce, zucchini, squash, no gluten, no dairy, no sugars ( some fruit).
I am happy to report I have been chelating every weekend 3 days on 4 days off. I increased my doses gradually with no major symptoms-- all manageable but a little uncomfortable. I reached 200 mg of ALA by February '2013 with no side effects. I Recently lost my beloved poodle in march which cause a set back with adrenals. I have now bounced back and began chelating again in June - did 1 round at 100 mg to test with no problems. I am now chelating every other weekend at 200mg
Insomnia- 50%
Adrenals- 65%
Chronic fatigue- 80%
ADD- 70%
Anxiety -100%
Hypoglycemia- 100%
Frequent urination- 100%
Candida- 70%
Social gatherings- 75%
Athletic ability-75%
Body aches- 75%
Heart palpitations- 100%
Brain fog-90%
Trouble swallowing -100%
Light sensitivity- 80%
Chemical sensitivity- 80%
Intolerant to heat- 85%
Mood- 75%
Suicide thoughts- GONE!
I only take magnesium, zinc, vit e, biotin, vit C, flax oil, vit. B
1 adrenal cap (250mg) daily. May need an extra depending on sleep. I can eat some gluten, dairy, and fruits.
I hope this has given many new members hope and the will to continue on this path of healing.
One thing i have learned through this experience- is to not have expectations on a deadline because it can create a false sense of hope. progress may be slow... But it is worth the bumps and struggles for a future of good health.
I still have more chelation under my belt... In the meantime I am enjoying this process now , because 2 years ago - life was a living hell...
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Great to be here and relate to the hard days as some of you may be experiencing. It does get better ...
So amazing to see hair tests in the 800's.
Thank you Andy Cutler for helping us-